02-14-2022, 11:19 AM
(02-14-2022, 02:26 AM)Vestige Wrote: ...
So--just one more thought from me for now--might you conceive of your stages of inclusion, Diana, as most efficacious when the stages occur as nearly simultaneously as possible? That is, service-to-all would ideally settle into a rhythm of intentions and deeds which serves all nearby all-at-once? I think of the L/L Homecoming gatherings, or, for an extreme example, an engineering team working to diffuse a bomb placed in a public space ... services which are, in one sense or another, the culmination of the life's work.
In answering the above question, I'll attempt to sort it out as I see it.
Certainly service to all would at some point gain enough focus and clarity to have "settled into a rhythm of intentions and deeds which serves all nearby all-at-once." Even then I think it is too demarcated of a point, since there is always more to learn, more expansion of consciousness, more to experience in more layers of learning. Getting to that point one still emits the light one has at any given point, or the confusion, or any aspect of being which is authentic. But I get your idea, in that at some point the practical application of focus would become very effective (and by that I mean energy with less entropy) in service.
Until that point, as one emits one's energy signature whatever it is, that does not mean one isn't being of service actually although there may be little or no intent to be so; as whatever one is can still be a mirror or provide some counterpart of experience for someone else. So in this view, we are all servicing each other whether we know it or not.
I like your analogy of of the engineering team or Homecoming, which I think relates to "the law of squares," and speaks to the beginnings of 4th density. Taking the engineering team as the example, an engineer does not learn the engineering craft all at once, but as the engineer gains useful knowledge of the craft along the way, she may still put some knowledge to use. She doesn't need to wait until she knows everything about the craft to be of service in the field. She has value in the field which grows as the knowledge accumulates. She may lack experience, which is generally not something one has an epiphany about—it must take its course and accumulate.
A little on epiphanies: I tend to think that "epiphanies" (by that I mean great sweeping realizations) are usually emotional realizations and not likely to stick or are too sweepingly complicated and abstruse to put into practical use (although of course they are important); whereas small steps forward are easier to process and unpack and incorporate into one's life, resulting in a perhaps more foundational change in a being. An analogy would be building a structure with blocks: one way would be to toss all the blocks at once; the other would be to lay them down one by one. The problem with piling all the blocks at once is the sorting out, proper placement, and seeing how they fit together—this being compared to a sudden big leap or sudden epiphany. This is not to say big change doesn't happen or that it isn't a good thing.
In referencing your question, I personally have no specific goal such as to be of service to all, although that is just part of who I am. That may be because I have no such choice to make—it was already made. (And by the way I do not consider myself an adept or advanced being and I slap my forehead every day over things I do, say, or think which do not match up with the person I see myself as). The only thing that compels me is to expand consciousness, to grow not stagnate, and make practical use of my time here on Earth (having fun is part of that). I resonate with what Ra said about coming across a starving being and feeding that being—it isn't my goal to save all the homeless people but if I see one on a street corner asking for help I give them money. A central question for spiritually oriented beings gathering for a purpose like the engineers gathering to diffuse a bomb would be, What is that purpose and why are you doing it? If all in the spiritual group are adepts and advanced beings amd harmonized like the Ra group, the purpose and reason would probably be quite clear. But for most here on this planet at this time, any group will include various levels of understandings and purposes, conscious and unconscious. That is no reason not to gather, but the end result will be more random due to various energy signatures. And motivation must be questioned—is one attached to changing others? In other words, we are all stumbling along here under a veil, so the sweet spot you may be referring to might not be so clear. And along the way we continue to emit what we authentically are.