Dosage chart for Radiation:
Sleeping next to somebody 0.05Sv
Eating a banana 0.1Sv
Flight NY to LA: 40 Sv (that's a high estimate because a 6-8 hour flight to Japan is about 37Sv)
Extra dose to Tokyo in weeks following Fukushima incident: 60 Sv
Living in a stone, brick, or concrete building for a year 70Sv
Mammogram 400Sv
Calculating dose received on flight:
Sleeping next to somebody 0.05Sv
Eating a banana 0.1Sv
Flight NY to LA: 40 Sv (that's a high estimate because a 6-8 hour flight to Japan is about 37Sv)
Extra dose to Tokyo in weeks following Fukushima incident: 60 Sv
Living in a stone, brick, or concrete building for a year 70Sv
Mammogram 400Sv
Calculating dose received on flight: