02-11-2009, 04:42 PM
Quote:The economy will not crash because of it. It is intensely hard for the economy to crash.
I believe the economy will collapse, but that is not a bad thing. It's "inconvenient", but ultimately it's a good thing. Capitalism is in essence an STS ideology that has managed to severly damage the planet and cripple human spirituality and destroy our connection with the Earth.
Capitalism assumes infinite growth within a closed system and that won't work in the long run. Because of the need for perpetual growth (profit), capitalism is doomed to collapse. If we lived on a flat plane, we could move on like a swarm of locusts to another place and continue there, but as it is, Earth is round. That means capitalism has an inbuilt, fatal flaw - a sort of self-destruct mechanism - that will kick in once the base of the pyramid can't expand any more. That would happen once capitalism is a global phenomenon.
Is capitalism global now? This is the difference compared to earlier depressions. There's nowhere to expand.
Gaia has a fever and she is purging the virus that is destroying her body. The need for control is one of the main traits of this virus. Unbalanced masculine energy is another.
All of this IMHO, of course. But to me it doesn't seem as if the collapse of consumer capitalism is a bad thing. On the contrary, we should celebrate.