03-09-2010, 08:31 PM
Same sort of thing for me. I decided to become vegetarian, and thought I would sort of ease into it, cutting down on meat over a few weeks. Well, I basically went vegetarian right away. I had some Chili in the freezer I thought I would eat. Well, it made me sick to the stomach to even think about ingesting it. Same for any meat at all now; it makes me nauseous. I haven't tried wild game, and am unsure if I could eat that too.
I notice pressure from family who think I'm some sort of freak for not eating meat, and they try to sneak it to my daughter, who, funnily enough, spits meat out if they put it in her mouth.
I notice pressure from family who think I'm some sort of freak for not eating meat, and they try to sneak it to my daughter, who, funnily enough, spits meat out if they put it in her mouth.