07-09-2014, 08:26 AM
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: * Choosing to work with love/light rather just 'love'
Love/light as Love/Wisdom? Not Love alone which leads to martyrdom?
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote:Quote:Ra:
However, if this same entity, being biased from the depths of its mind/body/spirit complex towards love/light, were then to accept responsibility for each moment of the time/space accumulation of present moments available to it, such an entity can empower its progress in much the same way as we described the empowering of the call of your social complex distortion to the Confederation.
taking responsibility for each moment of your life. A powerful step forward.
Since I'm looking deep into this Wisdom right now I may make too literal associations. Nevertheless I've bolded part that was refering to part of Illusion We do not have conscious access to - time/space.
As it is said: "(...)were then to accept responsibility for each moment of the time/space accumulation(...)" - I understand it as each action in space/time has its reflection it time/space - and they all are cumulating there. I think it may be seen as many different energy patterns shifts/allocations as well as dispersion/concentration.
Of course our actions in space/time are paramount as here resides our conscious mind which may do the Work. When Ra spoke of "responsibility" I think he was refering to impact of not only Our behaviour but also its fundament - intention - on our "Wholeness" - that include Part of Self not available to us consciously.
In my opinion it translate itself as "detailed data banks" of our entire life/lesson. Everything You do and think is "recorded" as reflection/shape/energy accumulation in time/space. It doesn't matter if "someone saw You" while You were doing something or if You were "caught" - Everything became part of You in time/space.
No matter how bad (or good for that matter) You feel about what You have done, there's no confession, no absolution that can bring a relief to You, but to Accept Self. All your experience is now part of You. Accumulation of this experience is a Growth.
At least that's my current understanding.
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: * Seeing the Creator in all places, and all spaces
everything around you is a manifestation/expression/living embodiment of intelligent infinity ('the oneness'). It all comes, and is expressed, from the one place - The One Infinite Creator. There is inherent unity. Perception (and choosing one's attitudes, and applying the desire to 'see') makes this a more conscious experience of that 'oneness'.
Yes, this is my understanding as well. To seek authenticity, for One to open eyes and truly Gaze at the Creation, as it is, not filtered by local, planetary systems of understanding/dwelling/evaluating - this all is an Act of Will.
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: * Working with your unique physical vehicle
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. Each mind/body/spirit or mind/body/spirit complex has an existence simultaneous with that of creation. It is not dependent upon any physical vehicle. However, in order to evolve, change, learn, and manifest the Creator the physical vehicles appropriate to each density are necessary.
Your query implied that physical vehicles accelerated growth. The more accurate description is that they permit growth.
Having a space/time 3d incarnated body can seem like a drag at times. It needs cleaning, it needs maintenance, it needs feeding. It gets tired, it needs sleep. And yet, through this limited window of experience, it can also intensify joys and provide a mechanism for connecting to other selves.
For most - I think at some level for Us all as well - our current physical vehicle is "Us" - it is Our Self as We can see/experience it, and which experiences are shared by Other-Selves. Than there's Our Inner/Spiritual side that speaks to us with symbols and synchronicities of Events* - it requires of reposal of trust in sometimes non-logical things/aspects of Self/reasoning.
*Event to Event, Event to Event-in-Self, Event-in-Self to Event, Event-in-Self to Event-in-Self, etc.
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: The physical vehicle is both an expression of one's current state, as well as an invaluable feedback mechanism for the thinking of the mind.
You've intrigued me with this statement. Especially "thinking of the mind". Could You please write more about it?
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: Rather than seeing the body as a 'drag', and luggage that the mind has to move from place to place, it really is an integral part of the self and the chosen incarnation.
It may also be seen as a Vessel with all distorsions that We need to balance/resolve in order to evolve. By that I mean everything it is or it is not capable of - including social and psychic activity.
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: Learn to work with the body, identify it's limitations, and even extend what you think it's current working parameters are.
The first step, as always, is to work with mental distortions, to understand deeper roots. But the body is with us side-by-side on this journey, and has anchored us to the third density every beating breath in this incarnation. Does it not deserve some gratitude and attention for that? I can tell you, in my 37 years, this body of mine has been the most patient of STO entities
Living life in this body/vehicle is manifestation of my utter respect and gratitude toward it. To think of Self as this body is to give it utmost of our love and admiration.
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: never forget that we have absolute volition in determining our reaction to reality. There are some things in our collective environment which are not determined by any one individual, but rather is the melding point of group will, but we can always choose our response. That response can either be more loving ... or less loving. Our choice.
Yes, RA often underlined that it is Our Free Will that We are all here. It took me a while to understand it. But to reach level when all body reactions are consciousnessly made require huge amount of work/discipline - also work in Mind. I think this is a Fakir path. To master the body.
May "loving less" be loving without showing it to Other-Selves but always tries to respect/understand/accept each aspect of Other-Self ?