Hello bring4th community, I've been stalking you all for a while now (you all look so peaceful when your asleep.....I jest), and thought it was about time I introduced myself.
Unfortunately, I'm not as eloquent and articulate as many users on this forum so I'll keep this short. I've never been good at expressing myself through words (or any other medium for that matter), so bear with me.
For as long as I can remember I have had a devastating yearning, longing, hollowness and unfulfillment inside of me. I can't quite think of any specific experiences which showcase this, except to say that, the things which most people seem to find meaning in, fill me with nothing but sadness, confusion and boredom. I've tried to fill this void with many things (video games, anime, masturbation......relax, I'm only kidding, I mean, don't get me wrong, I do.....do it, but not because I think it will bring me enlightenment or anything like that, someone help me) but to no avail. Life sometimes feels so overwhelmingly underwhelming that I feel as though I'm gonna explode. I remember reading Quo describing our world as a mundane one, and I would have to agree. I mean, of course there is incredible beauty and love on this planet, but *shrugs shoulders*.
I guess I should probably talk next about how I found the Law of One material. Well, the story begins in a galaxy far, far away. Or so I sometimes like to think. Back on track. I'm 20 years old and discovered the Law of One material about 1-2 years ago. That's the best estimate I can give as my memory is rather horrible. BR (before Ra), I was finding existence a tough pill to swallow, still do (but more on that later), and for the most part wasn't really seeking. I was kind of just wallowing and feeling sorry for myself (again, something I still sometimes do, but we'll get there). I have always been in love with outer space, the night sky and astronomy as its one of the few things which genuinely excites me. So my journey started with me reading about all things UFOs and conspiracies. After doing this for a while and concluding that this was just the tip of the iceberg, I removed my tin foil hat, hit up google and continued my search. I think I eventually came across someone talking about the Law of One on some forum, which I don't remember the name of now. I don't remember being particularly blown away or having a eureka moment when reading the Ra material for the first time. I just remember being greatly confused and saying something like, "I'll get back to this later". After more months of seeking, I kept on going back to the Ra material, to the point where it became practically the only source of spiritual knowledge I would read/contemplate (pretty much still is). I'm not gonna sit here and pretend as though I fully, even partially, understand the material. All I know is that I never fell more connected with the cosmos then when I'm reading/thinking of Ra.
A lot of the time I feel really old, really tired and really sad. It's so so heavy here and my spiritual limbs are aching. With that being said, I think that underneath it all I am a really, really happy soul who effing loves and adores life/existence and all it's wonders/strangeness (just not on this planet, heh heh). I hope this community is a place where I can find solace and companionship. There's a lot more to write, but this will do for now.
I love you all, bye for now
10 points to anyone who can tell me where I'm from and of which density. I'm actually asking. My guides don't like talking/communicating with me, bastards, heh heh.
Unfortunately, I'm not as eloquent and articulate as many users on this forum so I'll keep this short. I've never been good at expressing myself through words (or any other medium for that matter), so bear with me.
For as long as I can remember I have had a devastating yearning, longing, hollowness and unfulfillment inside of me. I can't quite think of any specific experiences which showcase this, except to say that, the things which most people seem to find meaning in, fill me with nothing but sadness, confusion and boredom. I've tried to fill this void with many things (video games, anime, masturbation......relax, I'm only kidding, I mean, don't get me wrong, I do.....do it, but not because I think it will bring me enlightenment or anything like that, someone help me) but to no avail. Life sometimes feels so overwhelmingly underwhelming that I feel as though I'm gonna explode. I remember reading Quo describing our world as a mundane one, and I would have to agree. I mean, of course there is incredible beauty and love on this planet, but *shrugs shoulders*.
I guess I should probably talk next about how I found the Law of One material. Well, the story begins in a galaxy far, far away. Or so I sometimes like to think. Back on track. I'm 20 years old and discovered the Law of One material about 1-2 years ago. That's the best estimate I can give as my memory is rather horrible. BR (before Ra), I was finding existence a tough pill to swallow, still do (but more on that later), and for the most part wasn't really seeking. I was kind of just wallowing and feeling sorry for myself (again, something I still sometimes do, but we'll get there). I have always been in love with outer space, the night sky and astronomy as its one of the few things which genuinely excites me. So my journey started with me reading about all things UFOs and conspiracies. After doing this for a while and concluding that this was just the tip of the iceberg, I removed my tin foil hat, hit up google and continued my search. I think I eventually came across someone talking about the Law of One on some forum, which I don't remember the name of now. I don't remember being particularly blown away or having a eureka moment when reading the Ra material for the first time. I just remember being greatly confused and saying something like, "I'll get back to this later". After more months of seeking, I kept on going back to the Ra material, to the point where it became practically the only source of spiritual knowledge I would read/contemplate (pretty much still is). I'm not gonna sit here and pretend as though I fully, even partially, understand the material. All I know is that I never fell more connected with the cosmos then when I'm reading/thinking of Ra.
A lot of the time I feel really old, really tired and really sad. It's so so heavy here and my spiritual limbs are aching. With that being said, I think that underneath it all I am a really, really happy soul who effing loves and adores life/existence and all it's wonders/strangeness (just not on this planet, heh heh). I hope this community is a place where I can find solace and companionship. There's a lot more to write, but this will do for now.
I love you all, bye for now

10 points to anyone who can tell me where I'm from and of which density. I'm actually asking. My guides don't like talking/communicating with me, bastards, heh heh.