The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - Printable Version

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The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - Adonai One - 04-04-2014

Alright, I haven't revealed it but I've been through hell and back messing in the metaphysical. I have concluded that possession, almost in all cases, occurs when you attract a lot of attention to yourself by being of a certain origin in your soul or by messing with certain occult knowledge.

I've experienced it and I am currently experiencing it. The symptoms go as far as your mouth being forced shut for a few moments, random blurbs coming out of your mouth and your body twitching sporadically. And this is with other entities trying to remove it. Depending on the entity, you'll forcibly speak statements that have a very alien syntax while using a demeanor of a 5 year old due to their immaturity in language and/or human experience.

If it gets worst than this, just start praying to the universe and somebody will help you.

I've experienced shocks of forcibly induced insanity, bad channeling full of deception (so easy to spot once it occurs frequently) and every possible worst-case scenario.

Conclusion: There is nothing to fear on this planet metaphysically if you are not out to cause damage to the planet. Even then, you'll get protection of sorts. This universe loves you very much. This planet is very well supported.

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - michael430 - 04-04-2014


RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - Rake - 04-04-2014

It would seem to me your starting to come to terms with things a bit more Adonai, long may it continue.

I'm reading the Aarron and Quo channelings and they enthasis that we are here to learn Love, Compassion and Faith above all things in this density. I feel like I can't stress this enough on these forums sometimes.

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - AnthroHeart - 04-04-2014

I was scared in my experiences by the littlest things, like thinking I was chased by a black hole.
But Ra did help me solve a puzzle that was built by me energetically when I thought I was working with Octaves. Or rather they unraveled the puzzle for me.

I agree with Rake about learning love and compassion and faith. Love most of all to me. I strive to feel love.

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - isis - 04-04-2014

grace of full, hail mary

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - manniz - 04-04-2014

Imagine a 19 yr old, who was meant to find Ra material. He starts learning from it, learns about channeling, and then sees spiritual advice that there is no true threat from a third density perspective of possession, channeling. Imagine that.

Go to some conspiracy forums and search for threads, where you have young people (early 20s, teens) discussing occult stuff like its child's play. They discuss it nonchalantly, and some actually go into it. You can even observe the changes from their posts. Look how much turmoil was experienced by fans of Blossom Goodchild and David Wilcox.

The final answer is without any doubt "no fear". From higher density perspective "no fear". From a nice, safe life of a student or middle class person in the west "no fear". But, please everyone reading this thread, in the third density confusion, you better be apprehensive of certain unknowns.

Man, in India, there are whole communities wrapped up in Tantra and random changelings. Leading to immense spiritual confusion, corruption, violence, and emotional traumas for whole families. So, please, someone may be protected by their higher self and family knowing that a young child is playing with changelings, and seeking spiritual expertise, but others on their path may not have as much protection due to myriad of factors and their choices.

Please, my personal take on this. People new to this, be apprehensive, and focus more on spiritual understandings and humility, rather then trying to be spiritual gurus, and messing with changelings. Focus more on love, wisdom of life's challenges, and the spiritual background of life's very essence. On Earth, spiritual channelings have led to more quantitative damage then good. that is why Ra material is so rare amongst thousands upon thousands of changelings throughout history. Just look at Old testament, India's tantra culture, Goodchild's 2008 debacle, Wilcox's 2012 pronouncements and countless other examples.

If someone is in a hurry, or are bored, and they got ants in their pants about channeling, then please, it would be spiritually wise to keep your experiences to your bedroom, and not share your impulsive experiences publicly. Dwell on your experiences, and then share your ideas in a humble, wise manner. This world already has too many Wilcoxes and millions of Indian Babas/Swamis trying to be experts on everything. Philosophies about possesions, channelings should ideally come long, long after you have grounded yourself spiritually.

Though, ofcourse, its all an individual's choice. If someone wants a fast-food type shortcut to your Nirvana, then so be it.

I do love the Breaking News approach to spiritual advice. A1, brother you could be the grandest spiritual expert in your past lives, and maybe headed for a special status in this life, but please, be a little careful when giving advice about channelings and possessions etc. It will take ages to be grounded in these fields. Maybe you already are, but better not to advise others to not be apprehensive about the myriad of challenges in these fields.

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - Adonai One - 04-04-2014

I am not grounded. I am obsessed. I've sought absolution and by seeking this I've realized that I've cheated my own self of my childhood and any commonality with most people. I am well-versed in so much knowledge about this planet with a cultivated distaste for a culture I think does not suit me. At the end of it, I have entities helping me learn to relax and let go.

This density is not for my seeking and that is the greatest wisdom I've discovered. The only way to reach what I have is obsession. May my obsession be used towards a claim that there is no fear to have so others may seek without fear. I stand by my claims. I believe other experiences might be, in my distortion/belief, due to great confusion and fear caused by spiritual authorities.

This world is safe metaphysically. May others dabble in it in a less stern manner so they can enjoy their lives like I haven't in the past year seeking. The truth, my friends, is that this density is the center of the universe. This is where life is. Beyond here is but a support structure that makes this possible. Your life is invaluable.

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - tamaryn - 04-04-2014

Ah, yes the syntax of a 5 year old.

Cheers to you! you also know how this feels. I've had my fair share of spooky-not supposed to happen in this reality kind of moments. Among them a profound possession/channeling out of the blue from what felt like a 7 year old in quite broken english. It felt like he had little earth experience and a few incarnations possibly in Africa? Somehow I felt this partiucular entity has a prodfound attraction to my essence, saw the window through the veil and simply jumped. I did not know what was happening, but he was showing me all of these symbols and deep metaphysical meanings around me i could not see with my own eyes. He had this unrelenting sense of urgency and fear as if he only had a very small window to communicate this to me. He saw possiblity corticies revolving around me and he tried to break my free will and showed them to me. Some of the possiblities errily came true, others faded. Ultimately he provided me with a choice of the left or the right, the left side was tinged with misery pain and stagnation, while the right side was presented to me as the perfect polarity i'd see in myself and create.

More recently I've been visited and possesed in deams but more often during sleep paralysis. It is so errie to stare at the depths of the void of true fear, and yet be not afraid of their posession. And feeling their fear pulsating through every vein in you but knowing you have the power to love them. And their shock/displeasure at such a reaction.

Another time I smoked a bit of weed with my girlfriend and we laid in my bed for a while just daydreaming a bit until she tells me she can literally see my imagination playing out on my forehead before her eyes. And then we both realise it. I transmitted visions/light to her for maybe 30 minutes before whatever happened faded away and we were just normally high again. She told me the visions were like watching a endlessly morphing television screen and they radiated from my third eye. I took her to the edges of the veil of space and time and we gazed into infinity together as one. Not really a channeling experience but I really just needed to get that out, haha. <3

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - michael430 - 04-04-2014


RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - Matt1 - 04-05-2014

I think you just need to chill out. Smile

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - manniz - 04-05-2014

(04-04-2014, 10:33 PM)Adonai One Wrote: I am not grounded. I am obsessed. I've sought absolution and by seeking this I've realized that I've cheated my own self of my childhood and any commonality with most people.

This sounds like an average, generic situation of many wanderers, or basically any being existing in unfamiliar, uncomfortable conditions. Though, I can see why to some selves, it may seem very unique and special. Whenever I get these kinda thoughts, I try to remember that there are trillions upon trillions entities way ahead of me in many respects. The beauty of life is in every stage of your path, whether you are special or not. Whether it is an entity's first incarnation as a self entity, or its last incarnation before heading towards infinity through a higher density.

(04-04-2014, 10:33 PM)Adonai One Wrote: I am well-versed in so much knowledge about this planet with a cultivated distaste for a culture I think does not suit me. At the end of it, I have entities helping me learn to relax and let go.

Based on your posts, highly doubtful. But hey, since the cycle is ending anyways, good luck for your future journeys beyond this planet.

(04-04-2014, 10:33 PM)Adonai One Wrote: The only way to reach what I have is obsession. May my obsession be used towards a claim that there is no fear to have so others may seek without fear. I stand by my claims. I believe other experiences might be, in my distortion/belief, due to great confusion and fear caused by spiritual authorities.

Nothing wrong with your claim. There is a state of fearlessness, which is absolutely achievable (may be hard to maintain though. Definitely hard in Afghanistan or a Bangladeshi slum). Whether you have achieved it, or whether other kids dabbling into changelings will achieve it is highly doubtful. It may seem real living in a comfortable environment and posting on internet.

Learning from Ra material (lots of good stuff in Quo too), and looking inwards can help a seeker achieve that state of fearlessness, if seekers have doubts about existence around them.

Btw, it is sort of common, when young people come across knowledge of higher densities, especially the STS concepts (all that demon stuff), they dabble in it out of curiosity, and as their fears fade away, they think they have gained some special status. A spiritual warrior, spiritual braveheart and so on. I see these kind of claims on conspiracy websites every once in a while. Generally, they think they have it all figured out and start advising others how to do it.

Kinda explains why many young kids are fascinated with movies related to serial killers, vampires, demons and so on. Seems cool on TV or internet. And the time of early twenties/teens is the time, when some souls have high energy that gives them the confidence that they got it all figured out. Especially, if they live in comfortable, safe settings.

What they forget is that the real challenge (the kinda challenge that these kids seek in their fantasies) was always in the third density life from entities around them, who are influenced by STS thoughts.

Oh well, what am I babbling about. Saturday morning blues. You are gonna believe what you are gonna believe. Its your own path. Though, if you want to be responsible to your spiritual seeking, then be a little careful about advising others of impressionable age/mind about changelings, possessions, the "special" fearless state. It can all disappear in a second, when the right sort of challenge appears.

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - sunnysideup - 04-06-2014

I agree on manniz and I couldn't have said it any better.
If you play with fire, you get burned.

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - Jeremy - 04-06-2014

(04-04-2014, 10:33 PM)Adonai One Wrote: I am not grounded. I am obsessed. I've sought absolution and by seeking this I've realized that I've cheated my own self of my childhood and any commonality with most people. I am well-versed in so much knowledge about this planet with a cultivated distaste for a culture I think does not suit me. At the end of it, I have entities helping me learn to relax and let go.

This density is not for my seeking and that is the greatest wisdom I've discovered. The only way to reach what I have is obsession. May my obsession be used towards a claim that there is no fear to have so others may seek without fear. I stand by my claims. I believe other experiences might be, in my distortion/belief, due to great confusion and fear caused by spiritual authorities.

This world is safe metaphysically. May others dabble in it in a less stern manner so they can enjoy their lives like I haven't in the past year seeking. The truth, my friends, is that this density is the center of the universe. This is where life is. Beyond here is but a support structure that makes this possible. Your life is invaluable.

What is the reason for this obsession, what do you hope to gain from it, and and what do you hope to use this obsession for?

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - Fang - 04-06-2014

Quote:Imagine a 19 yr old, who was meant to find Ra material. He starts learning from it, learns about channeling, and then sees spiritual advice that there is no true threat from a third density perspective of possession, channeling. Imagine that.
I'm a 19 year old, I found the Ra material when I was 17 and I gotta say I'm glad I did not see threads like this back then lol, but even back then I was drawn into some of the magically thinking oriented views, nothing good came of it except getting out of it. When people crack open their head (due to some awakening or whatever) to the possibilities (Ra offers "infinite possibilities no less) a lot bullshit can fly in. And this is one of the main areas where that seems to happen.
No matter how smart you are, if you do not have the experience you are going to be somewhat naive.

I got into some of the stuff you were talking about ie. occultism. Basically, I have learned there is a reason why that sort of stuff is and was "hidden" and it's not just because of the church "holding the magician man down". And I also learned that many (most) who pursue it (including myself) do so for rather childish reasons, I thought it was what I was meant to do to "be more spiritual" lol (oh how sadly we mortals are deceived by our own imagination). I also wanted to have "power" and be able to change the world and s*** like that. Kid's shouldn't play with fire.

Quote:By the way, it is sort of common, when young people come across knowledge of higher densities, especially the STS concepts (all that demon stuff), they dabble in it out of curiosity, and as their fears fade away, they think they have gained some special status. A spiritual warrior, spiritual braveheart and so on. I see these kind of claims on conspiracy websites every once in a while. Generally, they think they have it all figured out and start advising others how to do it.
This. It becomes part of their inflated sense of self worth (read:pride), the content of experience get exaggerated to mythical proportions and the individual feels like the sole protagonist in a grand personal fable. Seen this happen too many times to find it funny anymore.

Quote:I am well-versed in so much knowledge about this planet with a cultivated distaste for a culture I think does not suit me. At the end of it, I have entities helping me learn to relax and let go.
Can you tell me about the decentralized market system of medieval England? Just how much do you know about this planet?

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - zenmaster - 04-06-2014

The personal-fable stage is a dead giveaway that the lower levels of vibration have not yet begun to be addressed. This delayed adolescence may be perpetuated (indefinitely) by spiritual bypassing, which of course is enabled by this forum. Why bother working on integrating self when meditative experiences can become soap-opera dramas related anecdotally here with indulgent interest.

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - Unbound - 04-06-2014

Wait, so belief in one's own uniqueness is a cognitive distortion? Wat.

RE: The true threat of possession, channeling: None. - GentleReckoning - 04-07-2014

It's infinitely important yet completely irrelevant. You know the drill. Smile