(10-17-2013, 05:07 PM)Ashim Wrote: Ra seems to say that the astral comprises of 3rd and 4th density time/space which would make sense as earth is in 4th density space/time continuum. So technically 4th density time/space belongs to earths inner planes.
I look at it slightly differently. From my perspective, when Ra says the Earth has spiraled into 4D space/time, they are conveying that the 3D structure that constitutes our Earth has moved into 4D space. Now, this doesn't necessarily change those 3D structures. At least, not immediately. 3D objects can exist in 4D, and, in fact, do. It just means another dimensional layer gets added to those 3D structures. Now it could change those 3D objects in the fact that 4D molds 3D, once it is activated.
So I would say Earth's inner planes span many vibrational levels of time/space. In fact, it spans all seven densities. However it only has outer plane manifestations in densities 1, 2, 3, and now partially in 4th.
(10-17-2013, 05:07 PM)Ashim Wrote: There was also something about 4th density earth becoming populated albeit sparsely. Can't find that quote though.
They were referring to dual activated 3rd/4th beings when they were talking about it being populated.
(10-17-2013, 05:07 PM)Ashim Wrote: The term 'inner planes' also causes some confusion.
I think it may refer to both time/space and to space/time, the physical hollow earth inhabitants belonging to the latter.
What is an inner plane of a hollow sphere?
From my perspective "inner planes" literally means "within" us. The "self" is the barrier between "who you are" and "where you are". So the inner planes are inside what you perceive to be your "self", and the outer planes are outside of what you perceive to be your self. The self creates the distinction between "inner" and "outer".
"Inner plane", from my point of view, refers to nothing physical whatsoever.