Ultimately discernment is of the heart, but one somewhat useful mind technique is understanding that the future is probability vortices and is not set in stone.
With that understanding, when channeled material touches on the future probabilities, ask yourself: what sort of timeline do they talk about? What sort of emotion does that timeline evoke?
Typically, but not always, negative sources talk about future timelines that are involve more fear and hardship. Positive sources talk about futures that are beautiful.
Of course, this method is too fallible, since it is of the mind and not of the heart, but it seems to be somewhat useful before one has learned heartfelt discernment.
With that understanding, when channeled material touches on the future probabilities, ask yourself: what sort of timeline do they talk about? What sort of emotion does that timeline evoke?
Typically, but not always, negative sources talk about future timelines that are involve more fear and hardship. Positive sources talk about futures that are beautiful.
Of course, this method is too fallible, since it is of the mind and not of the heart, but it seems to be somewhat useful before one has learned heartfelt discernment.