08-19-2009, 07:41 AM
Hello everyone,
I recently completed an article for my website entitled 'Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation,' which offers pointers on how to be in greater alignment with (my perception of) the STO ideal. I am really interested in hearing everyone's opinion.
Do you think that some of the points are inaccurate? Maybe your understanding of worldly STO-ness differs from my own? Let's share practical advice!
- Avoid loyalties to secret societies or occult orders. Even if we overlooked the often distorted and sinister knowledge such societies impart, their secrecy and compartmentalisation is internally and externally divisive, and thus incompatible with a path whose advancement demands universal embrace. Furthermore, few major orders remain uncorrupted by the Family, and few minor orders lack cultic qualities.
- Befriend only those who are kind, trustworthy and generous. If our current friends lack these values, then remember that the world is our reflection. When we cultivate virtue in ourselves, friends of questionable character will gradually diminish – or even depart altogether – from our realities. The maxim, ‘keep your friends close and your enemies close,’ is fallacious; self-serving forces already influence the world, and therefore us, enough. If we require one as a catalyst, the universe will orchestrate its arrival. Also, we must not despair because we cannot meet like-minded people. Few non-wanderers have awoken to the global conspiracy, and fewer still frame it with a metaphysical emphasis. Cyberspace cannot amend our physical need for others, but it can remind us that we are not alone.
- Remain open to the requests of others. Many people misinterpret ‘serving others’ as going out of their way to help anyone, but doing so results in violations of free will and the possible interference of important lessons. Instead, let others come to us. They can do so through grosser means (a friend seeking our advice), or through subtler and gestural means. If you are unsure whether a person crying alone on the street will welcome aid, consider approaching her and gently asking if all is well. While she may have been attacked and in need of care, she may have simply separated from a partner (or something equally insignificant) and wishes to be alone. We should assess the situation in a detached, objective manner, and never assume that the perceived level of pain corresponds with the severity of its catalyst.
- Prejudice evidences ignorance of oneness. Even if scientists unequivocally proved that one gender or race were superior to another, the equality of souls remains unaffected by this revelation. Thus, from a broader perspective, such a mentality is inherently vain and serves only to fuel societal dissonance.
- Try to cultivate, or maintain, an optimistic attitude. This can be difficult, especially for those who have incarnated from more harmonious and loving densities and who are unaccustomed to prevailing hatred and confusion. From my experience, the key to cultivating or maintaining a positive attitude is to look beyond the persona of a person and to acknowledge the soul within. Become habituated to viewing others as expressions of the Source, rather than fallible, biological actors in a production they chose to forget. Once we have understood, at least intellectually, the difference between the persona and the soul, we will see that it is normal and even acceptable to dislike someone. Problems only arise when we openly emphasise our dislike, or when our dislike extends towards their spiritual nature.
- Refrain from stinginess! We are manipulated to believe that money purchases survival, and that hoarding money guarantees longer survival. But this attitude not only jars with our true nature, it also impedes our experience and understanding of the metaphysical laws governing generosity. Offer money freely, knowing that, in accordance with the Law of Attraction and the Law of Karma, our input correlates with our output. But we must also practice discernment. For example, would it be wise to offer change to a beggar whose face is reddened by drinking? Maybe it would be better to save it for a beggar whose intentions are less destructive.
- Resist exploiting the Law of Attraction for personal gain. This is not the same as maintaining an optimistic attitude or cultivating generosity. Exploiting the law means actively attempting to conjure something (for example, a car, girlfriend, money, world peace, etc.) into our reality through visualisation. Doing so not only evokes our self-serving faculties, but also cotton-buds our reality with subjective distortions that can compromise our preincarnative goals. Besides, no amount of visualisation will conjure something that transgresses the boundaries that our lifeplan established. If we intended a life of abject poverty, we will never manifest a fortune in riches. We always possess the tools required to complete our intended work; further conjurations only distract us from, or becloud our conviction in, this truth.
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and other poisons that only affirm, sustain and display our unhappiness, rather than heal it. Inebriation and certain altered states also attract STS forces, which consider cognitive relinquishment an invitation for influence or even possession.
- Avoid eating animals of any kind, and view battery farms and free-range farms as two methods towards the same outcome. It is unfortunate that we cannot avoid eating plants also, but vegetarianism and veganism are the closest we can come to dietetic altruism in third density. Until Codex Alimentarius is instigated, organic health supplements and tinctures can remedy nutritional imbalance. Remember also that flies and other small insects are still extensions of the Source, and although we can take away their life, we cannot give it back.
- Consider a reduction in sexual activity. All forms of sex are STS, including ‘soul sharing’ amongst twin flames, for they are inherently based on physical pleasure. Total celibacy is not essential but recommended, because sexual energy nourishes negative entities.
- Acknowledge the difference between electrochemical attraction (all forms of worldly love) and unconditional love. A basic intellectual understanding of this suffices, and graduation does not require a rejection of romantic relationships. But we should avoid dating anyone who feels ‘incomplete’ without another person, and who believes that a union will invite wholeness. Sadly, such personas are legion, and energetically imbalanced relationships seem to outnumber complementary relationships threefold. But the latter do exist, and if you approach relationships with the intention to contribute rather than to take, then one might find you.
- We should become informed in sacred and esoteric disciplines, and forget the fabrications indoctrinated into us from academia. Always remember that our level of free will and awareness correlates with our level of knowledge; just as happiness borne of worldly possessions is a false wealth, so bliss borne of worldly ignorance is a false nirvana.
- Once informed, we should share our knowledge with others. We can achieve this either through direct means (conversation and public addresses), or indirect means (the Internet and writing). Although discussing esoteric material with ‘left brain prisoners’ and sceptics often seems futile, we will plant seeds in their subconscious that will gradually germinate when the Orwellian state, and the vibrational transformation, become undeniable.
- Understand that seeking total escape from the challenges ahead is an inherently selfish act, especially when our knowledge will assist others during their manifestation. Many aspirant escapees rationalise their intents by stating that they need to work upon themselves before they can help others, without realising that disorder and ‘negativity’ provide the greatest catalysts for their self-development. Conscious isolation from all catalysts is a formula for stagnation, and often bears similar fruits to misanthropy. When the global economies start to implode, when the microchip enters the headlines, when the North American Union is imposed, when the holographic extraterrestrial landing is orchestrated – this is when we must stand amongst others and expose the official stories, not flee them in search of an unattainable security.
- Seek the most ethical daytime job available. As long as self-serving entities rule the world, full-time work is a toxic reality few can escape. Although we would love to support ourselves through research and creativity, our world is engineered to ignore or ridicule worthwhile pursuits, and extol destructive system serving. In this context, knowledge protects us from unwitting social harm. How many schoolteachers, doctors and journalists, for example, would keep their jobs if they witnessed, from a higher spiritual platform, the consequences of their influence?
- We must confront and respond to STS acts with greater detachment, because our anxiety and hatred only fuel their perpetuation. The truly STO being sees no more ‘good’ in an act of murder than in an act of generosity, and only the ongoing interaction between one potential lesson and another. Words of judgement such as ‘evil,’ ‘mistake’ and ‘luck’ are hollow to him, and have long departed his vernacular. He understands that everything is how it should be and will be, and that the only difference between a guru and an apprentice, or the Holocaust and the Renaissance, is that of perspective.
- We must be true to ourselves, and live as genuine a life as possible. Realise that when others speak of the weather, or sports, or fashion, or supermarket prices, or something equally vacuous, they are ultimately masking their inner pain, their overweening inauthenticity. People do almost anything to avoid gazing inwards and addressing their accumulated hurt, and absolutely anything to avoid sharing it with others. Most fourth density positive candidates cannot heal others directly, but we can demonstrate the path towards healing – and the noblest step is to show others, by example, the verity of a life defined by optimism, spiritual awareness and altruism.
- Finally, we must be a little more considerate of others in our daily life. This might include remaining quiet when others are asleep, sitting at the rear of the bus so that others have less distance to walk, or even accepting the uncomfortable chair so that our acquaintance can enjoy the nicer one. These considerations might seem slight and insignificant, but their value is appraised by intention rather than impact, and they help us to cultivate a continuously altruistic mindset that, ultimately, inspires reciprocation.
I recently completed an article for my website entitled 'Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation,' which offers pointers on how to be in greater alignment with (my perception of) the STO ideal. I am really interested in hearing everyone's opinion.
Do you think that some of the points are inaccurate? Maybe your understanding of worldly STO-ness differs from my own? Let's share practical advice!
- Avoid loyalties to secret societies or occult orders. Even if we overlooked the often distorted and sinister knowledge such societies impart, their secrecy and compartmentalisation is internally and externally divisive, and thus incompatible with a path whose advancement demands universal embrace. Furthermore, few major orders remain uncorrupted by the Family, and few minor orders lack cultic qualities.
- Befriend only those who are kind, trustworthy and generous. If our current friends lack these values, then remember that the world is our reflection. When we cultivate virtue in ourselves, friends of questionable character will gradually diminish – or even depart altogether – from our realities. The maxim, ‘keep your friends close and your enemies close,’ is fallacious; self-serving forces already influence the world, and therefore us, enough. If we require one as a catalyst, the universe will orchestrate its arrival. Also, we must not despair because we cannot meet like-minded people. Few non-wanderers have awoken to the global conspiracy, and fewer still frame it with a metaphysical emphasis. Cyberspace cannot amend our physical need for others, but it can remind us that we are not alone.
- Remain open to the requests of others. Many people misinterpret ‘serving others’ as going out of their way to help anyone, but doing so results in violations of free will and the possible interference of important lessons. Instead, let others come to us. They can do so through grosser means (a friend seeking our advice), or through subtler and gestural means. If you are unsure whether a person crying alone on the street will welcome aid, consider approaching her and gently asking if all is well. While she may have been attacked and in need of care, she may have simply separated from a partner (or something equally insignificant) and wishes to be alone. We should assess the situation in a detached, objective manner, and never assume that the perceived level of pain corresponds with the severity of its catalyst.
- Prejudice evidences ignorance of oneness. Even if scientists unequivocally proved that one gender or race were superior to another, the equality of souls remains unaffected by this revelation. Thus, from a broader perspective, such a mentality is inherently vain and serves only to fuel societal dissonance.
- Try to cultivate, or maintain, an optimistic attitude. This can be difficult, especially for those who have incarnated from more harmonious and loving densities and who are unaccustomed to prevailing hatred and confusion. From my experience, the key to cultivating or maintaining a positive attitude is to look beyond the persona of a person and to acknowledge the soul within. Become habituated to viewing others as expressions of the Source, rather than fallible, biological actors in a production they chose to forget. Once we have understood, at least intellectually, the difference between the persona and the soul, we will see that it is normal and even acceptable to dislike someone. Problems only arise when we openly emphasise our dislike, or when our dislike extends towards their spiritual nature.
- Refrain from stinginess! We are manipulated to believe that money purchases survival, and that hoarding money guarantees longer survival. But this attitude not only jars with our true nature, it also impedes our experience and understanding of the metaphysical laws governing generosity. Offer money freely, knowing that, in accordance with the Law of Attraction and the Law of Karma, our input correlates with our output. But we must also practice discernment. For example, would it be wise to offer change to a beggar whose face is reddened by drinking? Maybe it would be better to save it for a beggar whose intentions are less destructive.
- Resist exploiting the Law of Attraction for personal gain. This is not the same as maintaining an optimistic attitude or cultivating generosity. Exploiting the law means actively attempting to conjure something (for example, a car, girlfriend, money, world peace, etc.) into our reality through visualisation. Doing so not only evokes our self-serving faculties, but also cotton-buds our reality with subjective distortions that can compromise our preincarnative goals. Besides, no amount of visualisation will conjure something that transgresses the boundaries that our lifeplan established. If we intended a life of abject poverty, we will never manifest a fortune in riches. We always possess the tools required to complete our intended work; further conjurations only distract us from, or becloud our conviction in, this truth.
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and other poisons that only affirm, sustain and display our unhappiness, rather than heal it. Inebriation and certain altered states also attract STS forces, which consider cognitive relinquishment an invitation for influence or even possession.
- Avoid eating animals of any kind, and view battery farms and free-range farms as two methods towards the same outcome. It is unfortunate that we cannot avoid eating plants also, but vegetarianism and veganism are the closest we can come to dietetic altruism in third density. Until Codex Alimentarius is instigated, organic health supplements and tinctures can remedy nutritional imbalance. Remember also that flies and other small insects are still extensions of the Source, and although we can take away their life, we cannot give it back.
- Consider a reduction in sexual activity. All forms of sex are STS, including ‘soul sharing’ amongst twin flames, for they are inherently based on physical pleasure. Total celibacy is not essential but recommended, because sexual energy nourishes negative entities.
- Acknowledge the difference between electrochemical attraction (all forms of worldly love) and unconditional love. A basic intellectual understanding of this suffices, and graduation does not require a rejection of romantic relationships. But we should avoid dating anyone who feels ‘incomplete’ without another person, and who believes that a union will invite wholeness. Sadly, such personas are legion, and energetically imbalanced relationships seem to outnumber complementary relationships threefold. But the latter do exist, and if you approach relationships with the intention to contribute rather than to take, then one might find you.
- We should become informed in sacred and esoteric disciplines, and forget the fabrications indoctrinated into us from academia. Always remember that our level of free will and awareness correlates with our level of knowledge; just as happiness borne of worldly possessions is a false wealth, so bliss borne of worldly ignorance is a false nirvana.
- Once informed, we should share our knowledge with others. We can achieve this either through direct means (conversation and public addresses), or indirect means (the Internet and writing). Although discussing esoteric material with ‘left brain prisoners’ and sceptics often seems futile, we will plant seeds in their subconscious that will gradually germinate when the Orwellian state, and the vibrational transformation, become undeniable.
- Understand that seeking total escape from the challenges ahead is an inherently selfish act, especially when our knowledge will assist others during their manifestation. Many aspirant escapees rationalise their intents by stating that they need to work upon themselves before they can help others, without realising that disorder and ‘negativity’ provide the greatest catalysts for their self-development. Conscious isolation from all catalysts is a formula for stagnation, and often bears similar fruits to misanthropy. When the global economies start to implode, when the microchip enters the headlines, when the North American Union is imposed, when the holographic extraterrestrial landing is orchestrated – this is when we must stand amongst others and expose the official stories, not flee them in search of an unattainable security.
- Seek the most ethical daytime job available. As long as self-serving entities rule the world, full-time work is a toxic reality few can escape. Although we would love to support ourselves through research and creativity, our world is engineered to ignore or ridicule worthwhile pursuits, and extol destructive system serving. In this context, knowledge protects us from unwitting social harm. How many schoolteachers, doctors and journalists, for example, would keep their jobs if they witnessed, from a higher spiritual platform, the consequences of their influence?
- We must confront and respond to STS acts with greater detachment, because our anxiety and hatred only fuel their perpetuation. The truly STO being sees no more ‘good’ in an act of murder than in an act of generosity, and only the ongoing interaction between one potential lesson and another. Words of judgement such as ‘evil,’ ‘mistake’ and ‘luck’ are hollow to him, and have long departed his vernacular. He understands that everything is how it should be and will be, and that the only difference between a guru and an apprentice, or the Holocaust and the Renaissance, is that of perspective.
- We must be true to ourselves, and live as genuine a life as possible. Realise that when others speak of the weather, or sports, or fashion, or supermarket prices, or something equally vacuous, they are ultimately masking their inner pain, their overweening inauthenticity. People do almost anything to avoid gazing inwards and addressing their accumulated hurt, and absolutely anything to avoid sharing it with others. Most fourth density positive candidates cannot heal others directly, but we can demonstrate the path towards healing – and the noblest step is to show others, by example, the verity of a life defined by optimism, spiritual awareness and altruism.
- Finally, we must be a little more considerate of others in our daily life. This might include remaining quiet when others are asleep, sitting at the rear of the bus so that others have less distance to walk, or even accepting the uncomfortable chair so that our acquaintance can enjoy the nicer one. These considerations might seem slight and insignificant, but their value is appraised by intention rather than impact, and they help us to cultivate a continuously altruistic mindset that, ultimately, inspires reciprocation.