(06-20-2021, 03:06 PM)Margan Wrote: Magnets react to iron, is that correct? Omcasey, you seem to have a lot of scientific knowledge stemming also from your medical profession. Would you say, there is interaction going on with the blood iron, the red blood cells?
And if indeed the body is magnetized, and even more so thru these particles you mentioned, could that mean that exposure to electromagnetic fields will trigger a stronger reaction?
Thank you very much, I like your carefully worded elaborate postings
Hello, Margan
I do not want to give anyone an incorrect impression of myself, I am a medical caregiver, I specialize in hospice but have worked the gamut. Science, relative to the body fascinates me but I hold no special scientific knowledge. It is more numbers, geometries, shapes and patterns that I may hold a certain capacity. Between 2009-2014 I underwent what we call an 'awakening' process, and since find I can hold and process incredible amounts of data. I have a certain propensity for patterns, for seeing patterns, connection points between patterns. This is an odd, unique and fun little spiritual gift that comes with it. I write, lecture and teach on the subject of spiritual self development and consciousness exploration. So there may be what is seen as a potential 'way with words'. This is all. ----That having been said,
Yes, magnets react/stick to any metal that contains iron, cobalt or nickel.
Relative to the new technology, magnetofection and SPIONs, we would have to work our thinking in the sphere of potential interaction.. if they were being used would we be likely to see interaction with red blood cells. My answer to this would be a resounding yes, absolutely. Would we potentially see a blood clotting factor? Let's ask, ARE we seeing a blood clotting factor in connection with the current shots? We are. It is being heavily looked into. Autopsies are also beginning to be conducted. The blood of injection recipients is beginning to be looked at. This information is also out there in the public domain. This brings in yet another possible question: how would the different blood types and Rh factors uniquely respond to the new technology? This data will surely be available to those who seek it out, if not now in the hours, days and weeks to come.
We live in an Information Age.