(05-29-2014, 11:40 AM)xise Wrote: 1) Accepting all is the ideal. As you point out, even in 4D it's not possible to accept all and enslavement of the self is rejected. However, consider this exception is when the situation basically involves the removal of free will. Most actions on the physical plane may infringe your physical reality choices but do not actually removal your free will as the 4D enslavement situation you quote does.
2) More importantly and more relevant to non-absolute free will removal situations, acceptance is a state of being and is a relationship to the present. You can do many of the exact same acts from a place of acceptance or from a place of control/rejection - it's more about your emotional relationship to what's going on. It's not healthy to believe that acceptance means that you roll over. Even if you accept that there are murderers, I think you can defend yourself from murder (you still have free will even if you are killed, as your soul continues, it's not like total enslavement) - if you truly accept the existence of murders, I think your emotional response during such self-defense to be still love (and it may help you deepen your understanding of why people murder), while self-defending from a place of rejection/control will substantially change your emotional state during said self-defense (ie you'll probably get much more angry and upset at some level due to the rejection/control and you'll probably control that anger and use again it at a later date).
I do like your definition. It's one of those cases when we really need a new word, because the word "acceptance" implies too much permissiveness. Ambiguity of words is a large problem both in law, and now, spirituality.. Ugh.
The funny thing is I had to look up the word "acceptance" in Black's law fifth yesterday to write a real estate deed template. Just kinda funny

(05-29-2014, 12:07 PM)Adonai One Wrote: Is not acceptance of all things an acceptance of one's desires and the desire of others in unison?
Well yes, but this definition in the form of a question doesn't help you live your life better - it only creates more questions, so it doesn't really help unless you wish to ponder spiritual questions and the nature of existence all day long.. Meanwhile, I have things to do, and occasionally, I have to p*ss someone off to preserve another person's free will - so when you say I have to accept all things, like a mortgage foreclosure or IRS criminal action, I say "no", I reject those things