(12-02-2012, 08:14 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: That sounds like an awful lot of time and money!
Yes, it was! My husband used to tease me about the health food store in my kitchen! I had so many bottles of various vitamins, etc. I could have opened up shop!
This was over a 25-year period, with most of it during the 15 years I was sick and desperately searching for answers.
(12-02-2012, 08:14 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: But I'm sure you got some great experiences from all of that.
(12-02-2012, 08:14 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Anything that you say about these methods in general... do you think any of them are definitely better than the others? Or would does it depend on the person and the circumstance?
Well I'm sure it depends on the person and the circumstance, so I can only speak of my own personal experience, and that of my husband, who did some of these things with me (some, not all!).
The juicing and fasting were definitely effective, but fasting requires some education, to do it properly. I overdid it, which resulted in a slowing down of my metabolism.
Juicing is nourishing as well as detoxifying, and that is something I still do daily. I'm a huge proponent of juicing!
Colonics are unquestionably effective too in jumpstarting the detox process, but they can be overdone. The nutritionist had me coming back 1-3 times per week for 3 years!!! That is waaaaaaay over the top! Especially since I wasn't even very sick! I'd say colonics can be helpful but only for a couple of weeks. After that, the person can get dependent on them - NOT good!
I no longer think colonics are necessary at all, in most cases. I've witnessed people getting such profound detox with just the water, that I no longer see the need for invasive colonics.
The foot bath made me nearly pass out, as did the electric-current lymph drainage. I couldn't handle the current for some reason, though I know other people who swear by both of those. I would never get near either of them, ever again.
The foot pads are controversial. Some say they are a scam. I have no idea. Yes they were wet the next morning, but that could be just sweat interacting with the herbs? I do believe toxins can be expelled from the feet, but I have no idea if those foot pads are actually drawing out toxins. I used them religiously for a couple of weeks and never noticed anything one way or the other.
Detoxifying herbs can be very powerful. I've seen and experienced live toxins being expelled through the skin upon using liver detox herbs. I've also experienced the emotions associated with certain organs getting stirred up by the use of Chinese herbs.
Wheatgrass juice is very potent. But then, so is any green juice. A toxic person could feel nauseated upon drinking a shot of wheatgrass or other green juice. If they feel nauseated, that means they need it!
(12-02-2012, 08:14 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: How well does it work if people don't take other basic detox measures? Like if people continue to smoke cigarettes, or drink soda pop and alcohol, or eat hamburgers... things like that...
That's just it! That's the beauty of this water; it works anyway regardless of diet and lifestyle, with the exception of sodas and sports drinks. Those are so acidic that they cancel each other out. Sodas and sports drinks must be eliminated 100% for the water to work.
People who smoke cigs usually feel nauseated when they drink the water, but if they are trying to quit the cigs and stick it out, the water helps them quit and detoxify the cigarette poisons.
I know plenty of people who eat hamburgers and other junk, and they still get great benefits (like pain relief, lower blood pressure, etc.) but obviously if they change their diet too, the results will be even better.
I don't have much luck getting people to change their diet. It's much easier for them to just drink water. Water is the foundation, since our bodies are 75% water. Then, after they get noticeable benefits from the water, sometimes they are more receptive to making other changes too. Sometimes not, but that's ok.
On the mercury fillings, I think everyone should have them removed, even if they aren't experiencing symptoms. Pieces of old fillings can break off later and get swallowed. And, each time a person chews, vapors can be released. I see no good reason to keep such poisonous substances in the body.