10-20-2009, 07:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-20-2009, 08:43 AM by Protonexus.)
My given name is Caleb. I will speak briefly of my self. I was born in 1983, in the midst of the work of the Ra Material, under Cancer. My mother and her family, which I spent the predominant part of childhood with, were Seventh-Day Adventists. I did not ever particularly have faith in the system which was taught by them and followed, however there was always the curiosity entwined with the encouragement that there was a lesson. When reading the Bible I had some different interpretations of the symbolism within my "imaginary world" of childhood. It was not necessary or beneficial for me to discuss such interpretive differences with my elders so I did not ask questions that I knew would result in blank stares. It has been my curse in such a way to to read others and pursue the method of least resistance.
My mother and father were divorced and not particularly emotionally supportive. For the greater part of childhood I was locked in a fantasy world of my creation and it was fairly extensive, almost a functional model. After transitioning into the world of outside authored fantasies through books, movies, and online video games - I have quit observing any of them for the most part. It seems useless.
I have had many dreams early on about being separated from my family out of necessity, where I was intent to go was no place for them. It has been my sincere goal to wipe attachment to that self-identity as, it has its purpose, but is also a mooring tie. I can not say that I identify with any particular cosmic region except 'All'.
I was born extremely empathic with a tendency to view others feelings and emotions as my own. After having full shields up throughout teen years, balance was finally achieved and things began to flow properly. This empathy has since developed into various forms of sensing and knowing.
There has always been a strong influence of a guardian or guide upon my life. It is me, but not the 'Now me', if anything it is the multidimensional being "me" or higher self that is veiled and mystified. When I dream, I am Him. When he dreams, He is I Am. I feel as though this 3rd density existence is the dream, 4th and beyond is more the reality.
Objective statements without the self-identifier will now begin.
The truest statement capable of being expressed. Now. I Am.
Watcher of the watchers, being of the being. It is the distortion of this soul to know or be the distortion. The reconciliation of the cycle, whereby STS becomes STO, and STO becomes STS, the self-completion is the native environment to this soul. It is natural to walk a fine line and understand the state of being that is manifest yet maintain an interesting human life. It important to choose a path in this 3rd density, so STO has been chosen.
It is the nature and purpose of this being complex to discern the subtleties of light/love and those beings whom it animates, or that from which it emanates. As a service to the One Creator, this task is duly noted by experiencing these emanations of love/light and recording them. Through the various interpretations of the Law of One, as told through entities of variable understanding and capability of expression, the experience or catalyst of confusion is explored.
There was the discovery of the Tao and the "indigo children" phenomenon as well as yoga that synchronistically launched the program lying dormant. At this point all information available was sought after pertaining towards such things of the metaphysical nature - including tarot, kabbalah, crystals, and physical bridges/implements. It was through the "indigo children" forums that the Law of One was presented first.
The Gnostic teachings have been a significant factor in the translation of STS oriented "Christianity" and its symbolism into STO universally available knowledge. Samael Aun Weor is a potent channel in this area, although he did succumb to the error of making too many doomsday predictions.
Books are limited in the nature or density of the material they may present. They are useful, but direct experience is a more useful instrument.
The primary source of knowledge is "dream-state". The children still too young to speak (as they have few distortions) are very active as architects for the coming 4th density. They are, as nearly as is discerned, utilizing the dual 3rd/4th density incarnates as messengers to translate from "dream" to "reality" or 4th to 3rd respectively. The symbols used are synchronistic metaphors, 3rd density symbols that are congruent activate these teachings - thereby awakening mind/body/spirit complexes without violating the Law of Free Will. The dream is interpreted or forgotten at the choice of the being. There are many more mature dream-workers as well, this is one of the many opportunities for service to others - but you must be called or the "dreamer" is found within a state of understanding to be delivered a symbol. The 3rd density identity, or memory complex may not always be aware of the work that is carried out in dreams.
The truth is sought by this series of distortions or distillations of the light/love. These distortions resemble snowflake patterns of crystallized experienced which may be compared to each other, examined from above or below, expanded and condensed, re-experienced, etc. This is a description of a method of recording which is highly experiential for any being as it is not simply a 'tale recounted'. This could be related as the 'writing of a multidimensional book' one that may be integrated systemically or re-lived. These patterns are a form of symbol.
The One Creator is split into many sub-logos and so forth, it is so that the affect is of so many interpretations of the Law of One. At times there is much confusion as the result of a 6th density entity explaining its distorted knowledge to 3rd/4th density entities of symmetrically distorted knowledge. It is entirely possible that this 6th density entity is unaware of the purpose it plays in the 7th and 8th density. As it refers to the stage of 3d Earth as a "game" so is the Confederation/Orion another sort of "game". Once everything becomes One there is only One part to play. The intent is not to question the validity of the material, however to keep the perspective. We must understand that 6th density is also likely not able to eliminate all distortions of 3rd/4th density as when/if the 6th density being graduates this being will be distorted differently to those same densities. Hence the Message and the messenger.
This is the service offered and the experience recorded. Alpha and Omega.
Aloha - this Hawaiian greeting/farewell has many meanings, but at its deepest or most significant this word means: The joyous sharing of Love in the moment (of Now).
My given name is Caleb. I will speak briefly of my self. I was born in 1983, in the midst of the work of the Ra Material, under Cancer. My mother and her family, which I spent the predominant part of childhood with, were Seventh-Day Adventists. I did not ever particularly have faith in the system which was taught by them and followed, however there was always the curiosity entwined with the encouragement that there was a lesson. When reading the Bible I had some different interpretations of the symbolism within my "imaginary world" of childhood. It was not necessary or beneficial for me to discuss such interpretive differences with my elders so I did not ask questions that I knew would result in blank stares. It has been my curse in such a way to to read others and pursue the method of least resistance.
My mother and father were divorced and not particularly emotionally supportive. For the greater part of childhood I was locked in a fantasy world of my creation and it was fairly extensive, almost a functional model. After transitioning into the world of outside authored fantasies through books, movies, and online video games - I have quit observing any of them for the most part. It seems useless.
I have had many dreams early on about being separated from my family out of necessity, where I was intent to go was no place for them. It has been my sincere goal to wipe attachment to that self-identity as, it has its purpose, but is also a mooring tie. I can not say that I identify with any particular cosmic region except 'All'.
I was born extremely empathic with a tendency to view others feelings and emotions as my own. After having full shields up throughout teen years, balance was finally achieved and things began to flow properly. This empathy has since developed into various forms of sensing and knowing.
There has always been a strong influence of a guardian or guide upon my life. It is me, but not the 'Now me', if anything it is the multidimensional being "me" or higher self that is veiled and mystified. When I dream, I am Him. When he dreams, He is I Am. I feel as though this 3rd density existence is the dream, 4th and beyond is more the reality.
Objective statements without the self-identifier will now begin.
The truest statement capable of being expressed. Now. I Am.
Watcher of the watchers, being of the being. It is the distortion of this soul to know or be the distortion. The reconciliation of the cycle, whereby STS becomes STO, and STO becomes STS, the self-completion is the native environment to this soul. It is natural to walk a fine line and understand the state of being that is manifest yet maintain an interesting human life. It important to choose a path in this 3rd density, so STO has been chosen.
It is the nature and purpose of this being complex to discern the subtleties of light/love and those beings whom it animates, or that from which it emanates. As a service to the One Creator, this task is duly noted by experiencing these emanations of love/light and recording them. Through the various interpretations of the Law of One, as told through entities of variable understanding and capability of expression, the experience or catalyst of confusion is explored.
There was the discovery of the Tao and the "indigo children" phenomenon as well as yoga that synchronistically launched the program lying dormant. At this point all information available was sought after pertaining towards such things of the metaphysical nature - including tarot, kabbalah, crystals, and physical bridges/implements. It was through the "indigo children" forums that the Law of One was presented first.
The Gnostic teachings have been a significant factor in the translation of STS oriented "Christianity" and its symbolism into STO universally available knowledge. Samael Aun Weor is a potent channel in this area, although he did succumb to the error of making too many doomsday predictions.
Books are limited in the nature or density of the material they may present. They are useful, but direct experience is a more useful instrument.
The primary source of knowledge is "dream-state". The children still too young to speak (as they have few distortions) are very active as architects for the coming 4th density. They are, as nearly as is discerned, utilizing the dual 3rd/4th density incarnates as messengers to translate from "dream" to "reality" or 4th to 3rd respectively. The symbols used are synchronistic metaphors, 3rd density symbols that are congruent activate these teachings - thereby awakening mind/body/spirit complexes without violating the Law of Free Will. The dream is interpreted or forgotten at the choice of the being. There are many more mature dream-workers as well, this is one of the many opportunities for service to others - but you must be called or the "dreamer" is found within a state of understanding to be delivered a symbol. The 3rd density identity, or memory complex may not always be aware of the work that is carried out in dreams.
The truth is sought by this series of distortions or distillations of the light/love. These distortions resemble snowflake patterns of crystallized experienced which may be compared to each other, examined from above or below, expanded and condensed, re-experienced, etc. This is a description of a method of recording which is highly experiential for any being as it is not simply a 'tale recounted'. This could be related as the 'writing of a multidimensional book' one that may be integrated systemically or re-lived. These patterns are a form of symbol.
The One Creator is split into many sub-logos and so forth, it is so that the affect is of so many interpretations of the Law of One. At times there is much confusion as the result of a 6th density entity explaining its distorted knowledge to 3rd/4th density entities of symmetrically distorted knowledge. It is entirely possible that this 6th density entity is unaware of the purpose it plays in the 7th and 8th density. As it refers to the stage of 3d Earth as a "game" so is the Confederation/Orion another sort of "game". Once everything becomes One there is only One part to play. The intent is not to question the validity of the material, however to keep the perspective. We must understand that 6th density is also likely not able to eliminate all distortions of 3rd/4th density as when/if the 6th density being graduates this being will be distorted differently to those same densities. Hence the Message and the messenger.
This is the service offered and the experience recorded. Alpha and Omega.
Aloha - this Hawaiian greeting/farewell has many meanings, but at its deepest or most significant this word means: The joyous sharing of Love in the moment (of Now).