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Identifying "friends" - Kaaron - 06-19-2016

Thought I might share with you a little bit about what's been happening with me in an attempt to inspire others.
I need to share this first story as a prelude to the recent, more specific events.

Back in June 2015, about 2 weeks before re-discovering the Law of One, I was at Mums n ended up in a bad mood over something. I was aware that I got really dark, but kinda just put it down to always being like that. Then, I removed myself from the company of my mrs n son cos I could feel the anger building. I went into the room to cool off.
I was sitting on the end of my bed n I remembered about 10 years earlier around 2005, sitting in the exact same spot n feeling dark. I said to myself (10 years back) "I don't care anymore, you can have me"...before that, I had regular "shadow being" experiences, but that was the point when I let it in and embraced it.
So, I'm sitting there n realize that I have to tell it to get out. I picture my ancestors standing beside/around me and say "LEAVE" in my mind n really mean it. I feel a burning sensation up my spine and then all of a sudden I feel light...Sooo much energy, I had to do pull ups n stuff just to release all the energy I wasn't used to having...that "it" was feeding off.

My partner was in the lounge addressing the entity she knew had control of me. She told it that it knows we are on a positive path and that if it comes near us or our son again, it will burn up. Then she knew it was on the other side of the door, which coincided with me telling it to leave in the room.
At the exact same time, my Mum was next door. She told me the next day that, just before she came home, she broke down n cried uncontrollably n couldn't understand why. When she got home, she had been in her room and felt something trying to get her to let it into her. She told it to leave and that was when she started feeling better.

Fast forward to three days ago.
My partner tells me "he's a prince".
Which I take in stride, balancing the feelings of elitism that this could feed, if left unchecked.
Then yesterday, I'm going through my usual self loathing anguish when she says "one day, we'll be through all this and they know this, and they all get bonuses n sip champagne when they can get you to do this..." and then, without even a pause she says "Goebbels".
I'm like "what the f*** is a Goebbels?".
"Thats his name...I saw them sitting there when I said the thing about the champagne and they were relaxing and congratulating each other...then that name dropped into my head clear as day"
So we go to Google n lo n behold...there he is! Joseph Goebbels...the man who succeeded Hitler and then killed himself.

He was the one ramping up the war Nazi war effort using propaganda of radio and tv.
My partner and I are doing something similar but using music and video for positive ends...also, I just walked into a job at a radio station as "production engineer" and have alot of creative control in all aspects of it. I only wanted to record my partners raps n he says "how about I train you and you can run the studio?" yes bro, that'll suit me down to the ground comes fourth dimensional influenced radio lol. Oh and all praises to the OIC always, all ways.

Joseph had respiratory problems.
At age 16 I contracted bronchitis and never fully recovered, leading to a lifetime of brown flem and breathing issues.

To top all this cousin tells me last week that my great uncle was minister of defense during WW2 and was responsible for sending THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OF NZ TO WAR!
Not to mention the fact that my ancestors who, ive discovered, were eating people right up to my great Grandfathers day...were Chiefs that carved the Orion constellations into rock and wood.
My Grandfather was the chief that did the welcoming ceremonies for the queen of England in 1951 when she came to NZ.

I feel like I'm here to help balance all of this.

Alot of pain and suffering has lead me to this point in space/time.
I feel like my partner and I are about to do what we were put here for.
I just want to encourage my brothers and sisters...there is a change about to happen that will be remembered for eternity...and we get to experience it together.
Love to all...the light and the dark.

RE: Identifying "friends" - Nau7ik - 06-19-2016

It's very interesting that the name "Goebbels" came up. He was certainly negatively oriented in his lifetime.

And in my opinion, if you're attracting the attention of the 'loyal opposition' then you're probably doing something right Wink Their greetings are a gift, an oppurtunity, which I see that you already knowSmile

May your work/service be blessed in the Lord's love and light

RE: Identifying "friends" - Kaaron - 06-19-2016

I posted this last night on wifi down the road from home and as I turn around to leave...there's a white rabbit sitting on the footpath staring at the middle of town...with nobody else around lol.
I went home and discussed some stuff with my partner.
I've been working at loving and accepting Goebbels as an entity that was existing in the 5th dimension as pure "unworthiness"...that's what I've lived with my whole life and I understand him better than anyone.
So I feel alot of empathy for him...I know what he felt with his perceived "shortcomings" and that he carried that with him as he chose his "method of departure", to the 5th. He beamed those feelings to me...I felt like I wanted to tear the flesh from people and make them feel pain as payment for a lifetime of ridicule and perceived hate. I realised that when he killed himself, he saw himself as the Orion prince that he was, without the short leg and he felt like "I'm out the game now peasants, you're gonna pay for how I feel you made me feel about myself".
For 36 years I've felt and seen through his eyes.
My partner and I are convinced that last night we convinced him to switch polarity as his job and operation were compromised, rendering his position useless.
I felt the same lifting of weight that I felt back in June last year and my partner cried because she could feel it too.
I think the creator helped us to heal a part of itself.

RE: Identifying "friends" - Billy - 06-19-2016

Makes me wonder whether my distortions and feelings of unworthiness are in some way related to 'outside' influences.  Fatigue has been one of my most closest 'companions' for as long as I can remember but I have always chalked that up to the Crohn's disease, along with a not so flash diet.  Self loathing thoughts certainly do not help and, from what I understand, create an opening for 'friends' to make their welcome and stay.  I'm happy to hear that you are becoming conscious of these things and are starting to make choices which are more positive and informed.  All the power to you Kaaron, keep up the good work!  NZ is such a beautiful place also.  Despite the negative influences, which I imagine none here in 3rd density avoid entirely, you guys must be doing something right.  One day, I hope to visit.

RE: Identifying "friends" - Kaaron - 06-20-2016

I feel like I need to stay focused and not get complacent. There could be tactics and angles I haven't considered.
I'm not saying that I think I'm home free by any means.
This could be a regrouping.
I don't have the same constant stream of negative thoughts now though so Smile

RE: Identifying "friends" - Kaaron - 06-22-2016

It was definitely a regrouping.
I feel like the tactics have changed.
What can you do but push on, try to balance the extremes and rise above the backswing?
Meditate and focus on the creator...

RE: Identifying "friends" - Dekalb_Blues - 07-02-2016

Hello Kaaron, I thought you might perhaps find the following material of some interest and use; it's from an American sensitive, Marina Michaels, who channels various sources of information: (bio. info)

"A short essay on the spiritual origins of World War II" (overview, with links to related material):

"Ein deutscher General spricht"

[The following comments were found appended at another American website featuring the "General Speaks" material:]

Reader Comments

Subject: Channeled WWII German General
From: Janet <>
Date: Sat, July 8, 2006
To: Editor <E-mail>

This is an excellent article. About time the information about the Nazis' black magic came out. I have been waiting for this to happen since I read The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft. I do hope there will be more from this person and others. I personally have memories of a past life in Nazi Germany including some horrid memories of the magic performed. The sooner this kind of information gets out the easier it will be to fight the evil of the New World Order. America was the country of the the great dreams of achievement and personal development in the fifties/early sixties and then it went to rats as these Nazis took control of your country and ours ( I'm British) so carry on the good work
May the Force be with You

Subject: re: Channeled WW2 German General
Date: Sat, July 15, 2006
To: Editor <Email>

What an enlightening article!

This is what we need, ways to understand the workings and traps of duality, so as to get out of this duality, out of the "blame game", and welcome with compassion and healing love those who have been part of the plan of destruction, because they are our family members. I went to Auschwitz this spring to do some energy clean-up work, and despite the hazardous trip, I knew I would get there, never doubted it because I felt I was being helped, that someone/something wanted me to go there.
It is not until I actually reached the camps and started "working" that I realized who was helping me. I knew then it was the very overlords of that dark place, who wanted me to help clean up the mess they made. And I also felt that by doing so, I wasn't just saving their butts but all our collective butts, because we are them. This wonderful channeling has just made the whole process perfectly clear to me. Thank you for transmitting this article to us and I hope there will be more like it.

(Note from Ken Adachi, July 1, 2008: I have to approve the names of people who apply to my E-Y discussion forum at The Yahoo form asks people to explain why they are interested in joining the forum and thus I came across the following note dated June 18, 2008:

Quote: Wrote:Offline Offline
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-name- 27 · Male
El Paso, TX

(e-mail address removed) Jun 18, 2008
I'm very impressed with the channeled information provided by the "German General," because I was apparently a member of the SS during WWII.
I was intrigued and sent the party the following note:

Quote: Wrote:Ken Adachi wrote:

Read your note. Can you tell me more? I'm interested in how you came to know this.
Regards, Ken
And here was the reply I received:

Quote: Wrote:----- Original Message -----
From: James B
To: Ken Adachi
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Subject: Re: from Ken Adachi

I read your article about Berman's claim of what the person he knew as Otto Skorzeny said, and from there went to the article about the channeled information from the "German general." What the channeled information related was consistent with what I have felt all my life about Nazi Germany, but which contradicted what I was taught about it in my education here in the United States. From the time I was a child, whenever I saw old films about the Nazis, and especially about the SS, I had a strange feeling that I not only knew about the SS, but that I had participated somehow in their crimes. I have always known, deep down, that the Nazis were, and are, knee-deep in the occult, specifically Black Magic and Satanism, and all the documentaries that attempt to treat this subject, that I have seen, don't begin to scratch the surface of the truth. (I wonder why!) The "German general" information was the first article I have read that confirms my long-held conviction.
A few years ago, after hearing about hypnotic regression to past lives, I consulted a psychiatrist who is skilled in regressions, and has done them with many people for years. I wanted to find out what past lives I had lived. During several sessions, several lives came through, from different historical periods. One of the lives was as an SS sergeant in occupied France. This, of course, horrified me, but it confirmed my life-long convictions about my connection to the SS. I clearly remembered executing French civilians, and even shooting a Wermacht soldier for cowardice as the Americans were landing at Normandy. The local French townspeople were so enraged at the atrocities committed by me and my SS comrades that they entreated the Americans to shoot us. The Americans obliged by hanging me and two other SS men from a rafter in a bombed-out barn not far from the Normandy coast. We were hanged surreptitiously because the Americans, at the time, were forbidden to execute prisoners. Apparently, they made an exception in our case.
I have always thought, and the "German general" material confirms, that many German Nazis were appalled when they got to the "other side" about what they had done, and how they had been duped, and clamored to be reincarnated immediately as Americans or British. They (we) knew that the struggle that had begun with WW II would continue, and we wanted to be part of it, but this time we wanted to be on the side of Good, rather than Evil. At least, some of us did! I have often thought how strange it is, and rather comical in a way, that when men like my father returned from the war and fathered the "baby boom," looking up at them from their newborn baby's crib was a German or Japanese soldier that they, perhaps, had helped to kill!
James B

[Image: elecric4.jpg]  Cheers. Cool

RE: Identifying "friends" - Kaaron - 07-17-2016

Thanks for this. I've only just seen it but will read it for sure...thanks again ☺