03-23-2010, 11:28 PM
Growing Cotton I see as violent. The Earth is violently turned up. The natural plants living there destroyed. The insects and animals, birds and reptiles and if near a body of water amphibians and fish living in the earth are killed or maimed their homes destroyed. The Cotton is forced to grow in ways that it does not wish to. It is filled with Genetics It does not want. It is planted and sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. The fauna and flora of the area is assaulted by humanity. Human migrant workers are assaulted by the spraying of chemicals and by classism. They are seen not as human. Not worth anything. Expendable.
Then the harvesting of Cotton. Once again machines come. Destroy the Earth. Pollute the air and water. Kill the Cotton.
Then the processing. Done by the hands of children and women. Classism is an act of violence.
Then the selling of the cotton. The spinning into thread. Done by women and children in places where they have no voice, no rights and are seen as expendable.
Then the weaving. Then the selling of cloth. All is an act of violence against someone somewhere.
Then the buying of clothes. A single mom scans the tags of the clothes barely making enough to pay her rent, feed her children working for a store sells clothes made of cotton.
Someone somewhere is dying because of a field of cotton. Flora and Fauna have been harmed. The Earth assaulted.
Then, the clothes are seen as old news. Discarded into a landfill. Again another assault to Earth, flora and fauna.
Everywhere with everything an act of violence is committed against something somewhere just by living.
I pray that the highest good occurs for all everywhere.
Then the harvesting of Cotton. Once again machines come. Destroy the Earth. Pollute the air and water. Kill the Cotton.
Then the processing. Done by the hands of children and women. Classism is an act of violence.
Then the selling of the cotton. The spinning into thread. Done by women and children in places where they have no voice, no rights and are seen as expendable.
Then the weaving. Then the selling of cloth. All is an act of violence against someone somewhere.
Then the buying of clothes. A single mom scans the tags of the clothes barely making enough to pay her rent, feed her children working for a store sells clothes made of cotton.
Someone somewhere is dying because of a field of cotton. Flora and Fauna have been harmed. The Earth assaulted.
Then, the clothes are seen as old news. Discarded into a landfill. Again another assault to Earth, flora and fauna.
Everywhere with everything an act of violence is committed against something somewhere just by living.
I pray that the highest good occurs for all everywhere.