01-23-2009, 12:01 AM
What is the method by which you remember your dreams? How often do you remember your dreams? What is the nature of your dreams? Do you dream in color? Do you remember every detail? Do you ever read things in your dreams? If you speak more than one language, do you ever say things in your second language in your dreams? Do you only "see" your dreams? or do you take part in them? Do you talk in your sleep? Do you sleep walk? How much direct influence do your dreams have on your waking life? Do you often wake up crying, laughing, angry, sad, etc.?
Dreams have always been a fascinating topic for me. I would have to say that the way that I remember my dreams seems to be different from the direct memory that most people that I talked to have. I usually go to sleep, have some dream, wake up, and cant immediately remember what I dreamed about. Only the feeling of being somewhere far away remains. During the course of the day, if I see an object that was in my dream, it triggers almost instant memory of a section of what I dreamed of. This works whether I physically see the object in front of me or if I just see it in thought form in my mind. It is extremely rare for me to go an entire day without seeing something that triggers dream recall . This is such an efficient method of dream recall that I remember my dreams almost every single day with details that rival those of waking life (sometimes actually better).
Until recently I always assumed that the way that people dreamed was pretty much the same. I am currently in a relationship with a girl who is becoming more and more attuned to the spiritual side of things everyday. One day I told her about a dream that I had, then asked her what she usually dreamed about. She said that she hardly ever dreams. My first thought was that she does dream, but just doesnt remember. She said that if she does dream and does remember, then it is only one or two things from the dream, like one event that happened, the central them of it, or one person that she remembers (but not what they were doing, etc.) in it. Furthermore, she said that all of her dreams are in monochrome and they are very foggy, as she cant really recall any details.
She decided to buy a book on meditation. This book says that the way that people dream speaks about their level of spirituality. The more spiritually sound a person is, the more vivid the color, detail, and recall of a dream will be. The book advises meditation to enhance all experiences regarding dreams. She decided to take the books advice and meditate. It has taken her some time, but she said that she had a dream in color the other day. She remembers seeing an ocean or some body of water that was of beautiful blue color. She is starting to recall her dreams a lot more often as well, though still not everyday.
I live in Japan at the moment, and the Japanese expression is ”夢を見る”which literally means to "see a dream." Most Japanese people that I have talked to speak about dreams as if they are a TV show or such, something that is shown to them that they themselves do not produce or take part in. Dreams are not talked about with the same level of importance as they are regarded in other places I have been to. In fact, they are usually not talked about at all, so I have very few people to compare notes to here.
Anyway, I am curious to hear your thoughts or experiences with dreams.
Be well,
Dreams have always been a fascinating topic for me. I would have to say that the way that I remember my dreams seems to be different from the direct memory that most people that I talked to have. I usually go to sleep, have some dream, wake up, and cant immediately remember what I dreamed about. Only the feeling of being somewhere far away remains. During the course of the day, if I see an object that was in my dream, it triggers almost instant memory of a section of what I dreamed of. This works whether I physically see the object in front of me or if I just see it in thought form in my mind. It is extremely rare for me to go an entire day without seeing something that triggers dream recall . This is such an efficient method of dream recall that I remember my dreams almost every single day with details that rival those of waking life (sometimes actually better).
Until recently I always assumed that the way that people dreamed was pretty much the same. I am currently in a relationship with a girl who is becoming more and more attuned to the spiritual side of things everyday. One day I told her about a dream that I had, then asked her what she usually dreamed about. She said that she hardly ever dreams. My first thought was that she does dream, but just doesnt remember. She said that if she does dream and does remember, then it is only one or two things from the dream, like one event that happened, the central them of it, or one person that she remembers (but not what they were doing, etc.) in it. Furthermore, she said that all of her dreams are in monochrome and they are very foggy, as she cant really recall any details.
She decided to buy a book on meditation. This book says that the way that people dream speaks about their level of spirituality. The more spiritually sound a person is, the more vivid the color, detail, and recall of a dream will be. The book advises meditation to enhance all experiences regarding dreams. She decided to take the books advice and meditate. It has taken her some time, but she said that she had a dream in color the other day. She remembers seeing an ocean or some body of water that was of beautiful blue color. She is starting to recall her dreams a lot more often as well, though still not everyday.
I live in Japan at the moment, and the Japanese expression is ”夢を見る”which literally means to "see a dream." Most Japanese people that I have talked to speak about dreams as if they are a TV show or such, something that is shown to them that they themselves do not produce or take part in. Dreams are not talked about with the same level of importance as they are regarded in other places I have been to. In fact, they are usually not talked about at all, so I have very few people to compare notes to here.
Anyway, I am curious to hear your thoughts or experiences with dreams.
Be well,