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Timewave Zero - ayadew - 02-10-2009

I have not researched this enough, but I intend to do in the future.
Until then, this might be of interest to others. Please post more relevant information if you can find, because Wikipedias neutrality and genuineness is easily disputed.

Quote:Timewave zero is a theory that purports to calculate the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time. It is an idea conceived of and discussed at length by Terence McKenna from the early 1970s until his death in the year 2000.

Quote:According to the timewave graph, great periods of novelty occurred about 4 billion years ago when Earth was formed, 65 million years ago when dinosaurs were extinct and mammals expanded, about 10,000 years ago after the end of the ice age, around late 18th century when social and scientific revolutions progressed, during the sixties, around the time of 9/11, and with coming novelty periods in November 2008, October 2010, with the novelty progressing towards the infinity on 21st December 2012 [1] — although, depending on what input is given to the software, any arbitrary set of results can be obtained, much like numerology.

# That the date of this historical endpoint is December 21, 2012, the end of the long count of the Mayan calendar. (Although many interpretations of the "end" of the Mayan calendar exist, partly due to abbreviations made by the Maya when referring to the date, McKenna used the solstice date in 2012, a common interpretation of the calendar among New Age writers, although this date corresponds to such an abbreviation rather than the full date (See Mayan calendar for more information on this controversy). Originally McKenna had chosen the end of the calendar by looking for a very novel event in recent history, and using this as the beginning of the final 67.29 year cycle; the event he chose was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which gave an end-date in mid-November of 2012, but when he discovered the proximity of this date to the end of the current 13-baktun cycle of the Maya calendar, he adjusted the end date to match this point in the calendar.[2][3]

[Image: twz1.jpg]

[Image: Timewave.9.11.2001.png]

RE: Timewave Zero - Ali Quadir - 02-10-2009

When we're speaking mcKenna I have to think about the re:evolution song he did with Shamen. I call it song but it should be called spoken word on music.

Anyway, If you do not already know it... Check it out, it's a great summary of what he believes is going on. And definately worth your time.

Unfortunately the man had his "great trip out of here" a few years ago.

According to the graph we're now at an extreme point of change... From now on it's going to slow down a bit only to speed up again later on next year.

Israel is holding elections today... Anything else that is relevant that anyone can think of?

RE: Timewave Zero - ayadew - 02-10-2009

We should stay off discussing drugs perhaps since McKenna was quite interested in such, even though I am personally not against psychedelics, it might bring trouble when 'officially' discussed like this.

On Topic:

There is an extreme fear about our economic situation currently, that's the biggest thing I can think of.
That's been ongoing since last year. The fear growing bigger, but coming to a stop..? Just elaborating random thoughts.

News wise I'm quite an ignorant person. I don't read the news. At all.

Important stuff around 10th december 2008:

- Global food price crisis: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that 963 million people are suffering from prolonged food deficiency around the world. (Bloomberg)
- The White House and U.S. Congress agree on a proposal for a US$15 billion bailout package for three major US automakers. (AFP)
- Global financial crisis of 2008: A proposed $14 billion bailout of U.S. automakers fails in the U.S. Senate, raising the specter of an industry collapse that sent Asian markets reeling and sparked fears it could deepen the recession. (New York Times) (MarketWatch)

People are aware. People have been hoarding resources since then.

Well, it's hard to measure currently and in the future, since we'll only see time/change progressing at extreme from now on. We can look into the past and see that all the important dates are there.

Do not be lost in the rift of changes my friends, stay loving and be yourselves. That is the best we can do for all of us.

RE: Timewave Zero - Ali Quadir - 02-10-2009

Shh, don't say the D. word... Smile I get it.. It's not a polite topic amongst my United states brethren. Angel Though it might be interesting to see how many times we can say the name mcKenna without someone bringing it up... Tongue

Did you note, and you probably did, though I am not sure. That the most change is when the line reaches the bottom part of the graph as opposed to the higher values?

The graph started going roller-coaster just after the big economic crashes. I believe that was back in October. The 7th if I am not mistaking. And you can see that the predictions pan out.. Quite literally if you think about Obama's tag line.. Change! He won the primaries about that time and thats when global Obama madness kicked in. In essence the lower the graph, the bigger the changes that enter into the world. You can perceive it as "Resistance to change"...

At zero point the graph dies. I believe the math either reaches a singularity or gets stuck in zero. Something happens that causes the graph to end literally at that time. End of the ride Smile I am aware that they shifted the end times. But the overlaps with major historical events are good indications that this was a proper adjustment even though it probably makes it inaccurate when counting in days.

If you look at the second graph you post, the long term graph, you can see the graph basically being level but chaotic. In the time we are now you can see that we're basically only going down except for one speed bump next year which will slow things down a little. There's bound to be something happening around then that will demand global attention to such a way that the process slows down. The second fun thing to register is that it's screen 11 of 11.. Smile I don't know the significance since I don't know the program but I perceive it as a signal to pay attention.

Note also that 9/11 which is specifically targeted in the long term graph actually showed very little change. I'm guessing that the world was strongly involved and holding it's breath. Meaning that the changes we saw were mostly superficial and not changing the actual people... This reflects the notion that most people remained largely unaffected regarding their daily lives. When we're all busy watching television nothing is really changing. That or the doctor evil's in this world took a moment to put in their globe changing act while the world was actually resistant to change.

I'm not worried or scared about the changes.. In my opinion the only certainty is uncertainty.. I'm expecting massive changes but more along the lines of earthlings standing on the line and causing change by demanding it while saying no to the negative influences. Probably motivated and informed in large numbers by the Internet where ordinary people can suddenly have loud voices because as McKenna stated... If the truth can be told.. So as to be understood.. She will be believed... Common sense will beat idiocy for most people any day... I'm confident because I have faith in my fellow Earthicans.

RE: Timewave Zero - Koolaid - 02-10-2009

Shouldn't this be in the Science & Technology forum?

RE: Timewave Zero - ayadew - 02-10-2009

Ali Quadir: Yes, I saw it like that... I think. Hehe.
My example with the economic crisis began seriously around 10th december 2008 since that was a clear sign of "well, we did our best but we're screwed" and its been slowly eating through the general consciousness.
Since Obama got officially president people are thinking it might be hope again, thus the graph are going upwards towards "normal" perhaps. A very direct hit of global consciousness, like... "It's really happening!". That's just one observation.
Looks like the upwards movement wont be for long though. Basically we're going towards infinite change.

I remember hearing that something big will happen in the beginning of 2010. This graph also points to such, the thing we're going towards currently with a huuuge drop.
Perhaps the economic system will really spin out of control then, since most of us know/think that it's already practically gone. We just have to wait to see the cracks multiply and thus it will all go down.

The singularity looks so beautiful. Infinite change, infinite possibilities... infinite love.
We all wish for love and acceptance. If our people can decide to not be controlled anymore, to look past all things transient and awaken, we shall all graduate together.

I did not notice the 11:11. You are correct. !

And I guess this should be in the science part.

RE: Timewave Zero - Daniel - 02-11-2009

ahhh, there is that number again BigSmile

RE: Timewave Zero - Ali Quadir - 02-11-2009

Don't be fooled by the negative "spinners"... There's a lot of change going on, and a lot of people are going to shout disaster at every step. I personally don't believe that the economy is going to go down. The company I am with made almost 20% more profits compared to last year. A record amount of profits came in in the last few months! We don't show up in limo's, we suck at the big companies "BS Bingo".. So we're the cheap alternative.

There is a storm going on and some of the biggest and eldest trees in the forest are going to go down. I give you that. But most of the terror invoked is psychological. The economy is the new terrorism... It's the new stick we're shown to trigger our fear. Screw em, what is the worst that can happen? And is that worse than losing yourself?

The economy will not crash because of it. It is intensely hard for the economy to crash. There were many worse crashes over history including on the beginning of the 90s. Our economy basically went back to that level. And we survived that one too. Most healthy and small companies in retrospect thrived because of it. And only the sick, inflexible or decadent (Car + Laptop + Phone for each employee) companies died out. It is nearly impossible to cause a total crash. The reason is that the economy is a true chaotic system with a few billion agents trying to make a buck and causing semi random outcomes. It cannot be controlled. Not even by *drumroll* Them! */drumroll*

After every crash there is massive growth, a lot of companies are removed and this pushes other companies towards the bigger customers who were traditionally served by expensive monopolists. Recessions are actually a good thing for most of the minor players IF they can adapt and are relatively independent from the big trees that fall hard so they do not get dragged down.

So... Many changes in 2010... This could also mean that small companies are going to show up on the radar with unique solutions to problems that are now able to market their products because the big companies are no longer able to successfully compete against them. According to the graph some things are going to change drastically. I don't see that happening in an economic recession. Usually in my opinion these are times of poverty and cause a slowing down rather than a speeding up.

I'm inclined to expect the more positive outcomes. Partly because I don't see reasons to panic. And partly because I was told everything is going to be just fine. But to do everyone a favour I'll act surprised when wonderfull things start happening, I'm just that nice a guy Tongue

RE: Timewave Zero - Ali Quadir - 02-11-2009

Btw... Thinking about special timewavezero events indicating changes this one kind of is a candidate too Smile

The Vatican claims Darwins theory of evolution is compatible with Christianity

Isn't it a beauty? If this article is for real then that's a very big thing. I most certainly applaud the move. It might seem only a change in dogma. But with the atheism versus religion polarity playing out this will hopefully relax some tensions.

I'm hoping for a few similar articles on a variety of subjects. Yes please Smile

RE: Timewave Zero - Ole - 02-11-2009

Quote:The economy will not crash because of it. It is intensely hard for the economy to crash.

I believe the economy will collapse, but that is not a bad thing. It's "inconvenient", but ultimately it's a good thing. Capitalism is in essence an STS ideology that has managed to severly damage the planet and cripple human spirituality and destroy our connection with the Earth.

Capitalism assumes infinite growth within a closed system and that won't work in the long run. Because of the need for perpetual growth (profit), capitalism is doomed to collapse. If we lived on a flat plane, we could move on like a swarm of locusts to another place and continue there, but as it is, Earth is round. That means capitalism has an inbuilt, fatal flaw - a sort of self-destruct mechanism - that will kick in once the base of the pyramid can't expand any more. That would happen once capitalism is a global phenomenon.

Is capitalism global now? This is the difference compared to earlier depressions. There's nowhere to expand.

Gaia has a fever and she is purging the virus that is destroying her body. The need for control is one of the main traits of this virus. Unbalanced masculine energy is another.

All of this IMHO, of course. But to me it doesn't seem as if the collapse of consumer capitalism is a bad thing. On the contrary, we should celebrate.

RE: Timewave Zero - Ali Quadir - 02-11-2009

We are also Gaia's children. We are in a sense her projection into individualized social space. The medical difference between a baby and a parasite might only be the shared DNA, but the spiritual connection goes vastly deeper. I hear your concerns Ole. We are damaging the planet. I also agree that greed induced capitalism is very damaging to the human psyche. However, the system we use that determines what we produce how and where we send it for consumption, aka economy, is something that has only become defined by capitalism in the last centuries. It existed when we were just packs of travelling barbarians. And is a practicality, not an expression of STS or STO perse.. The way you go about it is what makes it one or the other. Greed certainly is STS at its "finest". If changing that requires bringing the system down that's likely to happen.

But doing good business originally meant a variety of products on the table. And it still means primarily that. People will be motivated to do that as long as they enjoy it. However a practical need based economy as opposed to a psychological greed based economy is a totally different beasty.

It might fall I'll grant you that. I cannot predict the future. However I see no concrete evidence that it is the case. McKenna's position is that the world is moving towards a strong perception among individuals of the intricate connectivity of the universe. And the social revolutions to accompany those new insights that used to be the bread and butter only for saints and visionaries. If he's right then the revolution is going to be a time of great joy and a total rediscovery of self and others.

However you look at it, it's interesting times ahead. There's a lot of ways it can pan out. But my intuitions have been primarily positive. What did you think about the vaticans jaw dropping move?

RE: Timewave Zero - ayadew - 02-13-2009

The vatican's move is very inspiring. From so many years of separation and hate, even they begin to see the love in all and wishes to unite people. This move practially shows that they -can- be wrong, and this is extremely important to many souls that are trapped in this religion. May they start to reflect and know that understanding is not of this density.

I personally do not think much about money, my ideals is to try to simply give without waiting for much in return, and this clearly does not work in a capitalist society which very foundation is built on: work done = money gained. Money is a tool for separation, only encouraging greed and is built around that people which wants to rule over others wants to prevent them from freely give to eachother. For people that are not awakened, money is purpose and safety.

RE: Timewave Zero - Ali Quadir - 02-13-2009

Trapped? How can you call it trapped my friend. No one is putting a gun to their head in any shape or form. If any pressure exists they're putting the gun to their own head. But most of the time these people WANT to be there. I hang out in christian circles. And the assumption that these guys are trapped well I just cannot fit it to those christians I know.

A society, any society gets the leadership it asks for. Why does the vatican hold the influence over people that it does? Because the people have given the vatican this influence. This is the peoples way of saying I want to follow my faith in agreement with others.

I was once told that there are two kinds of leaders. There is a small group of natural leaders who inspire others to follow them. And a huge group of leaders who do what is expected of them. The vatican is certainly the latter variation.

Also these people are not wrong. I am not saying they're the only ones that are right or that their method is "the best". But they are living their personal formula to salvation. What you see in the vatican is an expression of the followers of the vatican. I've seen recipe's for meditation on this forum descriptions on how to see things and what things to do or not do. We have our own formula to salvation.

Theirs is different. That is all.

Then there is also the money question. The evil money that corrupts and should be abandoned as soon as possible. Smile I follow a sufi friends interpretation of money.

We have a karmic template that makes us rich or poor. A rich person never needs money. A poor person always feels the need for more money. This has nothing to do with how much money they actually have. When a poor man is given a lot of money.. For example by winning a lottery. Then he is still a poor man. Unless he takes the opportunity to karmically change he will either lose all that money, or just let it rot in his bank account. A rich man who loses everything will be filthy rich again in just a few years.

Why? Because the world reflects what you are. None of us is trapped in the world. The world conforms to us... Not the other way around.

I am personally a rich man. This does not mean I have a lot of money. It just means that I have what I need. I always had what I need. And I'm expecting I always will have what I need. I work for money I do not always like my job. But this in itself is a spiritual adventure.

Theres a few other templates possible. For example the concubine which is more common for women than for men. (Although I do know a guy with the template) Basically they emotionally physically and karmically attach to another person who has a healthy root chakra. They are neither rich nor poor. They may not even have bank accounts. The universe just provides through their partners and friends because they decreed it should be so.

RE: Timewave Zero - ayadew - 02-13-2009

I do not mean litteraly trapped, but they have satisfied themselves with one belief system. I respect everyone's choice for they are mine and ours. I personally wish to see all parts of the infinite to get the whole, combining everything into the singularity, the white color that is the Creator
[Image: rgbcircles.gif]
This is just my individual intention for all, I wish everyone to experience all. Money is a part of this, of course. But only to a very limited extent...

I am also rich, my friend. I have so little needs, but they are all fulfilled. I am very grateful for this.

RE: Timewave Zero - ayadew - 08-29-2009

A little more about this

RE: Timewave Zero - isis - 12-11-2013

apparently some lady named susan says the mayan calendar ends on dec 16th, 2013...exciting...

google, for more info.