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SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Strictly Law of One Material (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=2) +--- Thread: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? (/showthread.php?tid=721) Pages:
RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Questioner - 12-31-2009 Let's continue, Kristy, with a further look at the process of creation according to the Law of One. Fellow-selves, if you see an opportunity to correct, improve, add or replace what I say with further commentary, please do so. In our galaxy, the plan of creation is for consciousness to occur in life forms on planets. We don't know whether the same pattern occurs in other galaxies. Our Sun used the processes of physics - such as gravity, electromagnetic force, and rotation - to gather dust and gas which coalesced into planets. Over further periods of time, our Earth developed liquid oceans, an atmosphere, and volcanic activity breaking through the crust. Ra refers to the four fundamental elements of earth, air, fire, and water, as the starting point of consciousness. Now any consciousness of these elements must be vastly different to our own thoughts. If a mountain range has a thought, it might span thousands of miles and take countless years to think that thought. Compared to people, who can have a new thought every second, focused on our five or six foot high bodies, the thoughts of the elements are very diffuse. They are far less dense than our own thoughts. The consciousness inherent in the basic elements is the First Density. It's not clear to me whether First Density includes everything before the four basic elements are available. It's also not clear whether Ra used the four elements literally, as the ancient Greeks and Chinese did in their explanation of primal forces, or whether this is a symbolic representation of all the elements of the Periodic Table. But Ra does explain: Quote:This begins with first density which is the density of consciousness, the mineral and water life upon the planet learning from fire and wind the awareness of being. This is the first density. With the structure of the planet in place, plant and animal life can arise. It's not clear if some virus particles are minerals or cellular life, but from bacteria on up through dinosaurs, we are clearly dealing with living creatures made up of cells. Ra explained: Quote:The second density is the density of the higher plant life and animal life which exists without the upward drive towards the infinite. These second-density beings are of an octave of consciousness just as you find various orientations of consciousness among the conscious entities of your vibration.This consciousness allows striving for life and growth, whether of seeds that germinate and grow into plants, or animals that explore their environment. If I correctly understand the Ra material, some trees are very close to the level of consciousness that people can have. Many animals have a pack mind, without the individual capacity for moral choice that people have, and we've discussed that in this forum. Ra said: Quote:There is much of blessing in the gardening and the care of surroundings, for when this is accomplished in love of the creation the second-density flowers, plants, and small animals are aware of this service and return it. Could the fire understand the mind of a dog? Could the wind understand the mind of a penicillin colony? Could the ocean understand the thoughts of a bird? This is the gap between first and second density. In second density, conscious awareness is far more focused within an individual, growing life form. Third Density is our present level of consciousness, able to ask the kind of questions you're bringing to our delightful forum. 75,000 years ago, conscious entities from outside the Earth added this capacity for conscious thought to the existing second-density animal life, in particular, the apes with opposable thumbs. We now live in a time period when the Earth is moving up to fourth density. This is as far beyond ordinary human consciousness as our thoughts are able to transcend what a cat, bird, tree, flower or amoeba is able to ponder. We'll next need to look at the nature of The Choice in third density, and what we are able to comprehend of the higher densities. The discussion of the archetypes might be next. I'll get to that in the coming days unless one of our fellow discussion enthusiasts gets to it first. If we don't exchange greetings before then, Happy New Year! RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Peregrinus - 01-01-2010 (12-31-2009, 11:49 PM)Questioner Wrote: 75,000 years ago, conscious entities from outside the Earth added this capacity for conscious thought to the existing second-density animal life, in particular, the apes with opposable thumbs. If I may correct this. The Logos did this, not higher density entities. Earth, as is all the planets and suns in this galaxy, is of the design of the Logos. It is not within our understanding to call the Logos a higher density entity, as we have no comprehension of even what octave of creation the Logos resides in. The use of the bipedal ape body is the one this Logos uses in this galaxy for third density incarnate experience. The bipedal ape body is in use by approximately 5% of all galaxies in this octave. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Ali Quadir - 01-01-2010 (12-31-2009, 12:02 PM)transiten Wrote: "God" is OK with me, but "Father" not, unless combined with "Mother".I honestly, don't care which word people use. I guess I don't associate it with exclusivity. Quote:I'm a musiscian and languageteacher (french) and i consider sound carrying "meaning". Yesterday i heard a very interesting analysis of the role of Joseph and the concept of "Virgin" Mary...Why is Joseph denied true fathership and Mary supposed to have given birth without intercourse? This has had a hughe impact on the "absent father" and the Whore/Madonnacomplex spread among the traditional religions.I think the feminine doesn't match well with rationality, I associate knowing without thinking. With the feminine, and if you're based in ratio and only develop the traditional masculine qualities this can be difficult to understand. Because of this I think the roles were so strongly defined. It's hurt us. I know that.. Quote:The fullmoon is INCREDIBLE shining through my window. It's "the blue moon" and also the month with two fullmoons. Also there are 13 fullmoons a year, coinciding with the female period. 13 is the wholy number, Jesus was nr 13 among 12 disciples, Ophiucus is the 13:th sign not used in traditional western astrology, in the Celtic tradition nr 13 was the wholy godess.13 is the hidden addition to twelve. Note that all measuring systems are base 12. But there's always a thirteenth hidden somewhere in there ![]() Quote:The female principle is now being restored, there must be balance between heaven and earth within every human being.Psychologically speaking masculinity and femininity are not a polarity, they are two separate scales. You can be masculine AND feminine at the same time. Or even neither. They checked quality of life, overall happiness in relation to these scales. It turns out that more masculinity means a happier person and that more femininity means a happier person. The happiest persons are those who cultivate both their masculine and feminine sides. And those who cultivate neither aren't very happy either. The science is clear to me, we were not psychologically designed to be male or female. We were designed to be human, and the psychological distinction between male and female was imposed after... Quote:13 is my lucky numberIt is a sacred number for certain! I feel the feminine is in fact being restored. Feminism has made great strides. And we're finally getting more and more feminists who are actually feminine. I sometimes get the feeling many of the earlier ones wanted to be guys more than wanting to be feminine. And, and this to me personally is the best development. Guys are becoming more feminine. They want to express and develop their feminine side. You'd love a friend of mine. She's 70 something and has always been very much a feminist, but in the sense of "we have to be both" rather than "We have to be one, and mine is better than yours" She's observed this for a long time from her unique perspective, and she's told us in her opinion the young generation is much more comfortable with this than they used to be. The patriarchy is usually defined to be bad on women. And it is of course. But men have suffered from it too by being forced to be masculine even if their nature is balanced. Ironically the church is right but they didn't get it.. Man needs Woman... Woman needs Man.. But inside, not in a partner. Although partnership is important too of course but thats a whole different story, and can clearly be same sex to fulfill the psychological needs people have. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Peregrinus - 01-01-2010 When the bible was being finalized in the 3rd to 4th centuries, written out of Christianity and Muslim faiths were twenty books, and another twenty five books were condensed and re-arranged. Many things were left out which the eastern religions kept, such as the understandings of the energy centers (rays, chakras) and their use, and the ideas of us being of both father and mother. Here is a couple quotes about the editing: Quote:“Of the many gospels written in antiquity, exactly four gospels came to be accepted as part of the New Testament, or canonical. An insistence upon a canonical four, and no others, was a central theme of Irenaeus of Lyons, c.185. In his central work, Adversus Haereses Irenaeus denounced various Christian groups that used only one gospel…as well as groups that embraced the texts of new revelations.…Irenaeus declared that the four he espoused were the four pillars of the Church: ‘it is not possible that there can be either more or fewer than four’ he stated, presenting as logic the analogy of the four corners of the earth and the four winds (1.11.8). His image, taken from Ezekial 1, of God’s throne borne by four creatures with four faces—‘the four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and the four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle’— equivalent to the ‘four-formed’ gospel, is the origin of the conventional symbols of the Evangelists: lion, bull, eagle, man. Irenaeus was successful in declaring that the four gospels collectively, and exclusively these four, contained the truth. By reading each gospel in light of the others, Irenaeus made of John a lens through which to read Matthew, Mark and Luke“ (Wikipedia article on Gospel, accessed 12-04-2008). Quote:“Following the custom of the Synagogue, the Scriptures of the Old Testament were read at the primitive Christian assemblies. According as the Canon of the New Testament was decided on, certain extracts from it were included in these readings. Justin tells us that in his day, when the Christians met together, they read the Memoirs of the Apostles and the writings of the Prophets (First Apology 67). Tertullian, Cyprian, and other writers bear witness to the same custom; and in the West the order of lector existed as early as the third century. For want of precise testimony we do not know how the particular passages were decided on. Most likely the presiding bishop chose them at the assembly itself; and it is obvious that on the occurrence ofcertain festivals the Scripture relating to them would be read. Little by little a more or less definite list would naturally result from this method. St. John Chrysostom in a homily delivered at Antioch exhorts his hearers to read beforehand the Scripture passages to be read and commented on in the Office of the day (Homilia de Lazaro, iii, c. i). In like manner other Churches would form a table of readings. In the margin of the manuscript text it was customary to note the Sunday or festival on which that particular passage would be read, and at the end of the manuscript, the list of such passages, the Synaxarium or Capitulare, would be added. Transition from this process to the making of an Evangeliarium, or collection of all such passages, was easy. Gregory is of opinion that we possess fragments of Evangeliaria in Greek dating from the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries, and that we have very many from the ninth century onwards (according to Gregory they number 1072). In like manner, we find Lectionaries in the Lain Churches as early as the fifth century. The Comes of the Roman Church dates from before St. Gregory the Great (P.L., XXX, 487-532." (quoted from the New Advent Encyclopedia article on Evangeliaria). I don't know how or why the idea of a virgin came about, but it had to do with the ancient astrological understanding and texts, and the idea that the Christ would be born of a virgin mother preceded the birth of Jesus by 800 years. Jesus often spoke of both the father and the mother, the father being God, and the mother being Gaia. He spoke of this relationship divinely as mankind being created by God's hand with Gaia's clay. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - thefool - 01-01-2010 (12-26-2009, 11:43 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: I love the idea of being "one" in spirit and purpose...you know, a "unity", but I want to have this while still being a child of God and enjoying other children of God. I want to be an eternal, *individual* soul and enjoy other souls. I don't want to meld into a big entity and be just one entity, literally. I have felt guilty for having the desire to be an individual soul. I've had people tell me this is just my ego speaking. I am with you here 100%. Exactly my though process. Don't listen to other people's ego telling you about your so called ego. I think that is idea, to be part of one big unity but still being separate. In 'Conversations with God' - God says something like this (in my wording)- 'It is like air in your house. Little different in different rooms but still the same and merging seamlessly with other rooms air'. end quote. Remember by being the individual soul and being who you are. you are expanding the edges of the universe and adding so much to the 'Oneness' understanding itself. It is a great service. ( Might want to read Abraham hicks on this topic. They say it very beautifully). There may come a time when I would love to merge with the ONE but that I am loving it right now as it is... RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - ayadew - 01-02-2010 Ram Dass: "If there's only one of us, who do you talk to..." I think it's meaningful to remember that God/Creator is always larger than you can possibly imagine. All concepts you can present is only within the creation, it is a concept created by a higher consciousness/logos, but it is not consiousness itself, it is not the Creator itself. All you have ever heard, even from Ra, does not come close to describing what the Creator really is. Ra is very serious about saying that they are but humble teachers of the Law of One. They do not know everything. They do not know what the Creator is. Trust that all that is made is made out of infinite love and compassion for you, that all is well. Higher consciousness/co-creators are called Logos for a reason.. they are love. ![]() There is only faith in this existence... RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - litllady - 01-02-2010 Just wanted to add some writings that do talk about Jesus teaching about the mother/father=parent. The following is pulled from a writing called the Gospel of Peace, and shows a Jesus teaching about a 'mother earth' along with the 'father spirit'. I dont agree with the writing in a full context, but there are some very great wisdom's in them. I am not sure if its really all about being prepared to loose our identity as individuals, or possibly a merging that will still acknowledge all 'being' forever as apart of 'Thee'. When we see we are one with the Earth, and one with God...in a limited sense of view point, there is a harmony in the core of the being, a familiar resonate feeling of 'knowing' something that had been forgotten. A deeper understanding of how everything moves to and fro together, even though we may see it as separate. The Gospels of peace http://www.thenazareneway.com/index_essene_gospels_of_peace.htm Quote:"Your Mother is in you, and you in her. She bore you she gives you life. it was she who gave to you your body, and to her shall you one day give it back again. Happy are you when you come to know her and her kingdom; if you receive your Mother's angels and if you do her laws. I tell you truly, he who does these things shall never see disease. For the power of our Mother is above all. And it destroys Satan and his kingdom, and has rule over all your bodies and all living things. Another writing within these writings is about the power in a blade of grass....very humbling... http://www.thenazareneway.com/essene_gospel_of_peace_book_4.htm#HumbleGrass Not so much explaining oneness...but a glimpse of something that is a part of all of us. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - kristy1111 - 01-05-2010 (12-31-2009, 11:49 PM)Questioner Wrote: In our galaxy, the plan of creation is for consciousness to occur in life forms on planets. We don't know whether the same pattern occurs in other galaxies. Our Sun used the processes of physics - such as gravity, electromagnetic force, and rotation - to gather dust and gas which coalesced into planets. Over further periods of time, our Earth developed liquid oceans, an atmosphere, and volcanic activity breaking through the crust. Ra refers to the four fundamental elements of earth, air, fire, and water, as the starting point of consciousness. *** Thank you for everything...! (01-02-2010, 07:17 AM)ayadew Wrote: Ram Dass: "If there's only one of us, who do you talk to..." (01-01-2010, 10:33 PM)thefool Wrote: Remember by being the individual soul and being who you are. you are expanding the edges of the universe and adding so much to the 'Oneness' understanding itself. It is a great service. ( Might want to read Abraham hicks on this topic. They say it very beautifully). (01-01-2010, 12:17 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: If I may correct this. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - thefool - 01-05-2010 (01-05-2010, 04:57 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *** Where might I find this in A.H. stuff? They have a lot of stuff out there. ___________________________________ You will have to search AH material for this. But trust me it is there. I might even be in one of the Videos I have. (01-05-2010, 04:57 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: Also, this hit a topic that confuses me. I was taught (when I belonged to organized religion) that God is "omniscient" and knew all there is to know and is aware of EVERYthing ("of every sparrow that falls"). Now I am hearing that God ("oneness") needs us to understand itself. Can you expound on this...or anyone...or lots of you? I really enjoy all the questions that you ask. They make me think of different ways to express. It is contradictory only if there are two of us. God and Us. But it gets resolved when there is only One. God and Us are One. So God knows everything and at the same time he needs himself (Us) for a grander expression of himself. and every moment the expression of God is different and expanding thru us. We only seem to be different due to the illusion in different densities. The illusion is created to support the joyful expression and playful exploration of God for God and by God ![]() RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - kristy1111 - 01-05-2010 (01-05-2010, 05:31 PM)thefool Wrote: You will have to search AH material for this. But trust me it is there. I might even be in one of the Videos I have. *** Wow! That is a great explanation! Kinda makes me feel like God/me is playing a big cosmic video game - a three dimensional holographic one that is high class, expensive, and super duper cool. Yeah? ![]() RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - seejay21 - 01-05-2010 (12-31-2009, 05:39 PM)transiten Wrote: Hello seejay I once lived for two years as an ex-pat in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between 1995 and 1997. I promise you, I know what you are referring too. I brought (smuggled) a book into the country for a friend called "Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia". Interesting Read. I've heard dozens of "abuse" stories that would blow your mind, and make you sick. Things just don't work in the "Magic Kingdom" like they do in the West. Female characteristics have power, including power over men. I'm suprised you haven't noticed. ![]() ![]() ![]() RE: creation up to 3rd density humanity - Questioner - 01-06-2010 Hi Kristy! We get to continue our explorations of what the Law of One material says about creation and evolution. In this story, we're up to the creation of humanity, as what Ra calls 3rd density mind/body/spirit complexes. I should point out that I don't know of any way the Law of One story conflicts with mainstream science. But I also don't think there's any way to use human science to prove the Law of One material, without the need for faith. According the material, this is by design. Logos and Sub-Logos: Levels of Logoi (plural of Logos) (01-05-2010, 04:57 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: So does this mean that our "God" (creator) is actually the sun? Is the sun aware of us and do we pray to that sun...a bit confused here.This is one of the ways Law of One is very different than mainstream religions. Christian etc. stories of creation tell of God inventing the entire plan of the universe, then instantly creating it. Or they tell of God, a single consciousness in charge of all Creation, instantly creating the universe, then instantly creating the earth, then instantly creating animals, then instantly creating humanity, etc. In contrast, Ra tells of the original infinity - beyond our understanding - creating the beginnings of the universe. Later, a portion of original infinity, a sub-Creator (which Ra calls a Logos), our galaxy, created a system of stars. Later, a portion of our galaxy, our sun, itself a sub-Creator or sub-Logos within the galaxy, created our solar system and the conditions for life. All this occurred through processes set in motion. And now we are sub-creators who have a great deal of influence on our own life experiences within this solar system. At each of these stages, God learns and discovers more through the process of the individually conscious portions doing their own creative work - including our living our human lives and typing to each other! "This Logos" as Designer of the earth and its life forms, in some other posts on this thread, refers to our Sun. But in comparison to the Galaxy, our Sun is a sub-Logos. This is a little tricky to follow, and confusion between the terms "galaxy" and "solar system" had to be sorted out by Don's questions. Quote:Q: Then I am assuming that this sub-Logos created this planetary system in all of its densities. Is this correct? Let's continue to explore what Ra has to say about creation and evolution. After we go over more of this material, later on your questions about prayer will be easier to answer. First Density Quote:A friend of mine wondered, when I told him about this, if we have all experienced being ONE mineral or if we experienced being the whole load of minerals.A physicist or chemist might say that each of our bodies includes atoms that, at one time or another, were likely included in each type of mineral. Not only that, each of us are literally made up of stardust, if you want to go back to the origin of the solar system. But that's a matter of science, not faith. If you're really curious about how the Periodic Table relates to human body structure, you might like Dr. Revici's concepts about evolution. I don't think these points are specifically discussed by Ra. Quote:I wonder if we experienced being fire "once", or if we were one of many fires.Interesting question! As I understand this material, the only native consciousness on the earth was, at first, this first density. Each of the elements fully developed its own type of consciousness. Later, these were joined by the consciousness of the plants and animals. Still later, human consciousness developed. However, I don't see this as meaning that elemental spirits became plant and animal spirits, which later became human spirits. I can't find the quote right now, but my impression is that spirits waited until human-type bodies were available organically, then started incarnating into them. Also, the material says that many people, especially many alive now, have spirits that previously incarnated in human bodies on other planets in the solar system, or other planets outside the solar system; and some people are incarnating in bodies on Earth for the first time ever, as some of our fellow humans alive today. So our spirits did not necessarily work their way up through first and second density physical experiences. Second Density Quote:I remember reading an article or something that told about some scientists putting electrodes on a plant...That would be an example of second density consciousness: everything with living cells, but not advanced enough to make a moral choice. Quote:Although I still don't know how to deal with wondering how a plant might feel as I chew it to pieces.As I understand the Law of One, the best attitude for us to have, no matter what we eat, is respect and gratitude for the portion of physical life that ended its separate existence. It is now providing fuel and supplies for us to continue our existence with life and health we can use to share light and love. We did not introduce any pain or ending of life frivolously, but were thoughtful, caring, humane. In this way we continue to honor all things. Quote:I wonder if we were one kind of cell, and did it many times, or if we just tried each kind of cell once.Again, the process of second density evolution may have occurred without any presence of morality-choosing souls being present. Our bodies and genetic heritage have experienced all these things, our spirits may or may not have experienced them. Quote:Sheeesh, that means that I used to be somebody's salad...and then somebody's #$@!Not necessarily. Your spirit might have never been incarnate on Earth before at all. And your spirit might never have been inside a second density creature or plant, or first density elemental force, on any planet, ever. 2d responses to human love or lack of love Quote:That is so cooooool! I wonder how they return it. Plants: Perhaps nourishing our bodies or providing beauty? Animals...friends? Protectors?All of the above. Think of a tree and all the plant and animal life that surrounds it. If they all felt loved by people and wanted to return that love, wouldn't they have lots of ways to do so? Quote:Are the 1st and 2nd density entities aware of 3rd density? Or are they just "there" and don't know we're around...?Many 2nd density animals are! For example a dog might know that a vet is a person who has healing techniques to help the dog, although the dog can't read the label on the prescriptions! And from the coooool quote, as well as the kind of information you found about leaves, we see that plants can be aware of humans as emotional energy. Can the first-density elements appreciate us? Well, some people say that human reckless injury of Gaia is a cause of earthquakes, floods, and so on. But I don't remember this idea being discussed in the Law of One. The material says that 4th density and above can see us, and chooses to be invisible to us, which is why we can't see them. More about that when we move on to what Ra says about the higher densities. Yakkity yak Quote:I think I ask enough questions on behalf of at least thousands of people.And I'm verbose enough to make up for a hundred lurkers who don't post, so we're probably even. ![]() Quote:Trying to put this whole puzzle together, as much as I can, anyway.Definitely the motivation behind the Ra contact and behind our follow-up search for what it means! Third density (75000 years ago introduction of 3rd density consciousness to opposable-thumb creatures) Quote:Okay, somebody corrected this by saying the Logos did that. But what is the Logos (new to this, sorry). "Love"... but who or what is love? Are you talking about the sun here, because it was stated in this thread that the sun created us.This will deserve its own response, maybe someone else can fill in that part of the Ra cosmology lessons. Logos is an entity that has the capacity to create or shape the nature of creation. Sub-Logos is a conscious entity that, within a larger Logos, creates or shapes a smaller portion of creation. Fourth density - getting a bit ahead of ourselves here Quote:So we'll then be able to converse with the plants and animals, etc.? I remember somebody telling me (when I was a child) that on Christmas eve, you could talk to the animals. I was so frustrated after trying to talk to my dog and cat for a long time.That's a really charming story! I don't recall if Ra discusses whether higher densities can have the kind of conversation you're talking about. The nature of 4th density is a mystery to us but much has been said about it in the material. Understanding vs. faith Quote:I'm getting the feeling that we will NEVER understand the true creator while here in 3d, and in fact, it will be a long time before we ever do. Yes? So we're being led and taught by a higher consciousness?I'm getting the feeling that you're picking up on what Ayadew was talking about! Yes, however, the higher density teachers are not the same as the ultimate creator; they are individualized creative portions of that ultimate creator's self-awareness, as are we. More about that when we get to discuss the higher densities. Quote:I think that if I/we would just quit worrying, and just have faith that everything is in divine order, we'd feel and do much better and evolve more quickly.Yes! Refer to Ayadew's signature line. The heart of love is far more important than intellectual understanding. There's nothing wrong with understanding with our minds, but this is only a tool to help us be better equipped to open our hearts, and to set aside ideas that interfere with our open-hearted response to each moment. Quote:Now I am hearing that God ("oneness") needs us to understand itself.Yes! That's what the material says. Preview of coming attractions So, this is an extra-long post for you. I hope to continue tomorrow, but the next few days will be pretty busy for me and I might need a few days before another major essay. Meanwhile as you see there are plenty of people here happy to share their own perspectives on the material, and correct any mistakes in my interpretations or summaries. When you're comfortable with this material we'll need to then look at the creation of 3D humanity; The Veil, The Choice and The Harvest; human spirits from outside the Earth; and then on to the higher densities, and the rays. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - pksmith - 01-16-2010 The most recent Q'uo session is about just this. http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2009/2009_1128.aspx RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Sacred Fool - 01-18-2010 So, Kristy, do you understand oneness now after three years and three weeks? RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - kristy1111 - 01-18-2010 (01-18-2010, 01:58 AM)peregrine Wrote: So, Kristy, do you understand oneness now after three years and three weeks? Not totally, but I'm getting closer. It's sooooo good to hear the insights of others...kinda like having puzzle pieces being put together. It makes it a lot easier to make sense of things when I try hard to "go within" and get answers. I am going to go read that Quo thing now that was posted yesterday. Hopefully that will make it all the more clearer. I do so appreciate everyone's help, though! xoxoxoxxo ![]() ![]() RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Questioner - 01-19-2010 Kristy, I don't want to overload you with more concepts than you've had time to ponder. Are you ready for me to continue my summarizing project? Or is it too soon for more of that? RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - kristy1111 - 01-19-2010 (01-19-2010, 01:28 AM)Questioner Wrote: Kristy, I don't want to overload you with more concepts than you've had time to ponder. Are you ready for me to continue my summarizing project? Or is it too soon for more of that? Bring it on! Yes! Yes! I've been waiting! I figured you were very busy or something... I can't wait! And thank you...! ~ Kristy RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Questioner - 01-19-2010 Oh, I was waiting for you to say you were ready! OK, I'll have some more material for you this week. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - kristy1111 - 02-06-2010 (01-19-2010, 03:40 AM)Questioner Wrote: Oh, I was waiting for you to say you were ready! OK, I'll have some more material for you this week. Been anxiously awaiting, Questioner! And "patiently", too. ![]() RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Questioner - 02-06-2010 Kristy, I deeply apologize. I haven't lost interest at all! Poor health and other personal problems have kept me from doing all the original writing I've wanted to do. Most days I'm OK to respond to posts but I've suffered from fuzzy thinking when it comes to presenting new material. I'm so sorry to leave you hanging! Hoping to be able to get back on track soon - yours is one of three big essays I want to post here just as soon as I can hang onto enough energy to gather the words together. (The others are Q2. Exploring the truth of the lighthouse - another little story with pictures - and Some Small Talk About Computers and the Law of One - showing that one particular programming system is the best way to communicate like Ra.) Should be fun to put them together and I have the outlines, but I'm really chagrined about being so far behind on these goals. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - kristy1111 - 02-11-2010 No need for apologies, Questioner! I'm still being "patient"....haha! I'm sorry you've been having problems. I've had my own, too. When you write your stuff down, it will be the perfect time. Thank you for everything. And that goes for all of you here. hugs to you all1 Kristy |