08-07-2021, 09:32 PM
(08-07-2021, 08:31 PM)Louisabell Wrote:Coherent(08-07-2021, 06:01 PM)Dtris Wrote:(08-07-2021, 04:42 PM)Patrick Wrote:(08-07-2021, 04:30 PM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: What does it look like to the collective us though?
Go take a look.
I'll only see what I can see from my personal vantage point.
(08-07-2021, 04:30 PM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: If it can't be visualized singularly, how is there supposed to be coherent movement?
I fail to see how any of this matters.
The point is, I no longer believe there is supposed to be coherent movement. A 3d community, such as this one, cannot have a singular point of view. So it cannot be fully coherent.
If we can't move coherently, maybe we should not move at all.
In other words, maybe we should just stop asking this community or any of its members to change.
While we may be constructed from light/love, the thought of being coherent with my fellow humans is vomitous to me. I will be me and no one else. I will think what I think and everyone else be damned. I strive to be accepting and love all my fellow humans, but I will not accept becoming a clone who has to agree with everyone else. I would rather walk the other path or cease to exist at that point.
But why does coherence have to be painted in such an extreme light? Submitting to another's opinions in order to be in agreement is no real coherence because you're not there. You're just occupying a place of non-existence.
Coherence is not established by everyone thinking the same way, but from people moving to occupy the same reality, otherwise we're all just talking across purposes and not truly interacting. This is done by defining our terms to ensure we are speaking the same language, extending a generosity of interpretation, because communication is imperfect, and just generally collaborating with others. That's what builds societies.
1. adj. Sticking together; cohering.
2. adj. Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts.
3. adj. Of, relating to, or having waves with similar direction, amplitude, and phase that are capable of exhibiting interference.
Definition 3 is that which is used in physics to describe laser light vs normal light.
I have no interest in being stuck to my fellow humans in a physical or intellectual sense, I have no interest in forming a logical and aesthetically consistent relation with my fellow humans, and I have no interest in moving in the same direction, amplitude or phase as my fellow humans.
I really don't care if you decide to occupy a different reality or talk across purposes. I will go do my thing with other people who are interested and you can do yours. I do not want or need to be accepted by everyone.