03-22-2010, 11:55 AM
Anyone craving Peanut butter and Natural Preserves sandwiches? Seems to be all we have eaten the last 3 days... other than Loaded Veggie Nachos last night with organic salsa... Tonight it is Mashed Potatoes and Eggs over Easy with a simple green salad on the side. I make a modified Thousand Island Dressing... It consists of 3tbs organic Ketchup, 1/3 cup Yougurt, 1tbs Olive oil, 1tbs Cider Vinager, pinch of SeaSalt and organic relish or chopped up pickle and 1 little paper packet of stevia. Mix it all up and it is terrific on salad, veggie burgers, mashed potatoes etc. The kids and hubby loves this dressing on salad.