12-03-2012, 12:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2012, 01:01 AM by Tenet Nosce.)
(12-02-2012, 08:53 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Yes, it was! My husband used to tease me about the health food store in my kitchen! I had so many bottles of various vitamins, etc. I could have opened up shop!
You might be surprised to learn how few supplements we regularly take! Although not too long ago I wanted to see what I could put together as a generic supplement protocol for digestive health. I definitely saw some improvements, but then again I don't have severe digestive symptoms.
When it comes to making recommendations to others I try to be cognizant of not including anything which isn't specifically indicated for a particular symptom or test finding so as not to waste their money.
Quote:The juicing and fasting were definitely effective, but fasting requires some education, to do it properly. I overdid it, which resulted in a slowing down of my metabolism.
Yeah- overdoing a fast can cause the metabolism to slow down. Especially if muscle loss starts to occur due to protein deficiency. I think it is also important to be able to fast in a relaxed environment. I'm not sure how helpful it is to try and fast in the hustle and bustle of typical American living.
Quote:Juicing is nourishing as well as detoxifying, and that is something I still do daily. I'm a huge proponent of juicing!
I love juicing beets and greens. Actually, now that I think about it, that would be the kind of juice I would recommend for general detoxing.
Quote:Colonics are unquestionably effective too in jumpstarting the detox process, but they can be overdone.
I had to have one done in order to graduate. I wasn't too thrilled about out, but I had some allergy symptoms leave and never come back after just that one treatment!
Quote:The nutritionist had me coming back 1-3 times per week for 3 years!!!
HOLY CRAP!!! I can't imagine doing anything 1-3 times per week for 3 years much less colonics! Were you concerned about overdoing it at the time? The nutritionist apparently thought this was fine...?
Quote:Especially since I wasn't even very sick! I'd say colonics can be helpful but only for a couple of weeks. After that, the person can get dependent on them - NOT good!
How did they manage to convince you that you needed 3 years of colonics if you weren't even very sick?!
Quote:But then, so is any green juice.
Or green anything for that matter!
Quote:That's just it! That's the beauty of this water; it works anyway regardless of diet and lifestyle, with the exception of sodas and sports drinks.
Do you know of any examples where somebody was pretty skeptical, and also didn't make diet or lifestyle changes, and still got great results?
Quote:I don't have much luck getting people to change their diet.
Tell me about it. :-/
Quote:It's much easier for them to just drink water. Water is the foundation, since our bodies are 75% water. Then, after they get noticeable benefits from the water, sometimes they are more receptive to making other changes too. Sometimes not, but that's ok.
Have they done any studies comparing ionized water to filtered water? Drinking more water in general would probably benefit a lot of people.
Quote:On the mercury fillings, I think everyone should have them removed, even if they aren't experiencing symptoms. Pieces of old fillings can break off later and get swallowed. And, each time a person chews, vapors can be released. I see no good reason to keep such poisonous substances in the body.
I thought I had heard there is also some risk of exposure when getting them removed. Plus, isn't that an expensive procedure? I guess it would depend how much total mercury was in the mouth and how well the detox processes were otherwise functioning.
(12-02-2012, 09:46 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Researchers are still trying to isolate which property of the water is responsible for the dramatic health benefits. So far, it appears that the microclustering is the most important, though alkalinity and ORP are important also. Inferior machines can produce alkalinity and negative ORP ut fail to get the same results, presumably because they aren't microclustered. And the various pills, potions, powders and gadgets might produce 1 or 2 of the properties but not all 3.
How is the microclustering measured?
(12-02-2012, 10:21 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: It's a straw man argument, since no one is claiming that ionized water changes blood pH.
When in 4D do you suppose people will either finally learn how to recognize a strawman argument, or just stop using them altogether? I get the feeling this skill would be necessary in order to form a cohesive social memory complex.