01-13-2014, 03:00 PM
the world..the universe..we hav power to affect nothing and we hav power to affect everything. in your own self is where it starts. weather u follow the will of god, buddah, allah or whoever, you must act as you wish to act and from that point you will see the awnsers before your eyes, to control ur actions is very important and many do not realize this. actions make how the world is today (u can see from the out come) "let the greedy recieve all they wish for, and those of you who can resonate to my vibriatorial thought concept, you have already recieved all in which you can desire. the greedy will not be satisfied like you are at this very moment and second in time, but to control your own actions controlls your fate, i am confident on how i act. remember your actions and realize the fact u can choose them and from that point commense your actions whatever they may be and if thy thinks along the service to others loveing way i do then your actions will be pure and u hav the ability to make ur actions righteous with good intent so this alone shud be enough to satisfy all. Let those live how they want for that determines their fate." nothing is relevent but your own actions and within your actions you are capeable of anything but pure good intent and the highest level of patents is required for ultimate bliss can come within the minute or within trillions of years