Not a fan of Wilcock by any long shot, however consider any mainstream 'new age teacher' and you will likely find people picking holes - there isn't anything unique about David in this regard. Deepak Chopra comes to mind.
They do however serve as a useful guidepost in providing an alternate spectrum of thought for those who may potentially appease to those transcendent notions, however 'erroneous' it may seem from another perspective. In other words, it is public exposure towards a 'lesser distorted' concept from what is usually offered to the alternate mass. Certainly it is the case on this forum and others where people where introduced to the LOO through Wilcock and other such folk, which may not have been the case otherwise.
The desired configuration for one who is on that path which may have been catalysed by folk such as Wilcock is that they generally move on to new understanding as the work is refined, rather than being locked into one limited mode of perspective, where no personal connection is established, but rather reliance on another. This tends to be the theme for many, as rather than jumping into higher level concepts from the get go, one is introduced to basic tier concepts, before moving up (Rinse, repeat etc).
Obviously not the optimal way of going about things, given there's considerable misinformation at those levels, so wading through the crap is an exercise in discernment, which is pretty much where the analytical faculties come in handy, rather than "touchy feely love light feels good herp derp!" bypassing. Hey we've all been there (Or still are) though, so it's all good. It's how you learn afterall (Ymmv).
They do however serve as a useful guidepost in providing an alternate spectrum of thought for those who may potentially appease to those transcendent notions, however 'erroneous' it may seem from another perspective. In other words, it is public exposure towards a 'lesser distorted' concept from what is usually offered to the alternate mass. Certainly it is the case on this forum and others where people where introduced to the LOO through Wilcock and other such folk, which may not have been the case otherwise.
The desired configuration for one who is on that path which may have been catalysed by folk such as Wilcock is that they generally move on to new understanding as the work is refined, rather than being locked into one limited mode of perspective, where no personal connection is established, but rather reliance on another. This tends to be the theme for many, as rather than jumping into higher level concepts from the get go, one is introduced to basic tier concepts, before moving up (Rinse, repeat etc).
Obviously not the optimal way of going about things, given there's considerable misinformation at those levels, so wading through the crap is an exercise in discernment, which is pretty much where the analytical faculties come in handy, rather than "touchy feely love light feels good herp derp!" bypassing. Hey we've all been there (Or still are) though, so it's all good. It's how you learn afterall (Ymmv).