04-04-2014, 04:06 PM
Imagine a 19 yr old, who was meant to find Ra material. He starts learning from it, learns about channeling, and then sees spiritual advice that there is no true threat from a third density perspective of possession, channeling. Imagine that.
Go to some conspiracy forums and search for threads, where you have young people (early 20s, teens) discussing occult stuff like its child's play. They discuss it nonchalantly, and some actually go into it. You can even observe the changes from their posts. Look how much turmoil was experienced by fans of Blossom Goodchild and David Wilcox.
The final answer is without any doubt "no fear". From higher density perspective "no fear". From a nice, safe life of a student or middle class person in the west "no fear". But, please everyone reading this thread, in the third density confusion, you better be apprehensive of certain unknowns.
Man, in India, there are whole communities wrapped up in Tantra and random changelings. Leading to immense spiritual confusion, corruption, violence, and emotional traumas for whole families. So, please, someone may be protected by their higher self and family knowing that a young child is playing with changelings, and seeking spiritual expertise, but others on their path may not have as much protection due to myriad of factors and their choices.
Please, my personal take on this. People new to this, be apprehensive, and focus more on spiritual understandings and humility, rather then trying to be spiritual gurus, and messing with changelings. Focus more on love, wisdom of life's challenges, and the spiritual background of life's very essence. On Earth, spiritual channelings have led to more quantitative damage then good. that is why Ra material is so rare amongst thousands upon thousands of changelings throughout history. Just look at Old testament, India's tantra culture, Goodchild's 2008 debacle, Wilcox's 2012 pronouncements and countless other examples.
If someone is in a hurry, or are bored, and they got ants in their pants about channeling, then please, it would be spiritually wise to keep your experiences to your bedroom, and not share your impulsive experiences publicly. Dwell on your experiences, and then share your ideas in a humble, wise manner. This world already has too many Wilcoxes and millions of Indian Babas/Swamis trying to be experts on everything. Philosophies about possesions, channelings should ideally come long, long after you have grounded yourself spiritually.
Though, ofcourse, its all an individual's choice. If someone wants a fast-food type shortcut to your Nirvana, then so be it.
I do love the Breaking News approach to spiritual advice. A1, brother you could be the grandest spiritual expert in your past lives, and maybe headed for a special status in this life, but please, be a little careful when giving advice about channelings and possessions etc. It will take ages to be grounded in these fields. Maybe you already are, but better not to advise others to not be apprehensive about the myriad of challenges in these fields.
Go to some conspiracy forums and search for threads, where you have young people (early 20s, teens) discussing occult stuff like its child's play. They discuss it nonchalantly, and some actually go into it. You can even observe the changes from their posts. Look how much turmoil was experienced by fans of Blossom Goodchild and David Wilcox.
The final answer is without any doubt "no fear". From higher density perspective "no fear". From a nice, safe life of a student or middle class person in the west "no fear". But, please everyone reading this thread, in the third density confusion, you better be apprehensive of certain unknowns.
Man, in India, there are whole communities wrapped up in Tantra and random changelings. Leading to immense spiritual confusion, corruption, violence, and emotional traumas for whole families. So, please, someone may be protected by their higher self and family knowing that a young child is playing with changelings, and seeking spiritual expertise, but others on their path may not have as much protection due to myriad of factors and their choices.
Please, my personal take on this. People new to this, be apprehensive, and focus more on spiritual understandings and humility, rather then trying to be spiritual gurus, and messing with changelings. Focus more on love, wisdom of life's challenges, and the spiritual background of life's very essence. On Earth, spiritual channelings have led to more quantitative damage then good. that is why Ra material is so rare amongst thousands upon thousands of changelings throughout history. Just look at Old testament, India's tantra culture, Goodchild's 2008 debacle, Wilcox's 2012 pronouncements and countless other examples.
If someone is in a hurry, or are bored, and they got ants in their pants about channeling, then please, it would be spiritually wise to keep your experiences to your bedroom, and not share your impulsive experiences publicly. Dwell on your experiences, and then share your ideas in a humble, wise manner. This world already has too many Wilcoxes and millions of Indian Babas/Swamis trying to be experts on everything. Philosophies about possesions, channelings should ideally come long, long after you have grounded yourself spiritually.
Though, ofcourse, its all an individual's choice. If someone wants a fast-food type shortcut to your Nirvana, then so be it.
I do love the Breaking News approach to spiritual advice. A1, brother you could be the grandest spiritual expert in your past lives, and maybe headed for a special status in this life, but please, be a little careful when giving advice about channelings and possessions etc. It will take ages to be grounded in these fields. Maybe you already are, but better not to advise others to not be apprehensive about the myriad of challenges in these fields.