(08-16-2021, 09:13 AM)Patrick Wrote: In this incarnation I am following the path of least resistance.
For this particular catalyst it amounted to being able to perceive the vaccine as a positive thing. Also seeing that all the fear regarding this vaccination is based on a narrative from STS who wishes to keep us getting sick for as long as possible. Seeing that many are unhappy with their circumstances and how society works, fed up with all the abuses of big pharma and the police and all that. So fed up that anything that promises change is welcomed. As long as something, anything, comes along and shake things up enough to force a change in how our society functions. So the anti-vaccination narrative where society collapses from infertility or simply dying from the vaccine answers that need for change. But this change is coming from outside so it will be like all the other end of the world narrative before, it won't change your lives for the better. The fear-based scenarios will not manifest and the status quo will remain. This type of positive change that people hunger for comes from the inside. Not from exterior saviors.
But we are all in "luck", because I see people awakening spiritually and starting the innerwork. This will change the world.
So this fall will be "normal" where I live, but it seems people will need to choose how "normal" it will be for themselves. I predicted there would not be other confinements this fall where I live and this is exactly how things are being setup for.
I don't like mandatory vaccination. I don't like "freedom" passports. I don't think they are required. I don't think there is a conspiracy to put these things in place. I think the anti-vaccination efforts has called such things to itself. I share my opinion. I don't think the world is listening to people like me. It just wants to freak out.
I guess I could shut up and let the STS anti-vaccination narrative take all the space on this forum. I could stop trying to uplift people if all they want is to feel miserable and freak out. The loving attitude I cultivate seems to endanger people's need to remain in fear so much that even on a spiritual forum about The Law of One seekers are lashing out against what Ra, Q'uo and so many other teachers has spent decades trying to make us understand.
I could shut up... but I gave myself up as an instrument to the One to help manifest its perfect will on this planet. I have no other function now. And it seems the One wishes me to say these things because I feel the pull constantly.
all of this, no matter who is 'right', does not matter in the slightest. If the Law of One taught me anything, it is that this world is magical, more magical than I could have ever imagined or could ever grasp philosophically. We have angels, guardians, higher selves looking out for us in this physical illusion! If a harmful agent slips past myself and all of these barriers (who I believe can protect my physical being from harm), it is because that is what must happen. For me, for us, and the planet.
We humans are having a lot of collective trouble with trust it seems. Trust in each other, trust in our higher selves, in the world, in every aspect of our lives. Our physical pandemic aligns most perfectly with a pandemic of distrust.
No amount of research will help you if you are required to be vaccinated by work or government. COVID research and anything of the likes that involves mainstream media or the government or big pharma lying to us does not help your being in any way. There is simply a 0% chance that this 'knowledge' will benefit you in any way. Continued research in these areas can only engender fear, anger, distrust, or a superiority complex that brings us further away from love of each other.
If you do not read about it, it is not there.