12-03-2012, 07:05 PM
(12-03-2012, 06:13 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: You are able to isolate which strains they need, based on that test? Interesting!
To some degree. There is still some guesswork and personal theories involved because we just don't have the research to know for sure. But it's way better than taking a blind stab in the dark!
Quote:Funny, you want to work with the client...very refreshing! Most practitioners I've been to just wanted to tell me what to do, without working with me.
Yup. Though- isn't earth living a riot?! I have found that WAY more people are looking for those authoritative types... even in the alternative field. I think a lot of practitioners might start out like me... but then when they find that they can't make ends meet with their business, eventually capitulate and just give people what they are asking for.
Quote:You were referring to placebo...isn't placebo a function of the person, not the treatment?
What I meant was- every treatment will have some degree of placebo effect. The actual degree to which it does depends on the patient- and also the practitioner.
Quote:Of course, all those people would buy machines and the practitioner would make $$ that way, so it would balance out in the end, and they might even come out better in the long run. But they don't think about that...they just think about their profit. Never mind that the machine would continue to help people for decades to come, as well as ripple out to friends and family members as well.
People have a hard time thinking big picture. Period.
Quote:You have my respect!
More importantly- my own!

I can't help but think of the droves who drive themselves to a big corporate box and sit in a cubicle all day every day because they see no alternative.

Quote:Why? If you are offering a legitimate service that is helping people, why not promote it?
Self-promotion makes me uncomfortable... maybe it's just a blockage of some sort... but on a broader scale it just annoys me that legitimate services have to be heavily promoted in order to stand out among all the garbage and flat-out fraudulent practices.
I mean... what is it about people that they continue to be so easily fooled by hucksters and charlatans? Haven't we grown past this yet? (I guess the answer is: No, we haven't.)
Quote:They just assume mine is over-hyped too, and I have to get them past that.
Well, see? That's what I mean. Personally, I see lamestream medicine as much LESS of a hindrance to what I am doing than all these bozos in the alternative health field hawking garbage to the unwitting public.
And then, on TOP of that we now have a wave of YouTube "gurus" leading people to believe that they don't even need ANY kind of professional help at all! Why pay a consultation fee, when Dan the Man can tell me everything I need to know for free!

Quote:They discussed free will and choice a great deal. Choosing one thing over another, automatically rejects that which is not chosen.
Put that way- yes I see what you mean.