12-03-2021, 01:25 PM
(12-03-2021, 12:21 PM)zedro Wrote: ...We are not saying that. Substitute "ARE" with "CAN BE", and then understand that all consequences are personal catalysts and all consequences are possible. I have literally said a dozen times here, both the virus and the vaccines (and all surrounding social/relationship offshoots) are personal catalysts that will be what they need to be for the individual's learning. There is no one size fits all solution or outcome. So data only confirms one's illusionary biases, personal discernment at a higher level of spiritual understanding is what's needed. You can go back maybe 40 pages and my message has not changed.
I gave my personal account of what it is for me (and some others who share in the resolve) in my unique situation and guidance, that which some here assume is due to being directly manipulated by negative sources supplanting our internal guidance, or that being indirectly manipulated by negative sources via counter mainstream messaging/narrative. This is the source of judgement based on a predisposed belief of what is and what isn't in absolute terms. There are no absolutes.
All right, thank you for pointing this out. I do agree that in veiled 3d there are no absolutes and that everything is subjective.
I think the only part where I still do not understand your point of view is this part: "data only confirms one's illusionary biases". Everything being subjective does not mean it is worthless to try and share our observations to see if there are any commonalities in each others experiences. I think this exercise is useful.
For me, putting my hand in fire is hurtful. This data might be useful to others and might make it so that all of us do not have to experience/test this ourselves.
The way I currently understand what "scientific data" mean is that it is what is most commonly observed/measured, not just in the physical. Afterall, the metaphysical is also a system of illusion with its own natural laws that can be observed and measured in action. So the difference in between the physical and metaphysical is not the illusionary aspect, but only the form experiences take in each environment.
So then the form that a confirmation bias takes is not in the "data" per se, but in the act of accepting the data that fits the bias and rejecting the data that does not fit. Rejecting the data that does not fit might not make it irrelevant to your experience. You might very well get hurt while putting your hand in fire even if you rejected my observation that it did that to me. I think this is due to a form of collective contract we all agree to before incarnating on this planet. But yes this is just a generalisation, there are probably some people who are able to put their hands in fire without getting hurt.
But maybe what you mean is that nearly everyone is only using "data" to confirm their own biases, even scientists? Thus making most of our "data" nearly worthless in your opinion?
That may very well be so, but just as we here share our "data" on the Ra material to see if we find commonalities that might be useful in furthering our own understanding, so it is with scientific data. It's a way of understanding ourselves better. We are the environment we experience after all.