02-26-2010, 02:55 AM
Quote:It sounds to me however, that if this device has generated all of spime and tace as we know it (hehe), indeed setting into motion the events that created the universe, then it is no different from God.
I had access to such a "device", and able to generate a huge illusion. I do not understand the idea behind it, but see next quote -
Quote:From what I've studied so far, it seems that there is 80% overlap with what the Law of One materials teach.
The Law of One material is "reflects opposite", it is explaining that (whoever) is doing this, is learning about infinity and finite, about free-will and ability to choose, about love and light, and constantly experiencing things (he) did not know.
Quote:To me "device" implies something mechanical and external.
The device is external to the Universe (illusion) that we know it.
Quote:consists of discreet units of energy level which change at discreet time intervals, what are the consequences?
The space device works by making fabric and placing it into the void. The fabric is different kind of fabric than we understand, like cloth or something to wear. The fabric defines as a mesh intersecting nodes that "units of information" can travel down.
There is difference between inertia (concept of expansion) and time. Time only exists because of the time-generator generating delta into this illusion. Why the concept of delta? Because for one unit of information to flow down into another node in the fabric of space and time, there needs to be delta applied to the unit of information for it to flow from one node to another node.
The unit of information consists of very very basic building blocks. What is called as Quarks, leptons, masons. These then move around based on delta applied to the fabric. Each set of delta then makes it look continuously moving.
From the statement above, you can clearly see hints of Newton's law of motion, law of thermodynamics, hints of conservation of momentum (total momentum remains constant), invariance of speed of light.