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Multiple question topic - Intermediary - 02-10-2010

Good people, good day

In advance I thank you for your time, if you read these questions and perhaps reply to some or all of them.

1. Is it common that the Orion's 'crusaders' try to stop or do harm to some persons who are compitely devoted to serve others, like for example the assasination of Abraham Lincoln. What means can they use to stop such fine men or women?
1a. Can The Confederation somehow offer some sort of protection to such 'angelicaly positive' entities?

2. How come that the Ra Material is going safe without the governement or other groups trying to hide such information or threaten the L/L Research group etc, for it's filled with top secret informations?

3. When you are a 6th-density entity, do you know all your past incarnations and can remember all or most the lifes you had?

RE: Multiple question topic - Cyclops - 02-10-2010

1)Orion entities and other negative entities often try to stop and harm, it's like a battle of sorts. They gain power when they influenced someone to their way of thinking. In extreme instances where one can not be influenced, they will try to manipulate your body and mental distortions so that it either stops functioning or an accident happens like walking through the road unknowingly in traffic. If you read the LOO fully, both fourth density and fifth density negatives tried to manipulate, and then end the working. The fourth being more offering manipulation, the fifth coming as a last resort to harm the physical vehicle.
1a) Of what I've read the confederation offers philosophy and ways of protecting yourself, to protect you physically would be infringement. For just as the confederation offers you light, it's the right of the negative entities to snuff out that light if they wish.

Quote:Ra: I am Ra. It is entirely possible for the untuned channel, as you call that service, to receive both positive and negative communications. If the entity at the base of its confusion is oriented toward service to others, the entity will begin to receive messages of doom. If the entity at the base of the complex of beingness is oriented towards service to self, the crusaders, who in this case, do not find it necessary to lie, will simply begin to give the philosophy they are here to give. Many of your so-called contacts among your people have been confused and self-destructive because the channels were oriented towards service to others but, in the desire for proof, were open to the lying information of the crusaders who then were able to neutralize the effectiveness of the channel.

Quote:Similarly, a mistaken Orion contact with highly polarized positive entities can wreak havoc with Orion troops unless these Crusaders are able to de-polarize the entity mistakenly contacted. This occurrence is almost unheard of. Therefore, the Orion group prefers to make physical contact only with the weaker-minded entity.

2) They do not need to directly confront this material, it's already well hidden enough because of the cloak of fear surrounding the world about war and terrorism and other things. Most of the people on earth do not have the luxury to seek this information because of the gap of living conditions from elite to un-elite by negative standards, or rich and poor, middle class. And other things as well, debunking and humiliating the slightest thoughts and conspiracy theories through media. Just some idea's because there are way more defense mechanisms that I haven't mentioned.

Quote:Ra: I am Ra. To simplify this concept is our intent. The Higher Self is a manifestation given to the late sixth-density mind/body/spirit complex as a gift from its future selfness. The mid-seventh density’s last action before turning towards the allness of the Creator and gaining spiritual mass is to give this resource to the sixth-density self, moving as you measure time in the stream of time.

This self, the mind/body/spirit complex of late sixth-density, has then the honor/duty of using both the experiences of its total living bank of memory of experience, thoughts, and actions, and using the resource of the mind/body/spirit complex totality left behind as a type of infinitely complex thought-form.

3)Since you will reach the density of your higher-self then you will pass it during seventh, thus I believe the answer to this one is yes.

RE: Multiple question topic - Lavazza - 02-10-2010

Thank you for your questions, Intermediary. Although I have thought on these topics before, I always find it very refreshing to hear them asked in a new way, and responded to in a new way. Smile

I have not much else to add besides what Cyclops has offered. It's my general opinion, and I suspect this could be verified with Ra quotes (though I have not the time...) that negative Orion entities from higher densities are only able to do so much to effect us in our third density, due to the quarantine that is upheld by the confederation. This is in place to protect our free will from being trampled on by say, crusaders of this type. However as with any group of determined people, attempts are made in any way possible. Thus, if a third density entity were to bring his/her vibrations low enough to match those of the crusaders (an act of that entity's free will), a contact could possibly be made.

As far as trying to snuff out L/L and the Law of One information, that is pretty much impossible due to the quarantine, again. But even without the quarantine, it would be very difficult for anyone to erase the Ra material from our society. Even though only the tiniest sliver of humanity is aware of the work, it still has probably be distributed to at least several thousand people. You'd have to find out where all the books went, not to mention websites, etc. etc.... it would be an impossible task. I suppose this is why the negative 5th density entity was so determined in it's attacks upon the L/L group at the actual time of the Ra transmissions. It knew that if it could cut the plant at the root it would have the most effect. To try that now would be like pruning a couple leaves off an old Oak in an attempt to kill the tree.

RE: Multiple question topic - Questioner - 02-10-2010

1/1a Search the Ra books and the forum for the phrase "psychic greeting" for detailed discussion of this topic.

2 Three reasons that I can see.

First, Ra's purpose was to offer a perspective to those ready to receive it, not to challenge and "shake up" those who are not interested or ready. Ra was not opposed to Don's interest in publishing the sessions, but was pretty much indifferent to the idea. If only one entity was helped to be Harvestable, that was enough outcome for Ra's efforts.

There are other providers of metaphysical concepts who are very aggressive in their promotion, recruiting and proselyting efforts, and who have large teams of editors and publishers and online promoters. So by design, they're more likely to draw attention than LLR ever will.

Second, Ra's outcome is to help those entities that can be helped to reach the spiritual evolution of the Harvest. If some entities wish to meanwhile try to build heaven on earth, through discarding corrupt political institutions, Ra's information could be somewhat useful in that goal. But that was not at all Ra's focus. Ra was dismayed that trying to use "official channels" to share the message led to political corruption in Egypt, so Ra's new approach is to inform individuals who can be helped.

In Esmerelda, both positive and negative oriented members of the military abandoned their professional responsibilities once exposed to the ET message. They chose to simply leave behind their training and positions. One realized that his life mission could be better fulfilled outside the military and made plans to resign. The other accepted a descent into psychosis that he confused with following implied orders, which were actually the manipulations of negative spiritual forces. He wound up discredited by the military. To me, both of those outcomes seem more likely than any attempt to smash the system.

Third, the whole area of Ra's material is related to keywords that bring about uncomfortable negative emotions for the average person in this society, due to social/media conditioning: UFO's, ET's, channeling, conspiracy theories, etc. These topics are hot-button wired to scorn, derision, mocking, discounting, and seeing the whole area as one tangled mess of nutty confusion at best or outright fraud at worst.

To even begin to consider what Ra has to say requires leaving the mainstream for "the far-out fringe." Think of the slim chances that people would find the information at all;take it seriously; decide it's useful; decide to focus on their increased polarity; and as a result, try to overthrow the establishment.

Positively oriented entities are more likely to focus on their own spiritual evolution than on any uprising. Negatively oriented entities are unlikely to consider Ra a useful source, compared to other channeled material with a negative focus. So the risks are extremely minimal. If the material ever does get to the attention of authorities, they'll most likely consider it a somewhat entertaining hobby of harmless kooks. If it gets to the attention of anyone running a "black ops" program, they'll probably see it as something they'll never seriously get challenged about. If anyone asks, the whole thing can get easily swept under the rug with the whole dustbin of "crazy UFO conspiracies."

3. Yes, Ra describes some of the experiences and attitudes of the individuals who later became part of Ra's social memory complex. If I read the information correctly, social memory complexes can form as early as 4D. It's not clear to me if full recall for each individual is a precondition or maybe a result of joining a social memory complex.

RE: Multiple question topic - Intermediary - 02-12-2010

These writtings of yours, people, really help me understand deeper. Thank you a lot

I must write that it's rather scary, the replies I read on my question n° 1. I now know about it, and I should not focus on it.

I didn't know about "he negative 5th density entity was so determined in it's attacks upon the L/L group at the actual time of the Ra transmissions;" Is there anything worth sharing about this happening?

I don't know about Esmerelda. I can't find on internet

RE: Multiple question topic - zenmaster - 02-13-2010

(02-10-2010, 09:13 AM)Intermediary Wrote: 3. When you are a 6th-density entity, do you know all your past incarnations and can remember all or most the lifes you had?
According to the material, this is possible in 4th density.

RE: Multiple question topic - Eddie - 02-13-2010

(02-12-2010, 12:59 PM)Intermediary Wrote: Smile
I don't know about Esmerelda. I can't find on internet

"Esmerelda" is here:
Esmerelda Sweetwater

RE: Multiple question topic - Questioner - 02-14-2010

(02-12-2010, 12:59 PM)Intermediary Wrote: I didn't know about "he negative 5th density entity was so determined in it's attacks upon the L/L group at the actual time of the Ra transmissions;" Is there anything worth sharing about this happening?

The attacks nearly destroyed the physical body of one of the people involved.
The attacks did lead to the physical death of another of the people involved.
This was the end of the Ra contact, which required the cooperation of all the people involved.

The circumstances are quite sad and tragic.
You can find a summary of them in the "about us" link at the top of the forum.

I get the impression that the idea for this forum is to focus on the eternal principles brought forth through those very difficult, painful times, not on the struggles themselves. Ra Book 5 and the introduction to Esmereldafill in most of the missing pieces. To ask for more than that would probably be an intrusion into the personal biographies of people still living. The whole story will only be apparent to future generations, or to a later "social memory complex" that's a more efficient form of history. Send me a private message if this doesn't make sense.

RE: Multiple question topic - βαθμιαίος - 02-14-2010

(02-14-2010, 02:32 AM)Questioner Wrote:
(02-12-2010, 12:59 PM)Intermediary Wrote: I didn't know about "he negative 5th density entity was so determined in it's attacks upon the L/L group at the actual time of the Ra transmissions;" Is there anything worth sharing about this happening?

The attacks nearly destroyed the physical body of one of the people involved.
The attacks did lead to the physical death of another of the people involved.
This was the end of the Ra contact, which required the cooperation of all the people involved.

Also, the soul of one of the people involved came perilously close to being tricked into negative time/space and hence enslaved by the 5th density entity.