01-22-2010, 07:14 PM
i've been feeling a bit like a walking self help manual recently, it's bizarre
i have had so many phone conversations with people in the last four days, friends i haven't spoken to in a year, parents, friends' parents, clients and i find myself returning again and again to the core concepts of the Law of One and unintentionally coming out with little soundbites of Law of One perspective and wisdom. in fact i was so sound-bitey yesterday that my friend who i hadn't spoken to since last january said 'hang on till i get a pen, i want to write that down' and he started making notes lol!
is this clarity of verbal communication a blossoming of the fifth chakra? the sound-bitey nature of some of the phrases i'm coming out with don't sound particularly me-like, in other words there's an elegant simplicity to the communication
actually as i'm writing this out i'm recognising the similar theme to a previous post about assisting a friend in her spiritual enquiries.... i think the root of why i'm posting is that i feel a bit uncomfortable with people attaching weight / significance to things that i say - which is interesting
sorry this is turning into a thinking out loud rambling post
so i'm perfectly comfortable with giving advice and recongising that my professional experience gives me wisdom in corporate communication
but i'm very uncomfortable with communicating in a similar way on matters of the meaning of life, the universe and everything
interesting, i think i'm going to have to explore this further
i have had so many phone conversations with people in the last four days, friends i haven't spoken to in a year, parents, friends' parents, clients and i find myself returning again and again to the core concepts of the Law of One and unintentionally coming out with little soundbites of Law of One perspective and wisdom. in fact i was so sound-bitey yesterday that my friend who i hadn't spoken to since last january said 'hang on till i get a pen, i want to write that down' and he started making notes lol!
is this clarity of verbal communication a blossoming of the fifth chakra? the sound-bitey nature of some of the phrases i'm coming out with don't sound particularly me-like, in other words there's an elegant simplicity to the communication
actually as i'm writing this out i'm recognising the similar theme to a previous post about assisting a friend in her spiritual enquiries.... i think the root of why i'm posting is that i feel a bit uncomfortable with people attaching weight / significance to things that i say - which is interesting
sorry this is turning into a thinking out loud rambling post
so i'm perfectly comfortable with giving advice and recongising that my professional experience gives me wisdom in corporate communication
but i'm very uncomfortable with communicating in a similar way on matters of the meaning of life, the universe and everything
interesting, i think i'm going to have to explore this further