11-09-2020, 03:03 PM
Dark is perhaps one of the most memorable and personally meaningful pieces of media I've had the opportunity to enjoy. It begins with Jonas, a teenage boy dealing with his father's recent suicide, trying to find the missing brother of his friends who disappeared when they were fleeing from something they encountered in the forest. Jonas finds himself stumbling through time trying to piece together a massively tangled web of relationships and cause-and-effect paradoxes that binds the town together. There's a staggering amount of attention paid to the details of the characters and story along with how even minor events impact seemingly unrelated characters. Keeping up with what's going on sometimes meant I had to pause and talk to myself about what I knew versus what I thought I knew.
The most fascinating part of the show is not the tangled web of strange relationships, however, it's the themes about the cycles of suffering, karma, sin, forgiveness, and the illusion of our own identities. The show blends the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur with Christian mythology, Buddhism, Alchemy, and Hermeticism to create something incredibly reminiscent of the Law of One. Despite its name and constant expounding upon themes of suffering and pain, I found the show to inspire something incredibly beautiful and illuminating.
This show has stuck in my mind long after I watched it and was somewhat of a stepping stone on returning back to my spirituality. I'm curious if anyone else here has watched the show and what your thoughts are in regards to the themes of unity, paradox, acceptance, etc.