08-05-2022, 06:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2022, 06:36 AM by Dekalb_Blues.)
Situation Report From A Land Down Under & Other Wonders
(ca. 27 Aug. 2021)
Probably not voluntarily taking the "vaccine" shot any time soon
^ This predictable eventuality is why the the STS powers-that-be have seen to it that the Australian population has been disarmed and cowed into demoralization, for otherwise the backlash-formula is Righteous Outrage of Oppressed Populace + Their Use of Force Of Arms against Oppressor = Credible Insurgent Threat To Tyranny's Operational Security -- as the 18th-century American model of victorious resistance shows.
There are Wanderers whose professional expertise, per their 3rd-Density mission plan, is the ability to catalyze effective resistance amongst the STO masses (a majority) to a sufficiently-advanced stage of oppression by the Crusader-led forces (a minority). This stage is in the offing, and will be our communal experience within a few weeks. The major part of enabling this resistance is to broaden and deepen the framework of knowledge of the STO ones so as to introduce a more realistic model of reality in general and through it a more effective model of right action in a real world severely compromise by the overlay of a virtual unreality, a false world, a weaponized mental environment of sheer evilly-intended deception on the grandest scale. Perhaps some of what we've learned through/about the Unitary Cosmic Law that Ra and others here promulgate will serve us in good stead.
Interesting factoid: The Australian populace was largely disarmed via official governmental mandates which used a ca. 1996 mass shooting as pretext. Decades later, Australia has become a police state in which its civilian population has little means to force its fantastically corrupt rulers to cease their systematic tyrannical inroads into every aspect of their everyday private life -- empowered currently under the triage-excuses-anything pretext of a human-extinction-threatening world pandemic which, for a wonder, is spread by the unvaccinated and the vaccinated to -- the vaccinated... who need more vaccination to protect them from the unvaccinated and the vaccinated, ad infinitum. It would lead a particularly cynical analyst to speculate that the experimented-upon subpopulation's health-improvement can only be reliably measured relative to the control group comprising those who have not been experimented upon; no control group, no useful metric, and the sky's the limit for official declarations of the grand experiment's ultimate "success"... At any rate, meanwhile, the unvaccinated are typically the ones not dying from the purported "Covid-19" scourge, much less from the now-predictable lethal iatrogenic domino-effect sequelae of vaccination itself.
Australia has historically been a dependable bellwether state for gauging future developments in the U.S., which typically has trailed in mirroring developments there by roughly a two-month period. The disarmament phase is still in operation in America, though, because of stiff indigenous resistance from the largely rural-district populace which evidently has inherited sufficient traits from their distant self-reliant predecessors who originally founded their country through their revolutionary deployment of a massive force of arms against what they perceived as tyrannical oppression by a hostile force unwilling to treat with them reasonably and humanely.
Q: What can we outlanders learn from Australia (& others)?
A: A whole bloody lot.
Q: In terms of research and development returns from modern cutting-edge biochemical laboratory methodology and technology, what can be achieved by a shadowy STS force intelligently running such a program -- aimed at creating an optimally efficient mass bioweapon for global regime-change -- funded to the tune of, say, $191 BILLION (US)?
A: Success in its R-&-D-phase aims. Success in the implementation phase of its grand campaign is currently being vigorously pursued, against varying human resistance.
Implementation phase considerations: David Martin speaks on a certain bioweaponry system you might have heard of under another name*
Related informative pdf
Promulgation of this information was effectively censored by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration under pretext of Reasons:
* Excerpted from this Q & A session featuring innovation-analyst and investment-strategy advisor David E. Martin, PhD., CEO of M-CAM, and biochemist Judy Mikovitz, PhD.
(ca. 27 Aug. 2021)
Probably not voluntarily taking the "vaccine" shot any time soon
^ This predictable eventuality is why the the STS powers-that-be have seen to it that the Australian population has been disarmed and cowed into demoralization, for otherwise the backlash-formula is Righteous Outrage of Oppressed Populace + Their Use of Force Of Arms against Oppressor = Credible Insurgent Threat To Tyranny's Operational Security -- as the 18th-century American model of victorious resistance shows.
There are Wanderers whose professional expertise, per their 3rd-Density mission plan, is the ability to catalyze effective resistance amongst the STO masses (a majority) to a sufficiently-advanced stage of oppression by the Crusader-led forces (a minority). This stage is in the offing, and will be our communal experience within a few weeks. The major part of enabling this resistance is to broaden and deepen the framework of knowledge of the STO ones so as to introduce a more realistic model of reality in general and through it a more effective model of right action in a real world severely compromise by the overlay of a virtual unreality, a false world, a weaponized mental environment of sheer evilly-intended deception on the grandest scale. Perhaps some of what we've learned through/about the Unitary Cosmic Law that Ra and others here promulgate will serve us in good stead.
Interesting factoid: The Australian populace was largely disarmed via official governmental mandates which used a ca. 1996 mass shooting as pretext. Decades later, Australia has become a police state in which its civilian population has little means to force its fantastically corrupt rulers to cease their systematic tyrannical inroads into every aspect of their everyday private life -- empowered currently under the triage-excuses-anything pretext of a human-extinction-threatening world pandemic which, for a wonder, is spread by the unvaccinated and the vaccinated to -- the vaccinated... who need more vaccination to protect them from the unvaccinated and the vaccinated, ad infinitum. It would lead a particularly cynical analyst to speculate that the experimented-upon subpopulation's health-improvement can only be reliably measured relative to the control group comprising those who have not been experimented upon; no control group, no useful metric, and the sky's the limit for official declarations of the grand experiment's ultimate "success"... At any rate, meanwhile, the unvaccinated are typically the ones not dying from the purported "Covid-19" scourge, much less from the now-predictable lethal iatrogenic domino-effect sequelae of vaccination itself.
Australia has historically been a dependable bellwether state for gauging future developments in the U.S., which typically has trailed in mirroring developments there by roughly a two-month period. The disarmament phase is still in operation in America, though, because of stiff indigenous resistance from the largely rural-district populace which evidently has inherited sufficient traits from their distant self-reliant predecessors who originally founded their country through their revolutionary deployment of a massive force of arms against what they perceived as tyrannical oppression by a hostile force unwilling to treat with them reasonably and humanely.
Q: What can we outlanders learn from Australia (& others)?
A: A whole bloody lot.
Q: In terms of research and development returns from modern cutting-edge biochemical laboratory methodology and technology, what can be achieved by a shadowy STS force intelligently running such a program -- aimed at creating an optimally efficient mass bioweapon for global regime-change -- funded to the tune of, say, $191 BILLION (US)?
A: Success in its R-&-D-phase aims. Success in the implementation phase of its grand campaign is currently being vigorously pursued, against varying human resistance.
Implementation phase considerations: David Martin speaks on a certain bioweaponry system you might have heard of under another name*
Related informative pdf
Promulgation of this information was effectively censored by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration under pretext of Reasons:
* Excerpted from this Q & A session featuring innovation-analyst and investment-strategy advisor David E. Martin, PhD., CEO of M-CAM, and biochemist Judy Mikovitz, PhD.