Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - Printable Version

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Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - carrie - 02-25-2010

I wonder if anyone has information about the "Space Generator and Time Generator"?

The space generator and time generator is some sort of device which goes about by creating the fabric of Space and delta know as Time.

By manipulating the space, time generator, it creates an illusion. By manipulating this illusion, it creates space from void, then from space, a glow from the initial light, then "eddies" or negative space-time (what is known as black holes). from these negative space-time, it creates the stars and from the stars, it chooses to swirl the stars around into clusters called galaxies.

The galaxies are held by gravity pull of the black holes. From there, the stars then lives their lives. From the ashes of the stars, forms clumps called planets. From the planets, there was need for balancing, hence, satellites and all the planets in between.

From the planets, it learns of chemical "scripting" what is called as DNA, which acts as a "script" for which to automate beings into this illusion, the first called plants and later, things that moves around, such as ants, fishes, birds.

By further manipulating the chemical scripting, it could learn about flying in the air, or exploring the depths of sea.

By manipulating the illusion, it brought about beings which have no bodies but live in the realms, as like people with wings, so they can get from one point to another, like how we go traveling around in airplanes, or underground like the way how we go around in 'sub (or subway).

The chemical scripting was not perfect, there were many improvements made. Thus, you would see ideas and not-so-good ideas. From the illusion, it learned the depths of emotions, from happiness to sadness, from goodness to darkness. From love to hate.

One fine moment, instead of everything being in control, those who controlled the illusion decided to let go a bit and make some of them automated and let them think for themselves, to make them understand, realize and watch.

For these automated beings made from clay, for them to discover themselves and learn about their surroundings, to chose their own fates, to know about all that there is and with "careful prodding and hinting", make their choices to serve.

From those who were above, the aim was to make them "shine", or to make them love others, to let them understand that they were all one, the planet they lived on, to be responsible and make correct choices to love one another.

It was to love others unconditionally, to serve others unconditionally, to honor and give without expectation of reward, so their light would shine forth upon others. It was hard, since they had to do it continuously until they were suitable to be "harvested".

From time to time, depending on which planet/ which area, there would be these automated beings who were ready to graduate to the next level.

(Essentially, unless these automated beings could withstand the great light, they could not enjoin to the other side.)

Coming back to question.
Does anyone have more information about these devices?

RE: Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - Aaron - 02-25-2010

Dear carrie, you're the only one who I have heard mention this space/time generator idea. (New idea! So as not to confuse space/time with time/space when talking about them together as one, we should say spime or tace! hahaha)

It sounds to me however, that if this device has generated all of spime and tace as we know it (hehe), indeed setting into motion the events that created the universe, then it is no different from God.

You have a brilliantly logical yet wholly spiritual way of looking at things, carrie. Like here when you say "it learns of chemical "scripting" what is called as DNA, which acts as a "script" for which to automate beings" that's a programmer's mind right there. Smile

To have a mind that deals in logic, yet at the same time searching for and finding God within... Such is your bright path! BigSmile

RE: Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - Ashim - 02-25-2010

Hi Carrie, greetings to all.
Most local hardware stores on Zeta Reticuli have shelves full of these at RD399 +tax.

I believe the Founders used this technology to create their Octave. I have a hunch that 6th Density and above can gain access with Federation approval. A certain Social Memory Complex at work in the "dark", so to say, here on Earth is also planning to use this tool of Creation to "make" their new 4th Density Negative home with its corresponding timeline.
I am clueless as to how you would make one of these but I think the Brothers and Sisters ar CERN are doing a grand job. This will be the Negative Harvest.
This type of information is usually only made available to Galactic Historians as it is not contained within the Akashic Records of Earths Astral Planes.

Just my opinion.
Love & Light

RE: Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - Peregrinus - 02-25-2010

Quote:For these automated beings made from clay, for them to discover themselves and learn about their surroundings, to chose their own fates, to know about all that there is and with "careful prodding and hinting", make their choices to serve.

From those who were above, the aim was to make them "shine", or to make them love others, to let them understand that they were all one, the planet they lived on, to be responsible and make correct choices to love one another.


These automated beings made from the clay of their sub-Logos, mother earth, discover themselves and learn about their surroundings, to chose their own fate, to experience all that there is in the illusion, and with "careful prodding and hinting", make their choices to serve the self or other-self.

From those who were above, the aim was to make them "shine", or to make them love other-selves or the self, to let them understand that they were all one, the planet they lived on, to be responsible and make correct choices to love one another or them-self.

RE: Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - Questioner - 02-25-2010

carrie, that's a really interesting summary of the story of the universe in one page!

From what I've studied so far, it seems that there is 80% overlap with what the Law of One materials teach.

I'm not sure if device is the proper term for the generation of space and time... perhaps "process" or "flow" is a better term? To me "device" implies something mechanical and external. This site has an interesting perspective. The math is more detailed than my current math skills can comprehend. You might well be able to follow all the equations. It also includes some code samples.

Even though I can't follow all the details, what I can understand of the explanation of moving and standing wave patterns feels accurate to me. The site includes an explanation of how no additional energy input is needed once the universe was initially created. It also has a granular or pixelated model of the aether.

His approach is entirely based on physics, and he declines to say or speculate anything about metaphysics. "In all good faith and sincerity, one must admit that there is no material explanation for aether. Its origin is postulated to be un-material.... So let's postulate that in the beginning of times the aether suddenly begun to exist." And, "I do not say here that human beings have no soul. I simply note that those two apparently metaphysical reasons which have been invoked in order to explain the soul's existence have been clearly identified as being physic ones. So they belong to physics. If this does not satisfy your personal metaphysical thoughts, I cannot help. I just want to discuss physics. So please avoid annoying me about your emotional feelings and just discuss physics, because it is an exact science. Physics is the science of truth and reality."

I disagree with his implication on page 29 that Malthus was right, but that's a discussion for another time.

You might also like this site which is linked from the one above: He is actively looking for a 3D programmer to help visualize some of his equations.

Now, if the universe can be correctly understood as though it consists of discreet units of energy level which change at discreet time intervals, what are the consequences? One is that this premise may be true.

Another possibility would be that it's the One Creator's continuing creativity and curiosity is what causes the continuous creation of new instants and new moments, in which this endless love can endlessly have further objects and moments in which the love might be received and returned.

RE: Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - Peregrinus - 02-25-2010

I think this is her take on the Ra Materials and how she is coding it. Am I correct Carrie?

RE: Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - carrie - 02-25-2010

Quote:to "make" their new 4th

It is not easy to do such thing. To make such, would need immense power with no guarantee that it will be successful. If you cannot control building blocks, make it work correctly and generate correct results, it will be very hard to control the black holes. Then, unless you have time to do the base-pairs of DNA correctly, you can end up with lots of non-functional life forms.

Quote:This type of information is usually only made available to Galactic Historians as it is not contained within the Akashic Records of Earths Astral Planes.

Any ideas, say, a Google link, or is such generally out-of-bounds?

RE: Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - Ashim - 02-25-2010

[quote='carrie' pid='11510' dateline='1267131592']
to "make" their new 4th

It is not easy to do such thing. To make such, would need immense power with no guarantee that it will be successful. If you cannot control building blocks, make it work correctly and generate correct results, it will be very hard to control the black holes. Then, unless you have time to do the base-pairs of DNA correctly, you can end up with lots of non-functional life forms.

History is full of examples of the emergence of these technologies and their influence on various timeline scenarios (Tesla). The lifeforms created do not yet have a Soul, but are on the ladder to becoming and evolving. There are many "redundant" corners of the Creation that will all, eventually, be called back for the glorious reunitement with oneness.
The power that we, as a united force, wielding the sword of light enjoy, surpasses any attempt by the "dark" forces to manipulate the 3D Illusion that we experience.
I believe that the Harvest must be realized in 3d - [/quote]

RE: Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - carrie - 02-26-2010

Quote:It sounds to me however, that if this device has generated all of spime and tace as we know it (hehe), indeed setting into motion the events that created the universe, then it is no different from God.

I had access to such a "device", and able to generate a huge illusion. I do not understand the idea behind it, but see next quote -

Quote:From what I've studied so far, it seems that there is 80% overlap with what the Law of One materials teach.

The Law of One material is "reflects opposite", it is explaining that (whoever) is doing this, is learning about infinity and finite, about free-will and ability to choose, about love and light, and constantly experiencing things (he) did not know.

Quote:To me "device" implies something mechanical and external.

The device is external to the Universe (illusion) that we know it.

Quote:consists of discreet units of energy level which change at discreet time intervals, what are the consequences?

The space device works by making fabric and placing it into the void. The fabric is different kind of fabric than we understand, like cloth or something to wear. The fabric defines as a mesh intersecting nodes that "units of information" can travel down.

There is difference between inertia (concept of expansion) and time. Time only exists because of the time-generator generating delta into this illusion. Why the concept of delta? Because for one unit of information to flow down into another node in the fabric of space and time, there needs to be delta applied to the unit of information for it to flow from one node to another node.

The unit of information consists of very very basic building blocks. What is called as Quarks, leptons, masons. These then move around based on delta applied to the fabric. Each set of delta then makes it look continuously moving.

From the statement above, you can clearly see hints of Newton's law of motion, law of thermodynamics, hints of conservation of momentum (total momentum remains constant), invariance of speed of light.

RE: Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - Questioner - 02-27-2010

What you described reminds me of this from biology:
[Image: 06a.jpg]
(neurons forwarding signals)

and also of this from programming:
[Image: dllist2.gif]
(inserting a node into a linked list)

And of course
[Image: Bellbottom_panels.jpg]
maybe the event horizon of our universe is just the Creator's ever-widening bell bottoms.

Quote:you can clearly see
Actually, this "structure of the universe" stuff does not come easily for me! I need to find metaphors. It takes me a lot of study to start to get an appreciation of what seems to flash into your mind as a complete package of intuitive concepts. To me, it's fascinating to learn about, but a lot of hard work. After a lot of effort, I can see through a glass darkly, not clearly at all.

Was any of the material from the other sites I mentioned useful for you?

RE: Anyone heard of this - Space generator and Time generator? - carrie - 04-07-2010

One last mention:

How is this powered by?
- It is powered by the creator (of the two devices) feeding parts of itself into the generator to power it. Since the creator is infinity, this creates "finity". (sounds familiar?)

- It also means a "unified creation" where the creator uses parts of itself to create everything.