02-07-2010, 02:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-07-2010, 04:02 AM by kristy1111.)
I reeeeaally need some advice, folks. I am the type of person that is regarded as one of the very few "sane" or "together" people in my family - on both sides. There are many in my gene pool who are alcoholics, drug addicts, and live massively dysfunctional lives. Even my own dad.
My mom is another person who is considered "together". Both of us are extremely compassionate by nature, and we want the best for people, especially those we love. When the going gets tough for the dysfunctional relatives, they run to one of us (or both).
My mom has helped SO many people in the family - even to the point of taking them in off the street, helping them through rehab, helping nurse them back to health, helping them find work, learn how to do banking, etc. They always relapse.
I, too, have done this. I even rescued my own dad off the street before when he was jobless and homeless. He was selling his blood to buy booze. He would collect used cigarettes with my brother (now dead) from businesses that had ash trays, and then collect the tobacco from them and "roll their own". **blech**
In the past few years, the son of my dead brother has been coming to me and my husband for help. He was raised in SEVERE dysfunction and wasn't taught a thing about life or how to live well or productively. He is an alcoholic, a heavy smoker, has done drugs, has a record, and he can't keep a job. He has no training in anything and he is a drifter. He mooches off of people.
Since he was the son of my brother, I wanted to help him. I wanted to teach him how to live a "normal" life and function well and to find happiness. We took him into our home and we taught him how to find a job, we bought him a scooter to get to work on, a helmet, boots, etc. We gave him a beautiful bedroom and bathroom in our home to use and we fed him and bought him clothes. We taught him how to bank and manage his money. We taught him a lot. One day, he just decided to leave us and of course, we had to pay for his airline ticket.
I was very upset, but as time went on, I softened quite a bit and let it all go. Then some time later, he wanted to come back and he acted so "repentant" and said he'd changed. I am too much of a softy. I let him come back in and we started all over again. After a few months, the same dang thing happened! Only he started messing up big time and breaking our rules behind our back and we caught him, etc. So it was me who got tough and kicked him out and told him to go back to Washington...which he did.
So many months passed, and he was really struggling in Washington. Me and my husband both felt "impressed", if you will, to give him one more chance. So we took him in again - helped him find a job (only we made him do all the searching - we just drove him to the businesses). He finally got the job and he said it was full time. NOT. We built him an apartment on our farm. He wanted cats so we got him two cats. We bought him a car (we were tired of having our schedule dependent upon his work schedule and having to drive him everywhere).
His alternator went out and he had no money...we had to pay for a new one and pay the labor. Then he got in a wreck and the other car's owner wants money for the damage. My nephew avoids the guy's phone calls, so the guy comes to our door last night looking for him.
His 'real' hours are only 15-20 per week on minimum wage. He is also now dating a girl who has a son, and they are intimate - and I have a premonition she will become pregnant. We had him set up a system with the bank where he automatically pays a certain amount into our bank account every Friday. He has missed many payments! And each time he does, he racks up service charges ($40 a wack!).
We have fed him (and he's a BIG guy...eats a LOT). We have bought him food, clothing, gas, sooooo much. We have had long talks with him, taught him things, showed him how to do things, spent HOURS and hours working with him.
We had rules, too...no alcohol or cigarettes on our property and a few other rules. We did it to help him because he is in poor health. He is only 24. He uses our washer and dryer, our internet services, our cable t.v., our phone service, our electricity, etc. We even got him a refrigerator, and many more things.
Okay, so today I went into his apartment because he has been gone for long periods of time (sleeping at his girlfriend's house). I was concerned for his cats. The place was a shambles!! Garbage everywhere...it stunk like cat poop big time. The litter box was so full that the cats were pooping on the floor. There were empty cans and garbage all over. And rotten food. Dirty clothes, too.
I checked his refrigerator to see how much food he had, and there in the freezer was a half gallon jug of Kentucky whiskey (ALL GONE). He had drank it all. There's a rule broken. So then I found an empty cigarette pack - another rule broken. And then girly magazines.
He is crying poverty and borrowing money from my husband like crazy, and not using it for food or gasoline or anything good...just booze, smokes, girly magazines, and gas to get to his girlfriend's house.
In the meantime, he lies to us all the time and he is using us and telling us what we want to hear. I have done all I can do. I can't take this feeling "used" anymore...I feel like a doormat.
So, what is making me feel cruddy (besides being used) is the fact that I don't know how much is enough. I mean, we're supposed to be loving and forgiving and help others and serve others. But where do we draw the line? Where IS that fine line? Or is there one? I don't feel we are helping him by letting him walk on us. We found out he is lying about everything and I just don't want to take it anymore. And I don't want to help him again. What is sad is, he has destroyed ALL trust that I may have had a little bit of left for him. It's completely gone.
I want to kick his arse out the door but at the same time, I feel like the Universe will think I'm a witch.
I am acting like a witch right now...I am full of anger and I'm even feeling some hatred. So with that, I am feeling so dang guilty.
When is enough...enough??
I'm soooo sorry I had to come here and rant and rave, but I feel like I'll explode emotionally if I can't share this with some like minded folks who might help calm me down and steer me in the right direction. Right now I just want to beat the crap out of him and throw him out. That's how upset I am. I just don't understand how a person could use me and walk on me when I have done so much to help them. I feel rather like a fool.
rant over. Please...can anybody help me or give me advice?
My mom is another person who is considered "together". Both of us are extremely compassionate by nature, and we want the best for people, especially those we love. When the going gets tough for the dysfunctional relatives, they run to one of us (or both).
My mom has helped SO many people in the family - even to the point of taking them in off the street, helping them through rehab, helping nurse them back to health, helping them find work, learn how to do banking, etc. They always relapse.
I, too, have done this. I even rescued my own dad off the street before when he was jobless and homeless. He was selling his blood to buy booze. He would collect used cigarettes with my brother (now dead) from businesses that had ash trays, and then collect the tobacco from them and "roll their own". **blech**

In the past few years, the son of my dead brother has been coming to me and my husband for help. He was raised in SEVERE dysfunction and wasn't taught a thing about life or how to live well or productively. He is an alcoholic, a heavy smoker, has done drugs, has a record, and he can't keep a job. He has no training in anything and he is a drifter. He mooches off of people.
Since he was the son of my brother, I wanted to help him. I wanted to teach him how to live a "normal" life and function well and to find happiness. We took him into our home and we taught him how to find a job, we bought him a scooter to get to work on, a helmet, boots, etc. We gave him a beautiful bedroom and bathroom in our home to use and we fed him and bought him clothes. We taught him how to bank and manage his money. We taught him a lot. One day, he just decided to leave us and of course, we had to pay for his airline ticket.
I was very upset, but as time went on, I softened quite a bit and let it all go. Then some time later, he wanted to come back and he acted so "repentant" and said he'd changed. I am too much of a softy. I let him come back in and we started all over again. After a few months, the same dang thing happened! Only he started messing up big time and breaking our rules behind our back and we caught him, etc. So it was me who got tough and kicked him out and told him to go back to Washington...which he did.
So many months passed, and he was really struggling in Washington. Me and my husband both felt "impressed", if you will, to give him one more chance. So we took him in again - helped him find a job (only we made him do all the searching - we just drove him to the businesses). He finally got the job and he said it was full time. NOT. We built him an apartment on our farm. He wanted cats so we got him two cats. We bought him a car (we were tired of having our schedule dependent upon his work schedule and having to drive him everywhere).
His alternator went out and he had no money...we had to pay for a new one and pay the labor. Then he got in a wreck and the other car's owner wants money for the damage. My nephew avoids the guy's phone calls, so the guy comes to our door last night looking for him.
His 'real' hours are only 15-20 per week on minimum wage. He is also now dating a girl who has a son, and they are intimate - and I have a premonition she will become pregnant. We had him set up a system with the bank where he automatically pays a certain amount into our bank account every Friday. He has missed many payments! And each time he does, he racks up service charges ($40 a wack!).
We have fed him (and he's a BIG guy...eats a LOT). We have bought him food, clothing, gas, sooooo much. We have had long talks with him, taught him things, showed him how to do things, spent HOURS and hours working with him.
We had rules, too...no alcohol or cigarettes on our property and a few other rules. We did it to help him because he is in poor health. He is only 24. He uses our washer and dryer, our internet services, our cable t.v., our phone service, our electricity, etc. We even got him a refrigerator, and many more things.
Okay, so today I went into his apartment because he has been gone for long periods of time (sleeping at his girlfriend's house). I was concerned for his cats. The place was a shambles!! Garbage everywhere...it stunk like cat poop big time. The litter box was so full that the cats were pooping on the floor. There were empty cans and garbage all over. And rotten food. Dirty clothes, too.
I checked his refrigerator to see how much food he had, and there in the freezer was a half gallon jug of Kentucky whiskey (ALL GONE). He had drank it all. There's a rule broken. So then I found an empty cigarette pack - another rule broken. And then girly magazines.
He is crying poverty and borrowing money from my husband like crazy, and not using it for food or gasoline or anything good...just booze, smokes, girly magazines, and gas to get to his girlfriend's house.
In the meantime, he lies to us all the time and he is using us and telling us what we want to hear. I have done all I can do. I can't take this feeling "used" anymore...I feel like a doormat.
So, what is making me feel cruddy (besides being used) is the fact that I don't know how much is enough. I mean, we're supposed to be loving and forgiving and help others and serve others. But where do we draw the line? Where IS that fine line? Or is there one? I don't feel we are helping him by letting him walk on us. We found out he is lying about everything and I just don't want to take it anymore. And I don't want to help him again. What is sad is, he has destroyed ALL trust that I may have had a little bit of left for him. It's completely gone.
I want to kick his arse out the door but at the same time, I feel like the Universe will think I'm a witch.

When is enough...enough??
I'm soooo sorry I had to come here and rant and rave, but I feel like I'll explode emotionally if I can't share this with some like minded folks who might help calm me down and steer me in the right direction. Right now I just want to beat the crap out of him and throw him out. That's how upset I am. I just don't understand how a person could use me and walk on me when I have done so much to help them. I feel rather like a fool.
rant over. Please...can anybody help me or give me advice?