David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Printable Version

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David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - hogey11 - 11-15-2012

I was just reading this on David's site and thought i'd post it here. Personally, I am always interested in what David has to say relating to Law of One matters. So here we go!


In all honesty, I did wonder in the past if it might be a totally discontinuous event -- dropping us either onto an ET mothership or into a new Earth with trees, mountains and lakes -- but no buildings or remnants of third-density.

This is the type of bizarre, cosmic, psychedelic stuff that you end up thinking about when you read something like the Law of One series.

In my extended Canada sabbatical I really went through the Law of One like never before, and found new quotes that supported the idea that all third-density matter will have a fourth-density counterpart.

There is much more to say about all of this, but my point is that it does appear that the transition will be much gentler, happier and smoother than I had wondered in earlier articles.

I am going ahead and booking events for next year because I do expect that the world will continue -- and will already be getting much better than it is now.


Another major new data point is the use of the term "Harvest" in the Law of One series. This has always been controversial.

This term comes straight out of the Book of Matthew, beginning in chapter 13. Now I realize the Law of One series was pointing us towards this passage all along. I am amazed it took me this long to figure this out -- and read what it says.

People on Earth are compared to a crop in this Biblical analogy. The "adversary" goes through the good crop and sows the seeds of evil, which grow up into "tares."

The "tares" are weeds that make the wheat taste terrible, and become unusuable, if they are included in the harvest. This was apparently quite a problem for farmers back in Jesus' time.

Jesus clearly describes how the angels will go through and literally pluck out the tares, one by one, at "the end of the world".


The Law of One series heavily corroborates this message. It blatantly predicts that sixth-density ETs will literally move the most corrupt elements of our society out of here -- and put them on an alternate timeline.

... (i am removing David's 'dream' as it just makes this whole thing very long. Check out his website if you want to hear about the dream he relates to the harvest) ...


Remember -- this is a dream, so it obviously has symbolic, non-literal elements to it. I would not recommend taking it as a strictly literal prophecy -- but it obviously foreshadowed what I would read about seven years later in the Law of One series.

The Law of One says the "fourth-density negative harvest" is one of "intense disharmony."

This suggests that those very few, highly negative people who are moved into their own timeline will experience a cataclysmic reality, similar to what was seen in the Looking Glass. Very few people may ever be aware that this has happened.

After seeing what I've gone through for much, much less, it did ultimately make sense to me that the people who have done the greatest harm to others might need to experience a very grievous, worldwide catastrophe -- in order to properly re-balance their karma.

Very few people will need this form of "catalyst," however.

Even those who are trending negative, but not pure in their seeking of evil, will be on a timeline that is smooth, gentle, peaceful and non-disruptive, to the point that they may not even realize that anything has changed.

Again, just so that we're absolutely clear, I believe it is impossible for someone to end up on this negative timeline unless they have gleefully tortured, raped and murdered many people -- or have been directly responsible for such events happening.

Many others who have done harm, but not enough to warrant the negative timeline, will still be here -- and will probably need to be exposed, arrested, given a fair trial by jury, and a reasonable sentence if found guilty.


If anything the Law of One says is true -- and I have rigorously proven that it is loaded with accurate science -- then they are indeed predicting a "quantum leap" to occur, all at once, at some point in time roughly 30 years after 1981.

The careful use of the word "Harvest" clearly shows that some form of Divine Intervention is predicted, in which the strongest opposition will be removed -- so we have a fighting chance of creating a better world.

I was then shocked to realize that Harvest may have already started happening -- by this definition.

Many different underground bases have been completely portaled out, down to the bare walls, all over the world -- beginning in August 2011. This is the exact same year the Law of One predicted the "Harvest" would begin -- 30 years after 1981.

The insider data on this bizarre series of events has been exceptionally good. It has caused incredible shock-waves in the insider community.

Unfortunately, there has been a total lockdown on new insider information about what may or may not be happening -- since late Spring of this year. They are terrified about what is happening, since they had believed they were undefeatable.

However, this information lockdown has led me to believe these "Harvest" events have only increased in frequency -- not decreased.

I do think it is possible that we could see a lot more of it, on a much more blatant level, before this transition is complete.


The number of people who are negative enough to be moved onto another timeline could be so small that we may not realize anything has happened at first.

However, I do believe that if this is the correct interpretation, it will be much easier to conduct mass arrests after this has happened.

There is ever-increasing evidence in mainstream media that things are already moving in that direction -- including the BBC pedophilia scandal, the LIBOR scandal, major lawsuits against the banks for mortgage fraud, et cetera.

The dreams I am having in my own life, and the relative speed with which historical events need to happen, has convinced me that all of this stuff couldn't possibly happen just between now and December 21st.

This also explains why there is a "100 to 700-year transition period" after this "quantum leap," according to the Law of One.

The "Harvest" has already started. The Bible prophecy of the plucking of the tares from the wheat has been going on since UFOs began powering down nuclear missile installations in the 1940s.

It has dramatically increased since August 2011 -- and in the early stages, many of these events were quite visible and public, as I have written in many earlier articles.


I am very excited about where this is going. I look forward to seeing the world transform, and taking a direct role in helping it happen.

Everyone I know who is on a spiritual path is going through maximum pain, maximum difficulty and maximum initiation right now. There is a very strong feeling that we are building up to a major historical event.

The way I think about it right now is akin to that classic phrase you never want to have to hear, but once you do, you know they're right: "If you throw up, you'll feel better."

The best way you can help out right now, in Law of One terms, is to seek your own enlightenment for the sake of all beings.

The best way to pursue this enlightenment is to return all hate, anger, jealousy and sadness directed towards you with love and forgiveness.

It is also important to practice healthy boundaries and not let yourself be taken advantage of by those who seek to manipulate and control you. This is a lesson we are actively learning on a worldwide level -- right now.

This is the art of love with wisdom -- a practice that we continue to refine for millions of years, long after we have Ascended from the third-density state.

OK, I guess that's it!

I found some of David's insights very interesting indeed. Love and light, all Smile

PS my wife and i are having another baby! starting to tell people and i'm very excited. My daughter is already my pride and joy; i'll have to start making room in my heart for the next one!

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Daydreamin - 11-15-2012

Congrats on the news! My wife and I are having twins! Due date is beginning of June.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - hogey11 - 11-15-2012

We're due beginning of May Smile but the last one came 5 weeks early, so we'll see.... Tongue

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Phoenix - 11-15-2012

Thanks for quoting this all, I would have found it hard to go through that long post and get to this. (In a bit of a sensitive state at the moment)

Quote:This term comes straight out of the Book of Matthew, beginning in chapter 13. Now I realize the Law of One series was pointing us towards this passage all along. I am amazed it took me this long to figure this out -- and read what it says.

This is probably because in the same instance David mistook 100- 700 years to his own rationalisations (we've all done it.) So now he came out and said that that wasn't correct he 'healed' it and could see the actual hints.

Very jammy piece of work the Law of One. What with the whole 'Taras Bulba' thing on the other thread as well.

'The Crucifixion of Esmerelda Sweetwater' had as a main character Joshua. I may read through the book of Joshua later today.

Congradulations on the new baby!

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - hogey11 - 11-15-2012

Quote:What with the whole 'Taras Bulba' thing on the other thread as well.

Hmm which thread do you mean? I missed that... Tongue

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - hogey11 - 11-15-2012

For cross reference (using NIV version - not sure which bible is best):

Quote:The Parable of the Weeds

24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

Also, a few verses later:

Quote:The Parable of the Weeds Explained

36 Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”

37 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.

40 “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42 They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.

David's relation of this parable to the harvest is one of the things that intrigued me most about his opinion. It makes some sort of sense in that Carla's beliefs were often cited as a 'framework' in which Ra felt they could appropriately deliver deeper concepts and meanings. In this way, going to the Bible as a context for the word used makes a lot of sense (to me, anyways)... Just thought it was interesting.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Oceania - 11-16-2012

David seems to have changed his mind. which is interesting, that meditation in Canada did him good.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - hogey11 - 11-16-2012

and really, this is the part of David's character I really respect. He is forthright to a fault in that he shares where 'he is at' at all times, even despite being 'wrong' at times and even going into bad head-spaces. I respect the way in which he shares his journey. I know my own understandings of reality change from thread to thread here; everyone has another tidbit of truth in which I can learn from them.

Another thing that is making sense to me about this is the aspect of the STS negatives 'going first' before the STO positives. I think there is a good chunk of society who relate to things like conspiracy theories and talk of 'the powers that be' (STS negatives) because they resonate with it. I think they resonate with it because the reality is that for negative elites to become harvestable, they have to more or less create dragnets to gather negative intention. These are directed at groups of people rather than individuals. Obvious examples would be things like the Media or Military.

How quickly would our world change if these cogs in the wheel were replaced with working parts meant for good?

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - zenmaster - 11-17-2012

(11-16-2012, 09:10 AM)Oceania Wrote: David seems to have changed his mind.
And this would be a surprise?

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Oceania - 11-17-2012

did you not read his essay about gradualism vs abruptlism?

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - hogey11 - 11-17-2012

I think he's still adhering to certain aspects of the 'abrupt' harvest, but I think he is coalescing those aspects into a gradual 'fallout' perspective as well. I appreciate his honest in saying that he just doesn't know exactly what to expect come December 21st. For any of us to be so sure is kinda silly. I can't predict tomorrow, let alone 2 months from now.

Also, there are a lot of things that make me think. In Daniel's paper, he reiterated some info on the 'DNA healing' project where GMO seeds were 'transformed' back into their original versions by blasting them with certain DNA frequencies. What if something were to do this to earth on a planetary level? If a mechanism like that were to exist, it would have a 'on' moment, would it not? Or is it impossible that our planet would be influenced by something outside of our understanding? Can even we be changed by this mechanism?

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Cyan - 11-17-2012

(11-17-2012, 05:16 PM)hogey11 Wrote: I think he's still adhering to certain aspects of the 'abrupt' harvest, but I think he is coalescing those aspects into a gradual 'fallout' perspective as well. I appreciate his honest in saying that he just doesn't know exactly what to expect come December 21st. For any of us to be so sure is kinda silly. I can't predict tomorrow, let alone 2 months from now.

Also, there are a lot of things that make me think. In Daniel's paper, he reiterated some info on the 'DNA healing' project where GMO seeds were 'transformed' back into their original versions by blasting them with certain DNA frequencies. What if something were to do this to earth on a planetary level? If a mechanism like that were to exist, it would have a 'on' moment, would it not? Or is it impossible that our planet would be influenced by something outside of our understanding? Can even we be changed by this mechanism?

I may be able to predict future trends to millions of years from now. But I can not predict what will happen the next second. I am in sufficent awe of my higher self/present self interaction and its potential once understood that the harvest, may very well, mean that I am personally awaken from a sunday nap to tend to the fields of corn with billybob and thorton.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Confused - 11-17-2012

Congratulations, hogey11 and Daydreamin, for the incoming souls into your families in the form of your offspring(s)! I am sure many at b4th will be holding you in thoughts and prayers for a very happy event. Please accept my wishes and prayers as well.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - reeay - 11-17-2012

The 'outcome' of everything DW talks about is supposed to be 'ridiculously positive' (his words).

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - hogey11 - 11-17-2012

Let's hope it is! BigSmile

and thank you, Confused. I am getting more excited by the day! The first go around has been very fulfilling Smile

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - reeay - 11-17-2012

Do you think it's possible to be in a 'ridiculously positive' space? It's very polarized...

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - hogey11 - 11-17-2012

Depends in what context, but yes, I believe there are scenarios where a great percentage of the world's population could be very encouraged, even compared to today (especially with the middle east bullcrap that's unfolding right now). I don't think it would take very long for truth to change the world; the question is when the paradigm will change.

Besides, let's say i'm wrong and come January we're still dragging out the same shitty stories we are now. What did I lose with my intention for positive things in the world? If they don't come to pass, i'm not going to let those disappointments crush my spirit as I know all is well and all is going as it should. Unlike some others, I don't see the foolishness in being positive and hoping for the best.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - reeay - 11-18-2012

Sometimes looking honestly at someone's work and understanding why they believe what they believe is an important part of learning/exercising discernment. In our seeking, we may look for information that confirms our hopes and desires instead of understanding the motivations behind those hopes and desires. When I read David's blog about his personal journey (and his personal stories/dreams from other blogs) I do see a part of himself wanting to see the 'ridiculously positive' world.

There may be a difference between what we want to see and what is really playing out within us. I guess in our anxiety or fears or excitement we look to external sources, hoping to find out what the future will look. And we selectively filter in information that confirms our inner desires.

'Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.'

The problem being examined was, 'what is going to happen to us?'

When I see 'ridiculously positive' outcome, I think, David must be looking for some sort of assurance that he and the rest of the world will be OK. I think it comes from his heart that he wants everybody and everything to be beautiful and safe. It mirrors all our hopes and dreams for a positive future timeline. If the outcome were full disclosure or end of tyranny with help from positive forces, that would have to come from the people of earth... that would take years, right? If we had outside help, then those benevolent beings would violate our free will. Scott Mandelker talks about this (he sounded a bit upset so maybe he had some personal things going on, I don't know).

And I agree with you, it's important to vibrate that positivity. And also work with our fears and other lessons.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - zenmaster - 11-18-2012

'Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.'

At some point hopes and intention become distinct due to the availability of honesty. Until then, even with the utmost passion and sincerity, confusion and conflict must be unconsciously projected. The internal drama becomes the social drama, over and over. As Krishnamurti said, society and the individual are the same thing.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Tenet Nosce - 11-20-2012

According to my (ongoing) estimation there are several "points in time" which have become conflated:

1. The end of the major cycle of 75,000 years (Harvest).
2. The last moment of 3rd density vibrations.
3. The first moment of 4th density vibrations.
4. The moment in 3D where "positive" vibrations outweigh "negative" vibrations.
5. The moment in 3D where there are no more "negative" vibrations.

I'm sure there are others I am missing. The idea is that there is a tendency, whether within myself, in DW's work, or anywhere else the Ra Material is discussed, to think that many- if not all- of these points are simultaneous from a linear time perspective. This is not in any case necessary.

My current take on 12/21/12 is that it is a marker-flag for #4. If not for anything else intrinsic to time/space considerations, it could just have resulted from a sufficient amount of focused positive intent around this particular date. In a way, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - zenmaster - 11-20-2012

(11-20-2012, 06:53 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I'm sure there are others I am missing.
The precession of the rotational axis and the minor cycles.

(11-20-2012, 06:53 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: My current take on 12/21/12 is that it is a marker-flag for #4.
That would make no sense unless there was no free will.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - hogey11 - 11-21-2012

Quote:That would make no sense unless there was no free will.

Maybe the choice has already been made? The calling may be high enough. None of us can be sure to know exactly what it sits at, but with the law of squares in effect, I feel all bets are off the table...

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Tenet Nosce - 11-21-2012

(11-20-2012, 06:53 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: My current take on 12/21/12 is that it is a marker-flag for #4.
zenmaster Wrote:That would make no sense unless there was no free will.

Eh? There must be some point at which the positive outweighs the negative- that is inevitable. The exact moment when that occurs is up to free will.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Parsons - 11-21-2012

Aha! The conversation between zm and TN exposes a logical inconsistency in the concept of a gradual harvest. zm is correct that it would violate the free will of the remaining population not ready for 4D. Yet, if there is no gradual reduction of population, there must be a 'turning point' in a gradual harvest.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Tenet Nosce - 11-21-2012

(11-21-2012, 02:25 PM)Parsons Wrote: Yet, if there is no gradual reduction of population, there must be a 'turning point' in a gradual harvest.

111 Thread Redirect --> Harvest: Do The Math

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Monica - 11-21-2012

(11-15-2012, 02:08 PM)hogey11 Wrote: I was just reading this on David's site and thought i'd post it here...
I found some of David's insights very interesting indeed.

I just read that last night and thought the same. I noticed the tone of this was much more positive and less focused on the negative elite, which I found refreshing!

I especially liked what he said about the pineal gland being a time travel device - very cool! This coincides with what Nassim says about us being the event horizon. I had already concluded on my own that what 2012 was really about, was a nexus, by which we would be 'placed' into the appropriate timeline. Then I read this as confirmation!

(11-15-2012, 02:08 PM)hogey11 Wrote: PS my wife and i are having another baby! starting to tell people and i'm very excited. My daughter is already my pride and joy; i'll have to start making room in my heart for the next one!

Congratulations!! We are the threshold of something glorious! Smile

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - caycegal - 11-21-2012

[quote='hogey11' pid='104780' dateline='1353002931']



The Law of One series heavily corroborates this message. It blatantly predicts that sixth-density ETs will literally move the most corrupt elements of our society out of here -- and put them on an alternate timeline.

PS my wife and i are having another baby! starting to tell people and i'm very excited. My daughter is already my pride and joy; i'll have to start making room in my heart for the next one!

Congratulations, proud papa!

Thanks for posting this. I never did get why David W. thought he was EC just because he looks like him, but I do enjoy reading his thoughts and a lot of what he says resonates w/me.

Especially was interested in reading more about "alternate timeline." This correlates well with Jane Roberts' channeling about "parallel realities." She had an experience in which she and her husband encountered their more negative counterparts in what seems to have been some kind of bleed-through between realities (or timelines?).

Perhaps there are numerous or even infinite opportunities for individuals to move into a different probably reality. And we each have (according to Roberts) counterparts, some of which are much more positive and evolved that others. This of course has been a recurring theme in Star Trek episodes.

Regarding free will, I really like what Ra said about how our level of density is determined. I believe he said that it is as if each of us walks forward into the light until we come to a place where we feel comfortable, and that is where we stay (for a while). Something like that. I have no problem thinking this is a continuous rather than a once every millennium process. I see us all continuously moving forward into the light, so I guess I am inclined toward the gradualist camp.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - Tenet Nosce - 11-21-2012

(11-21-2012, 03:58 PM)caycegal Wrote: Thanks for posting this. I never did get why David W. thought he was EC just because he looks like him, but I do enjoy reading his thoughts and a lot of what he says resonates w/me.

This person uses a similar logic to make the case that DW is the reincarnation of Rasputin.

But that's not to say I think he is any more reliable a source... lower in the article he refers to the "The Demonic Channeled Messages of Ra." But then goes on to have a supposed quote from Wikipedia that doesn't say anything about "demonic" nor does he give any other explanation for why he thinks it is demonic.

Also of note, the Wikipedia entry no longer exists:

Quote:This page has been deleted. The deletion and move log for the page are provided below for reference.

20:51, 27 August 2009 NuclearWarfare (talk | contribs) deleted page Ra (channeled entity) (Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Ra (channeled entity) (2nd nomination))

14:08, 23 August 2009 Logos5557 (talk | contribs) moved page Ra (channeled entity) to User:Logos5557/Ra (channeled entity) (the possible solution to save the article from an ongoing deletion discussion is to userfication)

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - hogey11 - 11-21-2012

@tenet - I don't even think that guy is even worth bringing up. A confused troll, imo.

I never understand the vitriol and hatred David receives for purely sharing his work. Boggles my mind.

RE: David Wilcock, Daniel, & The Harvest - reeay - 11-21-2012

(11-21-2012, 05:37 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: This person uses a similar logic to make the case that DW is the reincarnation of Rasputin.

But that's not to say I think he is any more reliable a source...

That was entertaining!

The name itself is interesting 'brianstalin' lol.

If we prime someone with statements such as, 'look, they look alike' or 'x and y look identical,' immediately the human mind would try to find similarities instead of differences (well, likely the 'naive' person). Same goes for 'x = y therefore they look identical.'

I'm not sure how looking like someone could mean you had been that person in past life. Seems like people claim to 'know,' and then tell us that the proof is not accessible to anybody but themselves.