(01-30-2014, 12:26 PM)Namaste Wrote:There are only 2 rational evaluation faculties: thinking and feeling. Both are used to construct the world view we use to discern. "The heart" is sort of a misnomer for feeling though, because it doesn't particularly involve either the organ or the energy center. Usually a determination "from the heart" means with respect to that accepting vibration. Meanwhile, thinking and feeling are 100% complementary in nature as one is simply space oriented while the other is time oriented.(01-30-2014, 11:52 AM)Horuseus Wrote: ...which is pretty much where the analytical faculties come in handy, rather than "touchy feely love light feels good herp derp!" bypassing.
What makes you believe the heart cannot discern without intellect? I ask out of pure curiosity, not in an accusatory manner (which that can be interpreted as).
Herp derp (lol!) bypassing is most certainly fervent in this world, but projecting that instance over all non-analytical discernment is highly generalised.
The "touchy-feely" is an imbalanced expression if it replaces thinking or feeling, because you can't be truly honest on your characterization or acceptance of anything if you haven't had direct experience with it. La-la land will always support bypassing honest assessment.
(01-30-2014, 02:39 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote: Many of the dots he connects are missing big pieces, and so the picture he paints can be incomplete or sometimes flat-out false, and his interpretations of the Law of One can often be questionable (see his article prior to 2012 that suggested there was no other logical interpretation of the Ra material except one of an instant event to happen in December 2012. He offered a reinterpretation a few months before the date to give him some wiggle room when it didn't happen.)I believe he actually said there is no other responsible interpretation. Talk about investment in framing. But that exit scenario is what got many hooked in the first place.