(06-12-2021, 09:05 PM)omcasey Wrote: Well, for myself I do not disregard it so much as I accept it as being where the North American 3D consensus currently is.. It is not where I myself am, though. I don't know if it has been said yet in this thread, I have read a lot of it but not all - but not everyone in the U.S. is allopathic. I am not allopathic. Meaning in alignment with germ theory as a fundamental basis, and the treatment of the symptoms of disease with pharmaceutical drugs and surgical intervention. This is not the road I have taken. I am in my mid-50s and have never taken myself to a conventional doctor. I have never missed a day of school or work in my life. I do not have allopathic health care insurance. So....disregard.....it is not always a suitable concept. It is just not what I have chosen. And what I have chosen - Naturopathy - in my own and many cases is innate. It can no more be set down in order to switch gears and climb onto another track, than it would be possible for the allopathic minded to do so. This is not what is going to happen. The Naturals will go their way, the Chemical-Synthetics theirs. This is really the basis of the choice at hand.
The Covid injection is a chemical synthetic technology, the perceived benefits would apply solely to those choosing this path, either intentionally or by default.
It would damage, and even utterly destroy ( some of ) those who are growing by Natural means, along Natural timelines.
This is not a good or bad, or right or wrong kind of choice that is before us.
It is an acknowledging who we are kind of choice.
An acting in accordance with this kind of choice.
That is starting to make sense now.
I have tried so many healing protocols and nothing other than allopathic ever worked for me. Energy healing does not work, natural remedies do not work, homeopathic stuff nope and my ex mother in law is a naturopath and worked with me for years and nada for my tension headaches. But a couple Tylenols does the trick.
My mom likes naturopathy a lot and even though nothing works for her either but she continues trying. And that stuff is so expensive. I can't help thinking she is getting ripped off.
So then what? Some of us has incarnated into bodies that are incompatible with true healing? And then we are left with using harsh chemicals to have any effects?
It is challenging these days to find a good definition of ( what I mean by ) Naturopathy..
Fundamental to what I myself mean by this is an INSIDE-out view of reality and the self, in our world it is sometimes referred to as 'terrain theory', which, counter to 'germ theory' would postulate that reality, health, and even lack of health / dis-ease occurs from the inside out. If your system is wired in this way then you are Naturopathic and Naturopathic means and modalities work for you. Even if you do not necessarily cognize this view. If you have, or are still donning an outside-in ( ie: 3D physical ) view of reality, then germ theory will probably make sense to you and you will grow your thinking to be in some degree of harmony and alignment with it. Which is actually what allows it to function. It is 'agreed' to. <--this is something that, in order to work cannot be forced or coerced. The alignment must be actual, genuine. When it is not, even what is intended to help may instead be damaging and even fatal.