05-27-2014, 01:15 AM
(05-26-2014, 06:12 PM)vervex Wrote: There is a thread which I created on another forum 2 days ago. I did not share it here initially as I did not feel comfortable discussing such private matters so openly. However since Immanuel has brought up his side of the experience, I thought "why not". Writing this helps me make sense of some recent and older events. Immanuel and I have been through a lot and while we do our best to remain grounded and positive, we face moments of puzzlement in front of the numerous events that we encountered this past year. If you have time and if you are interested in reading it, here it is: http://www.tealtribe.com/t/about-possession/5413
Keep in mind it is but one interpretation of the issue we are facing. This is perhaps a fraction of all which has happened but it touches most of the core experiences we had as well as the understanding we have of it at this time, seen through my eyes. I welcome feedback if you have any. Thank you
EDIT: If link is broken, try clicking here (this would be a link to the last post - I suggest scrolling up to the top to read that one as well).
EDIT 2: If it still doesn't work (the mysteries of the world wide web are quite appalling today!), try copy/pasting this: tealtribe.com/t/about-possession/5413
And if this doesn't work, well... I have no clue hahaha
EDIT 3: Alright, try this folks! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By7TcEh...sp=sharing
(05-26-2014, 09:10 PM)Adonai One Wrote: I'm only absolute in believing there are no absolutes to believe in. My philosophy is simply this: Everything is true. I genuinely apply this and believe this.
I'm going to offer you some unsolicited advice... If it is unwanted, or unwelcome, I apologize. In which case, just ignore it and go on as you have been.
I agree with you in some sense -- everything is true. What equals truth in your experience is simply whatever vibrations you have active within you. The law of attraction gathers like vibrations to you. You will find evidence for whatever is dominantly activated within you. Vibrations are activated by your attention to them. To the degree they are activated, you call them varying degrees of "reality", varying degrees of "belief". The law of attraction is always on. It doesn't take smoke breaks, or coffee breaks, or bathroom breaks.
You are always coalescing a reality about your consciousness.
Spirit attachments are real. It happens. I've seen people play with ouija boards long enough that they started experiencing real metaphysical poltergeist phenomena in their homes. All sorts of crazy spirit attachments. It's frightening stuff. They would feel people watching them while they slept, while they ate, while they showered. Personal possessions would go missing, lights would turn on by themselves, doors open themselves, they hear footsteps and there is no one there. They would be attacked in their sleep, in their dreams, wake up with scratch marks down their legs. A whole continuum of phenomena ranging from the extreme to the very mundane ominous feeling.
Now here's the thing that is hard for people to accept. There is no assertion in an universe predicated on attraction. Things are always invited by the vibrations you activate through your attention to them. So when you are attacked by a negative spirit, their whole method of attaching themselves to you is a matter of getting you to notice them. The more you notice them, the more active they may become in your experience. You don't invite them through your words, though it can seem that way at times. They are invited through the attention behind those words, the attention behind the thoughts.
I've seen this occur with hauntings, people try to bless the spirits away, to challenge the beings way, invoke a higher power.
Even Ra said regarding negative psychic attacks, "To downgrade these experiences by the use of intellect or the disciplines of will is to invite the prolonging of the effects. Far better then to share in trust such experiences and join hearts and souls in love and light with compassion for the sender and armor for the self."
It is like trying to fight fire with fire. It just makes more fire usually. Most of time, it has little effect, because they are WAY more concentrated on the negative activity than they are the positive higher forces. The higher positive forces are also limited to interaction by the dominant vibrations activated within you. Nobody can usurp your own creative power unless they find a way to voluntarily usurp your attention and consequently, the vibrations activated within you, which are the basis for vibrational attraction in the first place.
It's kind of funny when you get right down to it, though not funny to the one suffering from spirit attachment.
So how to make it go away? You have to a find a way to ignore it. It sounds so simple and easy right? Not so much, it turns out. It is like trying not to think of a pink elephant. You just thought about a pink elephant. You have to stop validating its reality. Kind of ironic that I just created a wall of text *validating* its reality and then proceed to tell you to do the exact opposite of that, haha.
To deactivate a vibration, you have to activate a different vibration. To the degree that the vibration is activated, it will be variably hard to ignore. Thoughts have a sort of momentum to them, you see, and this momentum can be difficult to slow down at first.
The greatest contrast to psychic attack, is the atmosphere of psychic support.
I've seen people get rid of attachments this way. It took a bit of time, but by ignoring haunting activity in their homes it gradually lessened, became a rare occurrence every now and then, and finally ceased altogether. At that point, when the negative momentum has come to a rest, is a great time to start the positive momentum going and do all the lubby dubby new age crystal, salt, sage mumbo jumbo (I'm being facetious haha). The reason being that from a place of extreme negativity, you don't really have vibrational access to thoughts of true positivity. You only have access to thoughts or vibrations within your vibrational range due to the momentum factor I talked about before. Trying to jump too far vibrationally often just results in a backlash of resistance and more deeply entrenching your attention in what currently is, rather than what you desire to be.