Thank you for your questions, Intermediary. Although I have thought on these topics before, I always find it very refreshing to hear them asked in a new way, and responded to in a new way. 
I have not much else to add besides what Cyclops has offered. It's my general opinion, and I suspect this could be verified with Ra quotes (though I have not the time...) that negative Orion entities from higher densities are only able to do so much to effect us in our third density, due to the quarantine that is upheld by the confederation. This is in place to protect our free will from being trampled on by say, crusaders of this type. However as with any group of determined people, attempts are made in any way possible. Thus, if a third density entity were to bring his/her vibrations low enough to match those of the crusaders (an act of that entity's free will), a contact could possibly be made.
As far as trying to snuff out L/L and the Law of One information, that is pretty much impossible due to the quarantine, again. But even without the quarantine, it would be very difficult for anyone to erase the Ra material from our society. Even though only the tiniest sliver of humanity is aware of the work, it still has probably be distributed to at least several thousand people. You'd have to find out where all the books went, not to mention websites, etc. etc.... it would be an impossible task. I suppose this is why the negative 5th density entity was so determined in it's attacks upon the L/L group at the actual time of the Ra transmissions. It knew that if it could cut the plant at the root it would have the most effect. To try that now would be like pruning a couple leaves off an old Oak in an attempt to kill the tree.

I have not much else to add besides what Cyclops has offered. It's my general opinion, and I suspect this could be verified with Ra quotes (though I have not the time...) that negative Orion entities from higher densities are only able to do so much to effect us in our third density, due to the quarantine that is upheld by the confederation. This is in place to protect our free will from being trampled on by say, crusaders of this type. However as with any group of determined people, attempts are made in any way possible. Thus, if a third density entity were to bring his/her vibrations low enough to match those of the crusaders (an act of that entity's free will), a contact could possibly be made.
As far as trying to snuff out L/L and the Law of One information, that is pretty much impossible due to the quarantine, again. But even without the quarantine, it would be very difficult for anyone to erase the Ra material from our society. Even though only the tiniest sliver of humanity is aware of the work, it still has probably be distributed to at least several thousand people. You'd have to find out where all the books went, not to mention websites, etc. etc.... it would be an impossible task. I suppose this is why the negative 5th density entity was so determined in it's attacks upon the L/L group at the actual time of the Ra transmissions. It knew that if it could cut the plant at the root it would have the most effect. To try that now would be like pruning a couple leaves off an old Oak in an attempt to kill the tree.