(02-27-2010, 09:50 AM)zanny Wrote: Yes the movie director/actor is another way to say it but I have tried working with that perspective and I can only go so far with it before frustration sets in, (with myself) Mainly because I don't think (at this time) I do have conscious control over the experiences or the ‘other-selves’ nor do I believe I am meant to. I think the control I am working towards in in my reaction to the event/situations/others and seeing the dance/movie/play behind it all...
I don't think we are that far apart. I don't think either that we want to Control others or their experiences. But we can control /align our responses like you said and we can even draw appropriate actors in our movie based upon the a newly desired script. So in essence you are not controlling others but just controlling what aspect of ONE you would want to interact with at the moment. So the players that are not desired at the moment would be replaced or you will only experience their desirable aspects. Of course there are catalyst and things that you will be presented with again and again due to your own pre-birth planning. But besides that I believe there is a great degree of freedom you have available to you.
I work in a high stress fast paced work environment that gets hostile from time to time due to the presence of some really manipulative and aggressive and close minded people. Some of them being in the position of power. But time and again I keep avoiding the hostile and aggressive interactions. I will walk out for a meeting and come back to find the mess. And there are other examples that will need a lot of background to even explain. But I maybe just really lucky or my intentions and efforts to just do my own things and keep focus on my own objectives have kept me clear of any drama for the most part. Overtime some of these players have either focusing their energies on each others and there is a circular firing squad kind of thing going on. Or they just don't get any joy out of dealing with me. As i refuse to play their game. I play on my own terms...

(02-27-2010, 09:50 AM)zanny Wrote: Thanks fool for once again provoking me to think deeper...
Thanks for making me feel good.
But then again- this is how I roll bebe