(10-29-2021, 07:55 PM)the Wrote: vaccine is catalyst, help people developing their consciousness.
this is a great video, this athlete not only wake up after vaccine injury, also finally put on his 'warrior' fight, to help others wake up
This is great and i am not trying to denounce this in anyway.
However i find it important to speak about the entire spectrum of vaccinations. More often than not vaccines are something that is administered to children. With the FDA now saying they can give this "new" vaccine to children ages 5+ i find this to be extremely relevant to current events. Ra touches on this with parenting briefly indicating an overall "master/slave" type relationship that occurs from this and where the parent makes all the choices and decisions for the child. This comes back to the choice of vaccinating. I once again find it very important that the "elite/cabal/illuminati/reptoid/orion" factions always respect freewill as to not incur karma due to the kabalistic occulctic belief as to not garner any karma trappin them on this plane. That being said: it is a choice. It is a double edged sword in this regard.
Yes: watching a child/adult/anyone being maimed by an injection is indeed traumatizing and also enlightening. It really is too bad that it has to come to this and this is in reference to ALL vaccines not just the covid one. However it simply does not invoke the "warrior spirit" like this for all individuals. Unfortunately this is systemic in nature. There are literal systems and countermeasures in place to make sure that this is not noticed/questioned. However unfortunate this is the correlation is not made in many cases, going as far to being ridiculed for saying such a thing as "vaccines cause autism", irregardless of any statistics or circumstantial evidence that is provided. The response then being "autism isnt a disease" or something similar as a form of coping mechanism referencing that the individual is indeed intact however impaired physically the soul is at the same level as the average other-self in comparison.
We simply do not need people to be harmed in order for them to learn these things. They can analyze the evidence themselves and learn far before injecting themselves with unknown substances, going back to the respect of freewill i mentioned prior. There is no reversing this process. Certainly we all know loved ones who are/will be affected by this and none of them deserve this in any regard however we must hearken back to the thought that it was there freewill decision to get to this place in the first place.
Back to the point i was trying to make. This is now going to be affecting children and the freewill decision is to be made for the child by the parent within this master/slave framework our world is built upon. However positive it may be to produce new revolutionary types in order to bring forth a lighter more vibrant world we must try our hardest as to not harm anyone in the process of enlightening them. Simply put: they do not serve our goals and motives well when they are sick and injured we need healthy individuals for our revolution. However powerful these voices may be to share the injuries they will fade quickly as the illness progresses nearer to death.
It's obvious what is happening here: the cabal wishes to force a rebellion after the truth is finally revealed to the masses. Everyone, and i mean everyone who is implicated in this will be up in arms to come down on the politicians and people who forced this upon us. However this is just one of many scenarios. Personally i find it amazing this sort of scenario has not already taken place with the blatant extorsion of our peoples via things like "9/11" and other false flags that i will not mention that are so clear, so apparent that only a fool could not question them. In a way this is very demoralizing to myself, yes. Only time will tell the true outcome. They will continue to push and continue to push these forms of oppressions and the people will either accept or reject it. Perhaps i give my people more credit than i should, not understanding really how distracted and asleep they really are. Let's try to wake up as many as we can before this scenario occurs, its all we can really do and its all we really even came here to do.
It's not a numbers game, if we can help one person, just one to see things more clearly that is more than enough. I hope only for the highest and best for everyone here and around me, knowing that within the concept of polarity and dark worlds such as this, much can be learned and is learned. Lets bless all the lessons and not run from them and act in our highest selves in every waking moment as it is the highest honor/duty imaginable.