10-17-2013, 06:46 PM
(10-17-2013, 06:25 PM)Ashim Wrote: Good point.
Makes me really think that we are ascending in the physical.
No harvest.
If the planet does not require the cosmic 'clean up' there would be no need to leave physicality.
If the core vibration of the photon increases to 4th density then we hitch a ride and transmute from the 666 carbon template up to silica without the time/space harvest.
We walk the steps of light in physical bodies.
Nibiru has passed this time without any major disruptions to the planetary body - earths positive polarity 'deflected' her approach.
Very negative planet, ie Maldek, gets detroyed, Nibiru makes a close pass.
Mars got the 'cosmic wash' from an asteroid from the Nibiru system, the crossing being slightly more distant.
Earth ascends at the end of the 26.000 year cycle without hitting the 'reset' button.
Could it really be that Ra just saw the harvest as being very probable/possible and that we have tipped the balance?
I think you lost me.
What I was saying is that, from my perspective, the Ra material seems to say, at least to me, that there is, in fact, a harvest. It is just not a physical one.
When you die, you walk the steps of light. That is harvest. If you're 4th density harvestable, you reincarnate in a 4th density physical body.
The physicality we are familiar with now does not "ascend", rather it manifests a higher dimensional layer. It is possible for one energy configuration to change to another configuration, but it is not necessary from my perspective. When we become 4th density incarnate, the Earth we are inhabiting now will still be here, it just won't have human beings on it.
The "cosmic cleanup" from my perspective is just 3rd density beings leaving the Earth alone for a couple millennia. Earth will heal itself, just as a body will heal itself if you stop doing destructive things to it.