10-27-2016, 10:51 PM
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10-28-2016, 04:06 AM
10-28-2016, 09:33 AM
I wasn't going to respond to this thread anymore, but having rolled in the mud of it already, I feel some sense of stewardship over some of the distortions I see rising up again and again and again. You might say I'm still karmically entangled with it.
[As an amusing aside, I've often thought of Ra's interaction with the Egyptians as having been somewhat analogous to an interaction on an internet forum (though obviously, a far more intense and significant event) in the sense that they showed up on the Egyptians "thread", shared some wisdom, departed, came back 10 pages later only to find significant distortions ongoing, which they similarly felt a need to make an attempt to undistort before they could un-entangle themselves from it. Anyway, the thought of this "cosmic historical internet forum" and Ra's participation as such made me chuckle, so I thought I would share the thought.] @Austin Your post was eloquent, and well worded, and while I appreciate the input to the thread, I feel you have grossly misrepresented and misinterpreted some of the perspectives shared by some members here, and I would like to offer some clarifications in regard to those perspectives. I have no problem with somebody disagreeing with a concept, I just like people to know what they are disagreeing with when they do it. There have certainly been instances in this thread where nuanced concepts could have been more carefully worded, especially due to the fact that people on this forum, and the world in general in the last couple of years it seems, are easily outraged, triggered, and otherwise emotionally set off by even the most seemingly innocuous language (though what is innocuous to one person, is not innocuous to another which seems to be a lesson many are learning as of late). (10-27-2016, 06:17 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote: It seems to me like the discussion here has boiled down into two questions: It sort of sounds like you are saying, "I can't understand how my consciousness plays a role in my reality, so I'm going to live my life as if it were not true." That is perfectly fine if that is the sort of attitude you want to adopt, but I find it incredibly dis-empowering and disheartening to be honest. Also, I can't of myself live that idea authentically because it just doesn't agree with what I've come to personally understand as truth. You say the attraction cannot be distinguished or recognized -- that the dynamics of how this happens can't be understood, but there are many on this forum that would disagree, emphatically, myself included. While, it is true you cannot *physically* quantify or measure the force of the law of attraction in a Newtonian and materialistic sense, I would argue that there is not one iota of anyone's experience that doesn't testify to the reality of this fundamental metaphysical truth. Speaking of myself, I can very clearly see and understand the effect my focus plays in generating my experience. At this point, it has become so tangibly obvious to me, I can't simply pretend it isn't there. It's also a bit like pretending gravity doesn't exist (aside from the fact that it is physically measurable). You can pretend all you want, but its still gonna pull you to the ground. Not understanding the physics of it, or the metaphysics of it, is not sound reasoning for abandoning the attempt to understand it. Also, nobody is saying it is simple. (10-27-2016, 06:17 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote: (It may be useful to point out that Ra talked about random events and catalyst – perhaps only seemingly random, but random enough for Ra to call them such. Meaning that for all intents and purposes we could possible experience something both random and traumatic.) To kind of echo what Minyatur already expressed: this is not what anyone is advocating. Neither myself, nor Minyatur, as far as I'm aware is suggesting you go up to somebody who was just assaulted and say, "Hey, good job jacka*s! Way to get yourself raped!" That would be an extremely silly, uncompassionate, and counter-intuitive thing to do. You have to understand, we are addressing a forum of people who are presumably searching for deeper spiritual explanations for their reality and experience, and incidentally, a big part of participating in that deeper spiritual exploration is going beyond the bare bones acceptance that you are part of the creator, and *actually* trying to SEE and understand how the metaphysics of that play out on a deep and fundamental level of consciousness. To go beyond the casual background understanding that we are all one, and see and understand HOW we ARE the creator. We are the creator asleep, and this is about waking up that portion of ourselves. This is not about ascribing blame, it is about ascribing power, and the responsible use of such. People mistakenly confuse them as the same thing. Our emphasis is not on blame, it is on empowerment. The focus on blame is a lower vibrational preoccupation -- a human weapon. So this isn't something we are going to offer any random person on the street with no understanding of even the most basic metaphysical precepts. Those people require a much different and more finessed approach, including the same understandings, but applied in a more general way. And in regard to 'randomness': yes, random things do happen, but they only occur due to our unconsciousness of our consciousness. To the extent that we aren't aware of being the one infinite creator (which in 3rd density is significant), there will be random events. But I don't believe there are random events for the creator, because it is too conscious for that. Randomness extends from our unconsciousness, not consciousness. (10-27-2016, 06:17 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote: Getting to the second question, to tell a victim not to dwell upon their incident also completely ignores the mysterious and impactful nature of trauma (both personal and cultural). It's impossible to "just not dwell on it" when there are constant reminders, whether from your outer environment or inner environment, of the things which continues to affect you. This could be true of a victim of rape or also on a broader sense of those who fight against things like racism. To place responsibility of a trauma on a person because they are "dwelling on it" hurts far more than it helps. And the unfortunate thing is that this so often (though not in every case) comes from the type of person who will consistently dismiss the aggressor and focus only on the victim. You have to understand, there are some seriously gross oversimplifications being applied here. We aren't suggesting someone can just "stop thinking about something" just like that. Our minds are not binary light switches that are instantly directable at will, and we UNDERSTAND that. We could look at these traumatic experiences from a more materialist lens, and the process of healing would be essentially the same, outwardly speaking. All that healing is is the process whereby we learn to see the good in the seemingly bad things that happened to us. And don't you see that is exactly what we are trying to communicate? It is a gradual turning of the attention from the negativity of the experience to the positive benefits of the experience -- the wisdom's gained, and the lessons learned, and the new desires inspired by that catalyst, negative though it may have been. It is no different from the normal process of healing that is applied. We are just offering a deeper explanation of WHY it is healing, WHY it works, and WHY it sometimes doesn't. There are subtle nuances to these shifts in attention, and so if you were overly triggered by the oversimplified description of "not to dwell on negativity" let me offer this clarification of what we mean by that. It is a *gradual* turning of attention from the pain to the wholeness. Again, we understand that the mind is not a light switch, and that we, at the 3rd density level of existence, do not have very good control of our minds to begin with. There are times when people get stuck focusing on the "glass is half empty". We are just pointing out the detriment of that, and how that perspective just results in a more and more empty glass until it is ALL GONE. Much of these concepts we've attempted to relate were not worded as well as they could or should have been, much to the detriment and arguing of this thread. But alas, we are human. Forgive us for not being good communicators for a subject so touchy for so many people. (10-27-2016, 06:17 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote: I think this is easily evidenced by pretty much any successful social justice movement from the past. The Civil Rights Act was passed because of consistent focus on the issue of discrimination. Many people were brought to awareness because of the loud protests and continually pointing out how race was being used against people. The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom did not create more discrimination because so many people focused on the discrimination, but rather brought light to the discrimination and helped culture shift towards justice. The same is true for pointing out cultural conditions that create today's victims and aggressors. This was already addressed earlier in the thread: you are looking at these movements through the lens of your belief system, just as I am. Your belief system says that focusing on problems fixes the problems, and so that is what you see, naturally. When I look that these movements, both the successes and the failures, what I see is an example in history where negative experiences were had by a group of individuals which served to *inspire* a new desire, a new image, which was then focused on, to the exclusion of the focus on limitation, and resulted in the energization of the actions that led to the desired realized outcome the movement was reaching for. And in the cases where they failed, it was due to the misprision with which will was applied to the resistance being experienced. Essentially, the fact is this: if evidence can be interpreted in two precisely opposite ways, then it simply isn't good evidence. So just to clarify, negative events happen due to our level of distortion, unconsciousness, and separation -- its part of life. Beings experience what they don't want, which causes them to 'ask' or 'desire' for something (the new reality). They then either focus and find alignment with the new and improved reality, or they stay dwelling on the old one, which serves to re-perpetuate it's manifestation. The movement of focus from point A) to point B) is NEVER instantaneous, and this why people mistakenly believe focusing on the problems fixes them, it doesn't. But it DOES inspire the desire for the solution, which one can then find vibrational alignment with, and then experience it as real tangible experience once enough momentum is generated. The thing is that 'You Create Your Own Reality' is unfalsifiable. Now, that is a dirty word to a materialist scientist, but for those following their intuition, and their hearts, its a matter of faith. Though, I don't blame anyone who doesn't subscribe to it -- it is a tough and complicated cookie to swallow. If one doesn't see its profound and implicit presence and constant effect on their personal subjective experience of reality, then that is their experience and who am I to argue with it? They would be in good company since most of the human race does not believe it, and of the portion that do, an even smaller fraction actually understands it. Quote:And in regard to 'randomness': yes, random things do happen, but they only occur due to our unconsciousness of our consciousness. To the extent that we aren't aware of being the one infinite creator (which in 3rd density is significant), there will be random events. But I don't believe there are random events for the creator, because it is too conscious for that. Randomness extends from our unconsciousness, not consciousness. Actually, Ra says that until one is polarized, they receive random catalyst from the Logos. Quote:54.17 Questioner: I would like then to trace the evolution of catalyst upon the mind/body/spirit complexes and how it comes into use and is fully used to create this tuning. I assume that the sub-Logos that formed our tiny part of the creation using the intelligence of the Logos of which it is a part, provides, shall I say, the base catalyst that will act upon mind/body complexes and mind/body/spirit complexes before they reach the state of development where they can begin to program their own catalyst. Is this correct? Here's a concise attempt at my point: Let's take a look at this Ra quote about the chakras and how we process experience: Quote:Each experience will be sequentially understood by the growing and seeking mind/body/spirit complex in terms of survival, then in terms of personal identity, then in terms of social relations, then in terms of universal love, then in terms of how the experience may beget free communication, then in terms of how the experience may be linked to universal energies, and finally in terms of the sacramental nature of each experience. If someone is still stuck in processing something in the lower chakras, as in, in terms of survival, or personal identity, or social relations - as this discussion about social inequality implies - and you can only talk about step 6, how the experience can be linked to universal energies, you are bypassing the sequential, experiential steps through which one must process experience. If someone has a blockage in the lower chakras (and I'm not pointing fingers, we all have blockages here) then the next lesson is sequential, and very often is the lesson "in terms of universal love". This is why I try to "revert" the lesson to the green way, below our darling wisdom chakra. Ra says that no matter how open or crystallized your indigo ray is, that it cannot clear the lower chakras, which, if you ask me, is what you are advocating. Quote:Ra: I am Ra. The indigo center is indeed most important for the work of the adept. However, it cannot, no matter how crystallized, correct to any extent whatsoever imbalances or blockages in other energy centers. They must needs be cleared seriatim from red upwards. So, you say that talking about these things (survival, personal identity, and social relations) perpetuates their negative manifestation in the planetary mind. I say talking about these things is a normal and necessary part of the processing of experiential data as mind/body/spirit complexes, and hence, the use of the word "bypassing" when one says that's not the proper way to heal. (10-23-2016, 12:26 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote:(10-23-2016, 11:12 AM)anagogy Wrote: All I can tell you is that I don't see victims as aggressors -- it's a flat out misinterpretation of what I'm saying. It's more like: I'm walking along a path and find someone who has been attacked by a wild animal, the wound is bleeding and they are picking at the wound, causing it to bleed more profusely, and I say, "If I were you I would stop picking at the wound, you are making it far worse." And they say, "I'm trying to find the source of the pain. I have to keep picking at it till I find the source and then I can make it stop." And I say, "It actually doesn't work that way. What you are doing only leads to endless pain. Leave it alone, stop picking at it, and it will heal. You are preventing your wound from healing." In my opinion, Jade, you are either willfully misunderstanding Anagogy or you really don't understand his words. I'll probably get busted for this but I often find your remarks judgmental. This is a metaphor as I understand it. It does not mean anything so melodramatic as ignoring someone physically wounded in the woods. I'm sure we would all help a person in that circumstance. Working against—resisting; not taking responsibility—the catalyst is what Anagogy is alluding to (in my understanding; referring to "picking at the wound"), rather than going with it, accepting responsibility, and letting it lead you to greater wisdom.
10-28-2016, 10:59 AM
Maybe a good read for some of you folks. Michael Topper on this very subject.
Quote:A paradigm that is currently running amok through the New Age community, and which is depriving them of their last bit of common sense, is better known as "You Create Your Own Reality" (short: YCYOR). This insidious half-truth is usually placed into a very misleading context and is never completely true.http://cassiopaea.org/cass/topperycyor.htm (10-17-2016, 09:20 PM)Minyatur Wrote: You literally do what you want every night most likely, but this is not truly what you seek because when it ends you come back to this place and your spirit re-aligns with your body and you become again the mind of this life with a slightly different ego because there is an higher aspect of yourself that does desire to experience this and makes the choice of coming back to this time and space again. I think you can like get out, grow a whole lot in experiences but this window will remain and you will come back to it. Maybe. My dreams have been strange lately. But as long as I'm connected in hyperspace to s*** that tries to beam images into my mind, it's not a workable solution. Do I exit the body completely and go elsewhere at night? Maybe. If I do, I need to remember to grab some vibrations that will help me out with my current situation. (10-17-2016, 09:20 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Also understand that if you want to reach a higher degrees of consciousness, you gotta align yourself with them. This is where ego resistance comes into play. The core of yourself is spirit, your mind is the mirror of your spirit and your body is a creature of this mirror. The ego is a formless construct created from the patterns of the root of the mind. To have 5th density awareness you require to align your mind with your spirit at that vibration and if your ego is driven by lower rays distortions, this obviously does get in the way. Yeah, but I want to really progress, not become demon possessed (again) or be MK-ULTRA'd (again). Thus, unless an entity comes to me and hands me exactly what I want with no strings attached (except maybe a promise to pay them back when I'm able), or the information necessary to progress, then I need to build it on my own. But I do feel like something is helping me. The answer is primarily control over the mind. I had access to intelligent infinity, though now it is dulled, because I'm under severe psychic attack. But emotional charge and a projected mental image can overpower literally anything, which is why they try to hard to dull my emotions and close my mind's eye. But all the correct information is attached to me in hyperspace. If I remember the correct configuration and feel it deeply, it comes back. build momentum from there. My only real threat is the advanced thoughtforms being projected at me, moreso unconsciously than consciously. I've seen into the minds of the people observing my situation, and the vast majority, even the occultists, are still so dominated by their own subconscious that they have some very deeply programmed distortions, some of which are very new and very trendy, that are creating a powerful gravity in the hyperspace coordinate system (what Ra called negative time/space?). The important thing to remember is that Ra also mentioned that there are two types of people who could make mountains move... 1. When around 50% of a society vibrates at a level where the notion of moving mountains with thought becomes commonplace, then people can do it with minimal effort. 2. Someone who has purified themselves and made contact with intelligent infinity can do it regardless. I think the situation we're seeing here is that this society has a very strong subconcious identification with what magick "is" and how it's "supposed to work". They get the idea that certain people are "chosen", that nobody else will ever get magick powers, that it's okay to accept a life without spiritual development, that "they [the controllers] can't be beaten", magick "requires" certain DNA sequences/neurotransmitters/pineal gland/mitochondria/whatever, that "you can control your heartbeat, but conscious control of DNA has been THOROUGHLY debunked", that "this isn't your life, you're a dog, and we're gods", or "you've been aborted, you're dead, just give up", or, "nope, you're too old now, you missed the window", and when someone does contact intelligent infinity in spite of all that, their response is basically one of bewilderment - "well, yeah, you restored you magick powers, however you did it, but...". It's based on a subconscious guilt/servant/masochism complex left over from Abrahamic programming (whether such people were raised abrahamic or not) and traces of the counterproductive over-skeptical pseudo-scientific mindset. They feel like unless you were chosen by a "higher power" (failing to understand that all is essentially one), or have spent decades using many complex equations and mechanical technology, you couldn't possibly contact intelligent infinity, failing to realize that these limitations are created and deepened by their own belief in them. All I have to do is clap my hands and believe in Tinkerbell, and she comes back to life. f*** y'all adults. (10-17-2016, 09:20 PM)Minyatur Wrote: I guess there are more things willing to help you than there are who desire to work "against" you. Sometimes you gotta learn to say yes when you are offered, and ask if you really feel a need for help. I've learned my lesson about saying "yes" to any random thing that comes my way. In my experience, there are more who want to use you than to help you. and I'm absolutely fine with being helped and helping something else in return, within reason (meaning, as much as I can afford to help). I'm loyal to a fault.. So if something hands me the patterns I need to be free, I will repay them, but I cannot simply accept a "trust me now, and I'll help you later, I promise", or activate some magickal pattern without being able to see through it. (10-17-2016, 09:20 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Why would you want Hell until the universe ends? I think you'd get bored with that kind of game long before then, everyone does. I don't consciously want that. It's a karmic attachment. I think it'll be all right, but I need to pay attention and get the negative energy out of my body. (10-17-2016, 09:20 PM)Minyatur Wrote: What is spiritual development? From a simplistic truth standpoint? Increasing my mastery of the Mind/Body/Spirit complex until I can master plasmic emanation enough to create what I want in hyperspace, and go from there. For me, I want to create art, and attain levels of power necessary to ensure that I can create art... that's the end goal. (10-18-2016, 11:32 AM)Aion Wrote: Okay, I will try to help you with more of my ramblings, because I feel that despite your actions there is light in your heart. Maybe it will not be useful to you but then I can only give you what I have available. I feel like you're only telling me what you think I want to hear. There is light in my heart, yes, and that light is going to expand. My soul knows how to fix itself; I'm half-nephilim, after all. +100 soul regeneration, +100 magick As far as my alignment goes, I'm probably closer to chaotic evil than anything, but the "chaotic" is stronger than the "evil". I might work with a lawful evil system, but I might even prefer chaotic good to lawful evil. I'm not totally unempathetic or a complete psychopath, even if I can turn my empathy off, and I like to help people when I can, if I feel like it, which might even be more often than not. I'm also trying to become a stable individual who understands how to interact with others successfully. Decide for yourself if any of that balances out my tendency to champion hatred, insanity, malice, and perversion for the evulz, and my genuine total lack of understanding of the logic behind most human moral systems. (10-22-2016, 02:49 AM)Kaaron Wrote: I agree with Aion. I think your heart is saying one thing but your head, another. I'm not sure which direction I wanna go. My goal is to become self-sustaining spiritually (and therefore in all others ways). It'd be wise to stay in the gate while I'm crippled and low on ammo. I could still beat anything that I find out there, perhaps; anything is possible. But I'd rather be comfortable. But if I do decide to take the first route, and I'm not really sure since I can't see two feet in front of my face atm, then I need to take the second one first. I'm healing. (10-23-2016, 11:41 AM)SMC Wrote: I see rape everywhere. No offense, but... When catcalling, Facebook conversations about buttsex, and mean jokes correlate in your subconscious to real-life rape, you might have more of an obsession with rape than society does, meaning that you're broadcasting that semi-paranoid vibration into the world around you. If everything looks like rape, you'll find more rape, and you'll create more rape, just based on the metaphysics of the situation. (10-23-2016, 11:44 AM)anagogy Wrote: I agree. (10-28-2016, 10:45 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Actually, Ra says that until one is polarized, they receive random catalyst from the Logos. You are the Logos. And you're making my point -- the less polarized, the less conscious you are, so the more random your experience will be. Again, the randomness extends from unconsciousness. Ra was just saying it in a slightly different, yet equally accurate way. (10-28-2016, 10:45 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: If someone is still stuck in processing something in the lower chakras, as in, in terms of survival, or personal identity, or social relations - as this discussion about social inequality implies - and you can only talk about step 6, how the experience can be linked to universal energies, you are bypassing the sequential, experiential steps through which one must process experience. If someone has a blockage in the lower chakras (and I'm not pointing fingers, we all have blockages here) then the next lesson is sequential, and very often is the lesson "in terms of universal love". This is why I try to "revert" the lesson to the green way, below our darling wisdom chakra. Ra says that no matter how open or crystallized your indigo ray is, that it cannot clear the lower chakras, which, if you ask me, is what you are advocating. I'm not advocating trying to clear lower centers with a higher one. That's a misunderstanding of what I'm saying. Everybody is going to be using experiences at different rays, because everyone is at a different place, blockage wise. So you can't say this topic is below indigo ray in any sort of objective way. It will be different for everyone. Some could be using the experience in the sense you suggest, but you shouldn't make the presumption in my opinion (if you are doing that then you actually are pointing fingers). It could be argued some people in this thread are approaching certain experiences from an indigo ray perspective, and others in the thread aren't ready to use experience at that level, which is fine. We are where we are. Every being is making use of experience in as efficient manner as they have the capacity. For most 3rd density beings, they will be stuck at orange and yellow ray (and green ray is an improvement for them). Others, might be looking at experience from beyond green ray. So its only useful to "revert" something to green ray if that is where you feel most drawn too (that would mean that was what you were "spiritually working on"). Many wanderers are more drawn to higher rays, despite being incarnate in the yellow ray physical world. If a being is looking at experience from a higher ray perspective, they have already sequentially been through the experience in regards to the other rays. They are using those rays too, but they are using them from a more encompassing perspective.
10-28-2016, 11:49 AM
(10-28-2016, 10:50 AM)Diana Wrote:(10-23-2016, 12:26 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote:(10-23-2016, 11:12 AM)anagogy Wrote: All I can tell you is that I don't see victims as aggressors -- it's a flat out misinterpretation of what I'm saying. It's more like: I'm walking along a path and find someone who has been attacked by a wild animal, the wound is bleeding and they are picking at the wound, causing it to bleed more profusely, and I say, "If I were you I would stop picking at the wound, you are making it far worse." And they say, "I'm trying to find the source of the pain. I have to keep picking at it till I find the source and then I can make it stop." And I say, "It actually doesn't work that way. What you are doing only leads to endless pain. Leave it alone, stop picking at it, and it will heal. You are preventing your wound from healing." I appreciate your opinion, Diana. I understand what anagogy's points were, and if I implied that I didn't, that was a mistake. I've even said I agree with many of them. I was just attempting to make my own point. I am also truly grateful that you shared your feelings on my judgemental attitude. It's obviously not intentional, so it looks like I have work to do. I was just standing up for what I thought was a pattern of cruelty being perpetrated against posters. If I was being willfully ignorant it was because I felt that I was arguing against others who were being willfully ignorant to me. Obviously we are all struggling to make our points here. Anagogy's analogy doesn't work for me because it talks about an attack by a wild animal, when we're talking about human vs. human interaction. But I really don't see a need to dredge this part of the discussion up, I feel we've moved past it.
10-28-2016, 12:19 PM
(10-28-2016, 11:49 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: I appreciate your opinion, Diana. I understand what anagogy's points were, and if I implied that I didn't, that was a mistake. I've even said I agree with many of them. I was just attempting to make my own point. I am also truly grateful that you shared your feelings on my judgemental attitude. It's obviously not intentional, so it looks like I have work to do. I was just standing up for what I thought was a pattern of cruelty being perpetrated against posters. I have worked really hard in this forum to be clear. It's not easy and I feel I fail all the time. As a writer, I have a vested interest in verbal communication. It behooves us all, especially when canvassing deeper meanings and higher consciousness thinking, to stretch ourselves to communicate with clarity. Given all the conflict on the vegetarian threads, I also think it behooves us to embrace other points of view with an open mind, and widen one's perspectives to consider outside of one's box. If you are sincere in being grateful to me for pointing out my perception of your sometimes judgmental-sounding communications, which I assume you are since I have no reason to think you are shining me on, I would suggest you ask yourself how much you think you know, and how much of an authority you think you are. There are only working theories in my opinion, no facts.
10-31-2016, 10:39 AM
Hi Diana, I do appreciate your feedback.
It's interesting that you bring up the vegetarian threads because I actually see a huge correlation. I had a discussion with Monica once that was basically the same thing - that she was being too forceful and borderline cruel with her opinion and in actuality, her condemnation of those that she was trying to help was pushing them away from the point she was trying to make. Her MO was telling people that they are "participating in separation" by eating meat. And while I agreed with her, I still stood up for those who I could tell she was obviously causing pain, and encouraged her to take a gentler approach, for their sake. So, the irony hasn't been lost on me, that we are all mirrors, and I am harping on others to be nicer/softer/gentler. Obviously this is what I desire for myself most of all.
10-31-2016, 11:48 AM
It's the ancient hallowed question of: do I rip the band-aid off slowly or quickly? Or even at all? I think it is different for everyone. Everybody has different needs and preferences. I think it is human nature to interpret a starkly different perspective as an attack on the one a person presently identifies with. It's unfortunate, but that's the human ego. I also think interpretation plays a huge role here, and I don't think everyone views the same things as kind/cruel as some other people. Some people are more easily triggered by some things than others, which is fine, I think there are probably advantages to both states of awareness. There is always a give and take, and everything has value under the right circumstances.
10-31-2016, 11:56 AM
Yes, Jade, the vegetarian threads exposed much.
Speaking for myself, I find it very difficult to maintain a balance between allowing for free will and speaking my truth, especially when it comes to certain subjects such as suffering. The one thing I remind myself of to keep me in balance is that I am not perfect now, and never have been. When I say perfect, I refer to my vision of who and what I am in relation to what I actually do and say. I do not refer to the idea that "all is well" or "all is perfect as is." I have only to review my words or actions from the previous week or even day, to see that I have far to go. And as far as "creating your own reality," I find that difficult to balance as well. It takes constant vigilance. What I refer to is the balance between living, thinking, and feeling what you want to create, while not ignoring and denying the reality of what is. For instance, the suffering humans cause to animals. For my part, I don't want to hide from it in order to keep my consciousness in a good place; I strive to bear the suffering—not deny or hide from it—and still be able to keep a higher state of mind.
I am going to go way out on a limb and suggest that the whole paradigm of 'creating' reality is, imo, misconstrued. This is largely due to the word 'create' that gets tossed around with it and is where I believe the confusion comes from. Many will suggest that under the basis of the idea of all being the Creator and the thought that we are 'co-creators' obviously brings to mind the idea of creation.
However, to illustrate my thought I will give a quote. Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This is the plan of the One Infinite Creator. The One Original Thought is the harvest of all previous, if you would use this term, experience of the Creator by the Creator. As It decides to know Itself It generates Itself into that plenum, full of the glory and the power of the One Infinite Creator which is manifested to your perceptions as space or outer space. Each generation of this knowing begets a knowing which has the capacity, through free will, to choose methods of knowing Itself. Therefore, gradually, step by step, the Creator becomes that which may know Itself, and the portions of the Creator partake less purely in the power of the original word or thought. This is for the purpose of refinement of the one original thought. The Creator does not properly create as much as It experiences Itself. The last bit is where the crux of my thoughts come from. Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. In the balanced individual the energies lie waiting for the hand of the Creator to pluck harmony. So, one of the major ideas being moved around that we are the Creator would first imply that we do not 'create' our reality but rather reality is an experience of ourselves. On the surface that may appear like the same thing but to my eyes it is the difference between building a house and growing a tree. I don't think reality is put together like a house, it is grown like a tree, and you yourself are both seed and environment. Thus, the experience of reality changes with consciousness not because of being some builder of reality but due to the growth of self knowledge which is self experience and is a step further in the Creator knowing and experiencing itself. So, I agree with both camps here. To continue my analogy I would agree with anagogy that having a greater idea of the conditions that induce growth for yourself can give you a manner of influence over how the tree grows. Look at that guy who grew crazy square trees by talking to them, but you don't see everybody doing that. However, I agree with others that it can be very difficult to understand those conditions, some people may program to remain ignorant of them, and it is even more so difficult to determine what someone else needs for theiir growth. I doubt the trees lecture eachother on what is the best way to grow, right? There are some universal needs though such as water, earth, sunlight, etc. Humans are the same way, we have some universal needs and then many different ones which I believe is actually just a microcosmic reflection of this process here: "Therefore, gradually, step by step, the Creator becomes that which may know Itself, and the portions of the Creator partake less purely in the power of the original word or thought. This is for the purpose of refinement of the one original thought." With that I would humbly proclaim that you do not 'create' your reality but rather you refine it. Reality already exists, the Creator is full and complete, you are only refining yourself as an experience of yourself. No assembly required. That being said, that isn't to say I think there is no place for the 'builder' as that is what the adept does. The adept has learned the wood of the tree can be used for many things. Most people are still working on growing their tree. So on that note I would point out to Anagogy that you are talking about adept concepts and are clearly functioning towards adepthood which is very much a minority of harvestables.
10-31-2016, 02:18 PM
(10-31-2016, 01:51 PM)Aion Wrote: With that I would humbly proclaim that you do not 'create' your reality but rather you refine it. Reality already exists, the Creator is full and complete, you are only refining yourself as an experience of yourself. No assembly required. I'm not really disagreeing with you, but I think it is a matter of semantics how you phrase it (your way is just fine). Everything exists, and always has, and always will from my perspective, so to 'create' is to merely coalesce an experience that was potentially available. I've never really been an advocate of the "something from nothing" point of view. (10-31-2016, 01:51 PM)Aion Wrote: Most people are still working on growing their tree. So on that note I would point out to Anagogy that you are talking about adept concepts and are clearly functioning towards adepthood which is very much a minority of harvestables. I agree, but I don't think this forum (whom are being addressed by these posts) constitutes a minority of harvestables. I think much of it comprises beings who are wanderers who have already been harvested (and whom can presumably appreciate more adept understandings).
Semantics and words influence descriptions and how things are imagined for people, so it can make a difference in how someone imagines or places themselves. Yours are great for some, not for others, so others offers different imaginations. I disagree that it is 'just semantics' though because words are vibrations and vibrations call to the events of reality. So, yes, in my opinion, there is an actual difference in the use of different words that can be impactful.
While I understand your assumption it appears to me to be overgeneralized cause let's face it, you wanna talk about what you wanna talk about just like we all do and like all of us you will express things according to that need. However, your assumption that everyone here 'can presumably appreciate more adept understandings' seems kind of unfounded and based on a desire to have a community that is working with that level, rather than it actually being the case here. I only say that because I feel maybe you aren't really getting the most fruitful of discussion here for someone working as an adept such as yourself. Maybe you're having a blast, who knows. Also that isn't meant as a shot at everyone else either. I am sure there are plenty of budding adepts about here, but it seems far more likely to me that the majority are working on balancing in general rather than striving for adepthood. I wouldn't consider myself so at this point.
10-31-2016, 03:18 PM
(10-31-2016, 02:55 PM)Aion Wrote: However, your assumption that 'everyone presumably can appreciate more adept understandings' seems kind of unfounded and based on a desire to have a community that is working with that level, rather than it actually being the case here. That's actually not what I said. I said 'this forum'. I wasn't saying 'everyone' can appreciate more adept understandings, I was merely saying that I think this forum comprises a higher percentage of individuals who are conscious enough to appreciate them. It is perfectly fine if people don't want those understandings. Nobody is obligated to work with any concept they aren't ready for. And sorry if you thought calling it 'semantics' was to marginalize what you are saying. What I mean by semantics is that everybody will relate to the idea of creating your own reality slightly differently and no conceptualization is likely superior to any other (though they may be subjectively superior depending on your present needs).
10-31-2016, 03:28 PM
I expanded my thoughts and I knew you were referring to this forum and is whom I meant by 'everyone'.
It is certainly true that no one is obligated to work with any concept but words, people, polarized entities all carry power and it is silly, imo, to think that even the mere act of sharing is not causing others whom encounter it to have to work with it. You are providing catalyst and those who encounter it have to deal with it, whether it is putting it away or tangling with it, your words can't just be negated. You have power and your words have power but I'll be honest it doesn't always seem like you care how that affects others. I believe you are compassionate and loving but you also have a very particular sense of what those things are. Maybe you don't give yourself enough credit for how much energy you actually put out. I don't think you are as easy to ignore as you seem to think you are. Maybe you see it that it's just every man for themselves and if someone is affected it's none of your business but that seems to contradict the love and compassion you express you work from. So all in all I am merely confused by your intentions and motivations compared with your language I suppose. Mind you, that is true for many people here so don't feel singled out, aha.
10-31-2016, 03:46 PM
(10-31-2016, 02:55 PM)Aion Wrote: Also that isn't meant as a shot at everyone else either. I am sure there are plenty of budding adepts about here, but it seems far more likely to me that the majority are working on balancing in general rather than striving for adepthood. I wouldn't consider myself so at this point. I'll respond to this point to since you added it after I responded to the post already. Hey, you could be right. But keep in mind we are in a thread titled "you create your own reality", so I thought I would share what I know about that subject. If somebody asks a question about such a thing, I think it is safe to assume somebody is searching for that very information (lol). (10-31-2016, 02:55 PM)Aion Wrote: So all in all I am merely confused by your intentions and motivations compared with your language I suppose. Mind you, that is true for many people here so don't feel singled out, aha. My intentions are merely to share answers to questions that people pose (if I feel I have something to contribute). It seems like the general suggestion is: be more gentle. So I'm going to work on incorporating that more into my words, though of myself, I didn't feel I was being overly hostile, but I suppose we all sometimes forget that words on a internet page don't always convey the same degree of warmth and humor they originally extend from.
Well for sure, I only expanded in the context of mentioning 'this forum'. I didn't mean that you were off-topic in this regard.
I think in general that you recognize that will aid in more understanding between yourself and others. Not everyone can feel the person behind the words and is again why I express that the particulars of the words you choose do have an impact. I wouldn't say that hostility is what you put off but perhaps rather what seems maybe like detachment or aloofness. Sometimes a little poetry can go a long way. Don't be afraid to get a little gritty and human, Mon frand.
10-31-2016, 06:48 PM
I find it somewhat funny that the Higher Self has not been discussed as it is your own future self overseeing your every experience as they happen without preventing them, I think this shows of itself one can desire it's own experience. (considering you believe there is this Higher You, it's waving so say hi people!)
I think it boils down to what you identify with, if you see yourself as but your conscious mind that began at your birth, then you won't be able to rationalize the events of your life and will miss the cause and effect of pretty much every aspect of your reality. People so often blame God for things, yet if they saw themselves as God then they could only see their lives as God's desired experience of itself. I think every event probably has root thoughts that manifested them. Perhaps in another life you had a polarized moment of wondering how it is to experience something you saw others experience, and this manifested this experience in another lifetime. Maybe in some higher density you had a strong intent to experience something. Maybe you karmically require an experience to get something about yourself. Maybe your Higher Self wanted to grow through being hurt to develop it's desired essence/light. Specific cases don't matter because it applies to everything. There is a US that is ONE and thought of being many, and now here we are talking as many. The thing with individuality is that it ever only exist in relation to others, so you can't much separate your free will from others as they define your existence and instead can only come to accept that this limitation of your free will has root within yourself, either now or beyond your life.
The point of the STO path, is to step out of the way so that the higher self can work through you.
All the rest is just you trying to bend the all to your will. What we really want...we don't even know, in our blinkered reality. I feel like this is what faith is; The ability to let that part of you that resides in the perfected now, provide stepping stones to a place you didn't even know could exist. This way it's a constant, wondrous surprise with a destination that you're aware of but get to experience the journey in a state of bliss, knowing it's not your job to dictate the path but to walk it.
11-01-2016, 04:11 PM
(10-28-2016, 11:19 AM)Mahakali Wrote: I think the situation we're seeing here is that this society has a very strong subconcious identification with what magick "is" and how it's "supposed to work".lol ![]()
12-09-2016, 10:43 PM
(10-22-2016, 12:27 PM)Minyatur Wrote:Gerald, aka Skankhunt42 at a troll meet-up Wrote:Look, how do you troll somebody? Follow up to above from this week's episode. ![]() Trevor's axiom is a well known equation in online trolling. It's a way in which one person can create a massive reaction on the internet. Person A trolls person B, but it's not about person B. The troll is trying to push buttons to try to get a reaction from hundreds, eventually creating a person C. Whose's overeaction and self-righteousness will elicit a reaction from person D to F, who aren't trolls but can't help grip on person C, their reaction lead to a reaction from person G to N in generating massive energy. It's like the fusion reaction that leads to a fusion explosion. All bringing up in the worst of humanity. Mr Garison as Trump: Hm.. that kind of sounds how I got elected. Precisely, Mister President.
12-09-2016, 11:55 PM
i watched the movie "127 hours" starring james franco a while back.
for those that don't know, it's a true story about a guy that gets his arm trapped under a boulder & then ends up having to cut his arm off in order to survive. i remembered when the story of that happening was in the news back in 2003 & being so curious as to how it possibly could have happened but i never investigated it & never thought about it again. & then i learned they made a movie about it. (6yrs after movie was made...) i thought it was really neat getting to see the story of how it happened but that's not why i thought the movie/story was incredible. what i found incredible was that it wasn't until the guy was on the verge of death, in this horrible nightmare worst-case scenario of a reality, that it occurred to him that he was the creator of his reality. quote from movie: "You know, I've been thinking. Everything is... just comes together. It's me. I chose this. I chose all of this. This rock... this rock has been waiting for me my entire life. In its entire life, ever since it was a bit of meteorite a million, billion years ago up there In space. It's been waiting, to come here. Right, right here. I've been moving towards it my entire life. The minute I was born, every breath I've taken, every action has been leading me to this crack on the earth's surface."
01-25-2017, 07:21 AM
A little belated, but worth it, I think.
And, belated also, I'd like to take a little weight off everyone's shoulders regarding the free will of others: (10-31-2016, 11:56 AM)Diana Wrote: Speaking for myself, I find it very difficult to maintain a balance between allowing for free will and speaking my truth, especially when it comes to certain subjects such as suffering. Quo Wrote:We would simply ask the self how powerful it thinks it truly is? The concept of being able to infringe upon free will by an opinion is deeply narcissistic, deeply aggrandizing the mundane self’s power. Once again, there is the shadow of control, of fear. Why would this instrument be afraid of speaking honestly with its opinion or offering itself as channel for the opinion of one whose opinion the instrument values? Can this instrument or any other leap tall buildings at a single bound? Can this instrument or any other single-handedly destroy or create, or add height to the body or length to the life? Where is this notion of powerfulness? -`ღ´-
08-27-2021, 02:03 PM
A small essay i'd written a few years ago. Would like to share with ya
![]() Responsibility is an important thing. It's the acceptance that one's destiny is under control. We create reality at different levels. Consciously or at the soul level. Predestinedly or with our efforts. When we deal with a difficult situation, we should take responsibility. We may say: " I take responsibility for what's happening. I've created it." Then you will realize you feel better and more powerful. It may be difficult to understand some things. I know this. When it's about a baby dying or apparently innocent one killed by malevolent beings. Here, the thing is that, we may never know what's in the soul's agenda. Maybe soul's agreement was up to that point.
08-29-2021, 09:39 PM
You dont 'create' reality as much as you 'navigate' towards a reality that already exists. Per infinity, every situation, every case, every different variation of everything, including infinitely different states of everything, exist. Its just a matter of 'navigating' towards those locations in infinity.
However, of course, navigating from a certain point like this to a point that is greatly different is as difficult as the difference in between the two states: It is nearly impossible for you to navigate towards a reality of this planet in which World War II did not happen, for example. The difference is too great, so its literally impossible to navigate. However, from a higher point in existence, nearing towards infinity, its much more possible - for example it would be much easier to navigate towards such a different reality of this planet from a point in late 6d where existences start converge. However, the navigator would be the 6d entity who would not be able to comfortably enter that particular version of this planet's reality because, well, it is a 6d entity. It would be much easier for a part of that 6d entity which is compatible with that particular reality, however. In contrast, it would be more difficult for this particular shard (you) of that future 6d entity to enter that particular reality, because you have been shaped by the reality in which World War II happened. In short, its easier to navigate towards realities which are in the neighborhood of the reality we inhabit, than the realities that are more distant. |