sharing perspective or thoughts - Printable Version

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sharing perspective or thoughts - Lorna - 01-22-2010

i've been feeling a bit like a walking self help manual recently, it's bizarre

i have had so many phone conversations with people in the last four days, friends i haven't spoken to in a year, parents, friends' parents, clients and i find myself returning again and again to the core concepts of the Law of One and unintentionally coming out with little soundbites of Law of One perspective and wisdom. in fact i was so sound-bitey yesterday that my friend who i hadn't spoken to since last january said 'hang on till i get a pen, i want to write that down' and he started making notes lol!

is this clarity of verbal communication a blossoming of the fifth chakra? the sound-bitey nature of some of the phrases i'm coming out with don't sound particularly me-like, in other words there's an elegant simplicity to the communication

actually as i'm writing this out i'm recognising the similar theme to a previous post about assisting a friend in her spiritual enquiries.... i think the root of why i'm posting is that i feel a bit uncomfortable with people attaching weight / significance to things that i say - which is interesting

sorry this is turning into a thinking out loud rambling post

so i'm perfectly comfortable with giving advice and recongising that my professional experience gives me wisdom in corporate communication

but i'm very uncomfortable with communicating in a similar way on matters of the meaning of life, the universe and everything

interesting, i think i'm going to have to explore this further

RE: sharing perspective or thoughts - gharghur - 01-23-2010

Hi Lorna,
You are be doing the talking, but the thoughts you are expressing may be filtering to you through your higher self. This is known as a connection with infinite intelligence. Please, do not be shy to express the words that resonant within yourself to others. When you express these words both of you are learning. We teach/learn. Sometimes it only takes a few words to change a life.

RE: sharing perspective or thoughts - Aaron - 01-23-2010

As you start to give off a more radiant light, those who see you and are ready come from the darkness towards you to light up their own lights! BigSmile

My suggestion: Examine those uncomfortable thoughts that come up when you are seemingly put in a position to give wisdom. What part of you are those thoughts directed towards? Are they serving yourself? Do they contain a hint of fear? A hint of the desire to control? ("I don't want to be put in this position. I don't want other people to think such and such about me.") Complaint thoughts are often spoken in story form and are the result of the ego victimizing itself. The ego doesn't want to die as the spiritual self is born. But the ego doesn't have to die. It, like all darkness, can be acknowledged and shown love.

I think that if you're receiving these requests from the world around you for awakening wisdom and are wholeheartedly delivering upon them, then there's certainly nothing to be afraid of! In fact, if you are a wanderer, you're fulfilling your destiny! If you're not a wanderer, I'd still say you're fulfilling your destiny! haha And as we approach Harvest time, we'll certainly be seeing more people huddling close to the lights as they learn the ways of love. Smile Heart

RE: sharing perspective or thoughts - Questioner - 01-24-2010

Lorna, please take a look at the "ATS forum" thread in the Strictly Law of One forum. Similar concerns are discussed there. Ashim, Peregrinus, Aaron and I had some interesting looks at those concepts.