10-09-2012, 02:46 PM
I wanted to make a thread where fellow members could post and talk about some of the more credible ET contact stories/experiences people of earth have had. I have been very much interested in some of the contact stories I've come across, partly because there have been numerous which seemed very legitimate to me.
The book 'inside the spaceships' was a huge catalyst for me and was the marking point where my life changed dramatically and the seeking for higher knowledge truly began, on a conscious level. I grew up as a Christian Scientist which is a religion started by a women named Marry Baker Eddy. I resonated with this religion growing up but I found that It didn't quite quench my thirst so to speak, I felt like there was alot of vagueness and misunderstanding among the fellow members. For those of you who don't know Christian Science is barley Christian when it comes to religion, what makes it christian, really is the emphasis put on the bible and Jesus. The Christian Science interpretation of the bible does not come close to the traditional Christian view, from my understanding of the 'traditional Christian view' of the bible. A lot of the story of the bibles are seen as metaphors, especially Genesis. The religion speaks of a non judgmental God and one that loves unconditionally and is 'Eternal'.
When I read 'Inside the Spaceships' I was shocked at how similar the message of the 'ET's was to the Christian Science religion, and it felt right, or should I say even right-er than the box called Christian Science. So Et contact stories have been deeply inspiring to me in my seeking as I found it incredible that ET's would be spreading messages of Love, The Creator and enjoying the simple things in life..for I had this image in my head they would be very advanced yet I never thought about them being of a higher spiritual understanding, for some reason.
Anyway here are a few ET contact stories that I feel actually happened, on some level or another. When comparing stories sometimes the info seems to contradict each other..which is understandable, as I do not necessarily believe every ET group in these links were completely polarized towards STO also each society has its own way of interpreting The Infinite..yet I find in each case...the experiencer seems genuine and honest.
Now, I haven't read any of these stories for a couple of years so there are chances my viewpoint on the validity of some might have changed, yet each had a great positive impact on me in the past.
George Adamski- Inside the Spaceships
(alleged et craft)
(alien writing "")
Billy Meier-
![[Image: Billy+Meier+Semjase+Pleiadian+Beamship.JPG]](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4A9r9yKkkNs/SonG3t9d4pI/AAAAAAAAD1Q/NdXHQgPP8Eg/s400/Billy+Meier+Semjase+Pleiadian+Beamship.JPG)
(photo alegedley taken from Earths past, during a time travel adventure *as presented in the youtube video below)
Michel Desmarquet-
(line drawing that most closley resembled hermaphrodite ET's who contacted Michel)
(illustration mean't to show size difference between Michel and one of the ET's he referred to as Thao)
![[Image: bilde2.jpg]](http://www.galactic.no/rune/bilde2.jpg)
![[Image: 3497.jpg]](http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/news-img/maximum/3497.jpg)
(illustrations meant to represent the beings whom contacted Stefan)
^^^ These are the few contactee stories that have made the most impact on me, and that I have found some of the more credible, of the ET contact stories out there.
There are many many more out there, but these are the few that stick in my mind. I will be posting more later on as I dig deeper, but for now feel free to post your own personal experience as well as other contact stories you feel are genuine and credible. All of them are up for discussion. I am curious as to what you guys think of the ones of above (what were the ET's intentions? Did some/all of these contacts happen using in the Etheric body...astral body?*since Ra states that there has been a quarantine on Earth for thousands of years*). Feel free to share your thoughts!
The book 'inside the spaceships' was a huge catalyst for me and was the marking point where my life changed dramatically and the seeking for higher knowledge truly began, on a conscious level. I grew up as a Christian Scientist which is a religion started by a women named Marry Baker Eddy. I resonated with this religion growing up but I found that It didn't quite quench my thirst so to speak, I felt like there was alot of vagueness and misunderstanding among the fellow members. For those of you who don't know Christian Science is barley Christian when it comes to religion, what makes it christian, really is the emphasis put on the bible and Jesus. The Christian Science interpretation of the bible does not come close to the traditional Christian view, from my understanding of the 'traditional Christian view' of the bible. A lot of the story of the bibles are seen as metaphors, especially Genesis. The religion speaks of a non judgmental God and one that loves unconditionally and is 'Eternal'.
When I read 'Inside the Spaceships' I was shocked at how similar the message of the 'ET's was to the Christian Science religion, and it felt right, or should I say even right-er than the box called Christian Science. So Et contact stories have been deeply inspiring to me in my seeking as I found it incredible that ET's would be spreading messages of Love, The Creator and enjoying the simple things in life..for I had this image in my head they would be very advanced yet I never thought about them being of a higher spiritual understanding, for some reason.
Anyway here are a few ET contact stories that I feel actually happened, on some level or another. When comparing stories sometimes the info seems to contradict each other..which is understandable, as I do not necessarily believe every ET group in these links were completely polarized towards STO also each society has its own way of interpreting The Infinite..yet I find in each case...the experiencer seems genuine and honest.
Now, I haven't read any of these stories for a couple of years so there are chances my viewpoint on the validity of some might have changed, yet each had a great positive impact on me in the past.
George Adamski- Inside the Spaceships
![[Image: flying_saucers_have_landed_obr_01.jpg]](http://www.universe-people.com/english/svetelna_knihovna/obrazky/flying_saucers_have_landed_obr_01.jpg)
![[Image: adamskim.jpg]](http://fkbureau.homestead.com/adamskim.jpg)
Billy Meier-
![[Image: dino1.jpg]](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/images/dino1.jpg)
Michel Desmarquet-
![[Image: thao1b.jpg]](http://www.galactic.no/rune/thao1b.jpg)
![[Image: thao2.jpg]](http://www.galactic.no/rune/thao2.jpg)
![[Image: bilde2.jpg]](http://www.galactic.no/rune/bilde2.jpg)
![[Image: 3497.jpg]](http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/news-img/maximum/3497.jpg)
(illustrations meant to represent the beings whom contacted Stefan)
^^^ These are the few contactee stories that have made the most impact on me, and that I have found some of the more credible, of the ET contact stories out there.
There are many many more out there, but these are the few that stick in my mind. I will be posting more later on as I dig deeper, but for now feel free to post your own personal experience as well as other contact stories you feel are genuine and credible. All of them are up for discussion. I am curious as to what you guys think of the ones of above (what were the ET's intentions? Did some/all of these contacts happen using in the Etheric body...astral body?*since Ra states that there has been a quarantine on Earth for thousands of years*). Feel free to share your thoughts!