Bring4th News

Keep up to date on the latest happenings with Bring4th and L/L Research.

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Website Unification ProjectDecember 4, 2013

One of the most significant L/L Research projects lately is the Website Unification Project, which aims to combine our archive website,, with the community website,, and redesign the entire thing to be more accessible, more organized, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly.


Preliminary design discussion is ongoing and our dedicated webmaster Steve is set to start laying the foundation. We're hoping to have it launched within the next couple of months, but can’t as of yet give a time-frame for completion, but once the project is finished, L/L Research’s web presence will be significantly updated and ready to meet the growing needs of this generation’s seekers.


This is truly an exciting time for L/L Research and we’re incredibly excited about increasing our ability to reach those seekers who might find use in our information. Big thanks to everyone who donated towards this project and offered input in the preliminary design discussion!


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