Update 2018:
Intended as a page where we would post information about the latest events when the Bring4th website was first built in 2008, this page has since largely become forgotten. Notice the cobwebs in the corner.
In general, we host an annual Homecoming Gathering event in Louisville, KY, and as of 2018 it looks like a new tradition may be beginning of hosting an annual Coming Home event outside of Asheville, NC in co-sponsorship with the Asheville Law of One Study Group. Along with occassional smaller events throughout the year.
To receive announcements and updates regarding events and other L/L happenings, subscribe to the Gatherings Newsletter here: https://www.bring4th.org/subscribe/
Also, every other week we publish a new episode of L/L Research's podcast, "In the Now"
And every week from September through May we host public meditations:
L/L Research! YouTube |