06-10-2021, 08:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2021, 08:34 AM by the.
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I am learning SWARUU articles now. in terms of 'Law of One' teaching and the 'game that we are playing now' and also 'the virus/vaccine',
what described in this article perfectly aligned with my understanding, much better than my own words.
I think some people will think this is 'fear', but some people will find this article beneficial.
complete article: https://swaruu.org/transcripts/planetary...zhi-swaruu
i copied some below.
Planetary Reset, 3D Matrix - Federation - Human Civilization (Yazhi Swaruu)
Yazhi: I don't want to put people into a victim mentality. Even if that is valid up to a certain level, higher up they are not. A problem here is the perspective with which to look at things. But then this also brings us to another problem. What or why is it valid and why and under what parameters it is not valid? And this in turn brings up the inexorable question: What is reality or what is real?
The problem here is that what I offer is my perspective. Although in itself I try with all my strenght to understand all possible perspectives. Lower level is the perspective of the virus and why it all happened. That is the Matrix level. Then there is the conspiracy level. Talk about Soros, Gates and all those, and I refuse to do that. From the point of view that I wanted to give today, the subject of the virus is implicit. It goes without saying.
Then there is the deep conspiracy level of a state or government behind the Soros and Gates. Then the stellar level, including the Federation. But it goes on and on, deeper and deeper.
For me the problem here with people, with humans inhabiting planet Earth is that they have been conditioned to separation. They perceive the idea of the Ego as what they are, the body, and the letters that come with that body. I am a lawyer, I am a stylist, I am a woman, I am a child, I am a medical student, I am a housewife. They are not that, or from one level and yes they are that from another, because they are whatever they want to be and how they want to perceive themselves.
So they don't have the ability to see other people's points of view. The perspectives of others. Rather, each one firmly believes that their perspective is correct. And he defends it fiercely, as if his life depended on it, and in their minds it is precisely that. It is impossible for them to see the perspective of others, especially if it contradicts their own.
For people to sit and think to imagine other people's perspectives, all of them, no matter how contradictory they are or how different they are from their own, would expand their minds to understand the reasons for conflicts at all levels. And with this, they dissolve them. In itself that is the cure for all evil on Earth. If everyone were to think in detail incorporating in his being how other people see things, this would be integration. And it would be the increase in the perception density.
So there really is no tangible reality. Nothing is truly real. And therefore nothing is unreal. Everything is a soup of perspectives, of points of attention struggling to maintain themselves. Each one thinking they have the truth, when no one does.
The truth would be the set of all of them, of all the perspectives, and I mean all of them. It would be the Original source, "God" for some. The inability of people to see other people's perspectives is what creates all conflict. And understanding those other perspectives, the solution. However simplistic or obvious this statement is.
So nothing is happening on Earth that is true. Some say that what happens is because of this, and what happens is because of the other, and it is all only valid from those perspectives. And this is filtered to the Federation level and higher. They do not allow themselves or dare to see other people´s perspective because of attachments to their egos, their perception, attachments, attachments. They criticize and criticize. Men are afraid to understand the perspective of women and women of men, the Muslims of the Christians, the Christians of the Muslims. Whatever it is.
So there is no one "what really happens on Earth", just an amorphous soup of events seen from countless points of view where the most dominant is the one that the collective has accepted as true. And it has accepted it as true because it is comfortable, but mostly because it is what they with their perspectives regard as something that will help them survive.
Survive because everything is set from the point of view of fear. And this is what those who control the perception of people worldwide use. But those are the people themselves. They come out of people.
People as a unit tend to be very simple, fairly basic needs on a closer look. Live in an environment where everything is controlled and in order, stable, unchanging. Predictable. Where they can follow a routine where they can have entertainment, their job, necessary for them in order to have money to buy more things that give meaning to their lives and for more entertainment.
Being accepted in a community, this is very important because the human being is a being that could even die if he is not within a society where he feels accepted. This is programmed in the human psyche as a method of survival. But humans in general are simple, you make them happy with little. The vast majority do not need to seek existential explanations or seek the explanations to how everything works.
They have enough with the previously chewed and digested explanations given by "experts in the field", and with that they are satisfied because it is enough for them to feel wise and special to be able to get an explanation or scientific quote from "Scientific American", the magazine, when they meet with friends on Saturday night.
But it didn't come out of them, it was given to them and they don't question it. And all this is an experience that many souls desire, that is what the 3D world is for. I'm not saying that's what the Earth is for, because the Earth all the time, as it is with each star, person or whatever, has multi-dimensional-multi-density aspects. I'm talking about 3D, the human Matrix.
But the 3D Matrix is not everything, nor is it the only Matrix. Many experts on these subjects, in "Aliens", make a serious mistake. As it is there on Earth it is outside, same ideas, same customs. Same vices. Because from there the Matrix 5D as we will call it today, is filtered and the foundations of what the terrestrial 3D Matrix is are established. In 5D it's just bigger, bigger in size, extension.
And the ideas that the experts believe to be human ideas are nothing more than concepts of those "Aliens" imported to Earth through various means, starseeds, direct import, imposed ideas. But as it is there, it is out here. On Earth they have racial disagreements, useless mess between hispanics, blacks, whites, orientals, all absurd. The same thing happens in the Matrix 5D, but between ET races, even among the progressive ones, problems of perception of their own race, with concepts of superiority, of attachments to their Egos, to their ideas.
I'm going to something
So, those who live in the 5D Matrix will dictate what they think should be and what should happen to 3D Earth since they see humans as adults see children, even though they are only children themselves. And this is the first explanation of why the Federation acts like this. They are not all wise and enlightened as the New Age portrays them. They are just people.
It is true that in 5D there are more people with a broader spiritual level, but they are still people and they do not know and cannot know everything. They will only impose their perspectives by following what they believe is the right thing to do with a socially established framework for what is correct because of their very need for integration within the society in which they live.
And just like humans, who can't be bothered to sit and put themselves in other people's perspective, neither can they. Sitting comfortably in theirs. "Elevated" with their credentials within this or another "High" Council full of awards and laurels.
So from the 5D from a certain point knowing that their very lives are a game from higher densities, they like to play to be all powerful Gods that know everything when they are only playing that being basic level consciousness, attached to their own Ego. So things must be as they say they should be. And they don't see what it's like to be in 3D as a human. Because they know that every real human there is just them again anyway.
Because in their need to believe themselves Gods, they have created a mini Matrix like theirs in 5D, but small and controllable one. So called Terrestrial 3D. Where it is filled with extraterrestrials experiencing their lives as ordinary and easily confused humans. That is why you do not find the extraterrestrials from 3D. Because it´s them all. Unable to see themselves in the mirror.
So as I said above... Humans like to have a certain group of controlled experiences for the idea of the expansion of their souls by the contrast that a life on Earth provides them. Short, chaotic, dramatic lives... but with great results of self-growth that ensue.
But since this 3D Matrix is artificial, artificial from a 5D point of view, the system is not perfect. And more and more people begin to remember what they shouldn't. Literally messing up the very concept and purpose of having a life on 3D Earth. The "awakened" ones arrive. The unruly "starseeds" who do not agree with what they see and how life is lived there, because they have memories, whether conscious or not, of how they lived in 5D.
And this brings a chain of events. More and more people awaken. Acceleratingly. Exponentially. This demolishes the 3D Matrix from its original purpose. So those who are up in the 5D want to take care of their interests from their perspectives. Their interests from their perspectives are to maintain the place of "training" of "strong experiences" but with rewarding results. Unable to see what it is like to live within said Matrix, dramatic game, only seeing the tragedies that occur there as part of the very purpose of the existence of 3D. Always thinking that at the end of the day those people in 3D asked for it, they designed it that way.
So when so many wake up, the game is revealed. So they must try to correct the problem using mind control, and all those tricks that are well known to discredit the awakened and the starseeds. That there is no proof, that this is not scientifically validated, that this is imagination and it is not real. But even that fails. Because the starseeds and the awakened ones would die before conforming again to the accepted society. And yes, they die because they also lose the meaning of death itself. At least some.
The point comes where the Federation, who control the 3D Matrix from above, have no choice but to dissolve the entire game and start over. Because too many already realized that it is a game and that from the point of view of 3D it is horribly wrong, and this comes into direct conflict with the Federation regarding 3D as a necessary game for the expansion of souls and consciousnesses. That is why the Federation is perceived as antagonistic to the needs and interests of humans. It's just a mess of perspectives again, and the inability of both parties to understand each other.
This is cyclical. It has happened countless times before. It is recorded in virtually all ancient cultures whose writings survive to this day. They talk about 25000 year cycles, Mayan Calendar, Cali Yuga, whatever. No, it does not happen every few fixed years, but every time the number of awakened ones exceeds a limit. And that is happening today.
This is also reflected in the Old Testament with the stories of the flood, of the Tower of Babel, among others. Always separating humans, always erasing what was before. That is the famous planetary reset, about which some are already talking without knowing what it is. The Rapture too, people leaving en masse.
But it is reflected as they leave with everything and with their body and although this does happen, it is impossible for it to be always like that at the mass level. Which causes the need to create mass exits. Because the awakened ones and people refuse to cooperate with the Matrix, from the perspective of within it, although from the outside yes they agree. Those mass departures are those negative events. Like Agenda 21-30, world wars. Natural disasters. That is why they will always attack the places that are more peaceful, with a high cultural level. For example the invasion of emigrants to Europe.
This has been seen before.
The Earth is for something. To create a series of contextual frameworks in which consciousness, souls can have a specific class of experiences. But to achieve that you must maintain the illusion that the Earth is all there is, you must maintain the illusion of what we call the 3D Matrix. But if everything is too perfectly controlled by them, people will start and start to rebel.
So to contain these small rebellions of consciousness the controllers implant methods of controlled opposition. Martin Luther, New Age, Feminism, Ashtar... And that works for a while. But later that controlled opposition grows to such a degree that it becomes a problem for them, because it destabilizes the entire system, the entire Matrix. And it reaches a point where neither the Matrix nor the society nor the "Awakened" humans can continue to function and they must collapse the whole system and create a new one.
And they have done it many times before. 6 times they have destroyed the Earth civilization and the 3D Matrix before. The awakened ones think they are awake when they are only awake at the next step of control. They simply cannot see beyond the accepted parameters that they are part of the controlled opposition. Because they are still in the Matrix too, only subscribed to their New Ages, their socially accepted Ufologies. Alternative history and other things totally within the same control system. And it is impossible for them to see outside said control system.
That is why they do not validate us and they will never validate us in favor of absurd channelings that are socially accepted (therefore Matrix system of controlled opposition). Although it contradicts its own accepted science since there is neither proof nor credibility in anything channeled. Because everything is Matrix manipulation, controlled opposition. They think they are awake and they are not. They only destabilize the system to the degree that the controllers are left with no choice but to destroy the Matrix and build a new one with new ideas and parameters.
Because at the end of the day this is not, I repeat, it is NOT a planet of free will as it is painted. Only free will from the cosmological point of view because that is an inescapable truth, but at the cosmos level. On Earth everything is agitated, they must maintain an illusion of reality of how things should be or precisely because of cosmological free will that Matrix will tend to inexorably collapse as it is now.
So they must lead people to believe a series of things, laws and ideas and that is already collapsing in favor of their systems of controlled opposition. This is where you have that idea that if there is more than 51% awakened humans, a reaction is created where everything changes in their favor.
Yes, but in favor of what? In favor of false awakening, in favor of another Matrix belief system, such as New Age. Which is not real either. Which is what creates a disparity or a division within the Matrix between the "Awakened" on the one hand and the "Sleeping Matrixed" ones on the other. Destabilizing the system, destabilizing the entire Matrix.
So they have no choice but to implement extreme control measures while putting in place everything necessary to throw off, destroy, reset the Matrix. That is what you see today.
And Trump, Q anon and all of that is just a minor struggle for control at superficial levels of the Deep State that serves as another method of Controlled Opposition while they finish putting their pieces in order.
They already have the New Matrix ready. Ready cities in China, for example, for millions. They are new, gigantic, and high-tech. They are complete and there are many (I do not want to say how many but many). And they are not the only ones.
They are completely empty. They only have Chinese army guards there. Ready for its inhabitants who will be completely under the control of the Matrix, with a completely transhumanistic world. It will not be only for the "Chinese" there but it is for the people that the Cabal, the "Controllers" have chosen to continue populating the Earth, sample inhabitants from all over the world. This means that necessarily millions will die. And that's what the vaccine is for, that´s the danger here.
Robert: Thank you. Yazhí. Have you seen those civilizations disappear? Previous ones?
what described in this article perfectly aligned with my understanding, much better than my own words.
I think some people will think this is 'fear', but some people will find this article beneficial.
complete article: https://swaruu.org/transcripts/planetary...zhi-swaruu
i copied some below.
Planetary Reset, 3D Matrix - Federation - Human Civilization (Yazhi Swaruu)
Yazhi: I don't want to put people into a victim mentality. Even if that is valid up to a certain level, higher up they are not. A problem here is the perspective with which to look at things. But then this also brings us to another problem. What or why is it valid and why and under what parameters it is not valid? And this in turn brings up the inexorable question: What is reality or what is real?
The problem here is that what I offer is my perspective. Although in itself I try with all my strenght to understand all possible perspectives. Lower level is the perspective of the virus and why it all happened. That is the Matrix level. Then there is the conspiracy level. Talk about Soros, Gates and all those, and I refuse to do that. From the point of view that I wanted to give today, the subject of the virus is implicit. It goes without saying.
Then there is the deep conspiracy level of a state or government behind the Soros and Gates. Then the stellar level, including the Federation. But it goes on and on, deeper and deeper.
For me the problem here with people, with humans inhabiting planet Earth is that they have been conditioned to separation. They perceive the idea of the Ego as what they are, the body, and the letters that come with that body. I am a lawyer, I am a stylist, I am a woman, I am a child, I am a medical student, I am a housewife. They are not that, or from one level and yes they are that from another, because they are whatever they want to be and how they want to perceive themselves.
So they don't have the ability to see other people's points of view. The perspectives of others. Rather, each one firmly believes that their perspective is correct. And he defends it fiercely, as if his life depended on it, and in their minds it is precisely that. It is impossible for them to see the perspective of others, especially if it contradicts their own.
For people to sit and think to imagine other people's perspectives, all of them, no matter how contradictory they are or how different they are from their own, would expand their minds to understand the reasons for conflicts at all levels. And with this, they dissolve them. In itself that is the cure for all evil on Earth. If everyone were to think in detail incorporating in his being how other people see things, this would be integration. And it would be the increase in the perception density.
So there really is no tangible reality. Nothing is truly real. And therefore nothing is unreal. Everything is a soup of perspectives, of points of attention struggling to maintain themselves. Each one thinking they have the truth, when no one does.
The truth would be the set of all of them, of all the perspectives, and I mean all of them. It would be the Original source, "God" for some. The inability of people to see other people's perspectives is what creates all conflict. And understanding those other perspectives, the solution. However simplistic or obvious this statement is.
So nothing is happening on Earth that is true. Some say that what happens is because of this, and what happens is because of the other, and it is all only valid from those perspectives. And this is filtered to the Federation level and higher. They do not allow themselves or dare to see other people´s perspective because of attachments to their egos, their perception, attachments, attachments. They criticize and criticize. Men are afraid to understand the perspective of women and women of men, the Muslims of the Christians, the Christians of the Muslims. Whatever it is.
So there is no one "what really happens on Earth", just an amorphous soup of events seen from countless points of view where the most dominant is the one that the collective has accepted as true. And it has accepted it as true because it is comfortable, but mostly because it is what they with their perspectives regard as something that will help them survive.
Survive because everything is set from the point of view of fear. And this is what those who control the perception of people worldwide use. But those are the people themselves. They come out of people.
People as a unit tend to be very simple, fairly basic needs on a closer look. Live in an environment where everything is controlled and in order, stable, unchanging. Predictable. Where they can follow a routine where they can have entertainment, their job, necessary for them in order to have money to buy more things that give meaning to their lives and for more entertainment.
Being accepted in a community, this is very important because the human being is a being that could even die if he is not within a society where he feels accepted. This is programmed in the human psyche as a method of survival. But humans in general are simple, you make them happy with little. The vast majority do not need to seek existential explanations or seek the explanations to how everything works.
They have enough with the previously chewed and digested explanations given by "experts in the field", and with that they are satisfied because it is enough for them to feel wise and special to be able to get an explanation or scientific quote from "Scientific American", the magazine, when they meet with friends on Saturday night.
But it didn't come out of them, it was given to them and they don't question it. And all this is an experience that many souls desire, that is what the 3D world is for. I'm not saying that's what the Earth is for, because the Earth all the time, as it is with each star, person or whatever, has multi-dimensional-multi-density aspects. I'm talking about 3D, the human Matrix.
But the 3D Matrix is not everything, nor is it the only Matrix. Many experts on these subjects, in "Aliens", make a serious mistake. As it is there on Earth it is outside, same ideas, same customs. Same vices. Because from there the Matrix 5D as we will call it today, is filtered and the foundations of what the terrestrial 3D Matrix is are established. In 5D it's just bigger, bigger in size, extension.
And the ideas that the experts believe to be human ideas are nothing more than concepts of those "Aliens" imported to Earth through various means, starseeds, direct import, imposed ideas. But as it is there, it is out here. On Earth they have racial disagreements, useless mess between hispanics, blacks, whites, orientals, all absurd. The same thing happens in the Matrix 5D, but between ET races, even among the progressive ones, problems of perception of their own race, with concepts of superiority, of attachments to their Egos, to their ideas.
I'm going to something
So, those who live in the 5D Matrix will dictate what they think should be and what should happen to 3D Earth since they see humans as adults see children, even though they are only children themselves. And this is the first explanation of why the Federation acts like this. They are not all wise and enlightened as the New Age portrays them. They are just people.
It is true that in 5D there are more people with a broader spiritual level, but they are still people and they do not know and cannot know everything. They will only impose their perspectives by following what they believe is the right thing to do with a socially established framework for what is correct because of their very need for integration within the society in which they live.
And just like humans, who can't be bothered to sit and put themselves in other people's perspective, neither can they. Sitting comfortably in theirs. "Elevated" with their credentials within this or another "High" Council full of awards and laurels.
So from the 5D from a certain point knowing that their very lives are a game from higher densities, they like to play to be all powerful Gods that know everything when they are only playing that being basic level consciousness, attached to their own Ego. So things must be as they say they should be. And they don't see what it's like to be in 3D as a human. Because they know that every real human there is just them again anyway.
Because in their need to believe themselves Gods, they have created a mini Matrix like theirs in 5D, but small and controllable one. So called Terrestrial 3D. Where it is filled with extraterrestrials experiencing their lives as ordinary and easily confused humans. That is why you do not find the extraterrestrials from 3D. Because it´s them all. Unable to see themselves in the mirror.
So as I said above... Humans like to have a certain group of controlled experiences for the idea of the expansion of their souls by the contrast that a life on Earth provides them. Short, chaotic, dramatic lives... but with great results of self-growth that ensue.
But since this 3D Matrix is artificial, artificial from a 5D point of view, the system is not perfect. And more and more people begin to remember what they shouldn't. Literally messing up the very concept and purpose of having a life on 3D Earth. The "awakened" ones arrive. The unruly "starseeds" who do not agree with what they see and how life is lived there, because they have memories, whether conscious or not, of how they lived in 5D.
And this brings a chain of events. More and more people awaken. Acceleratingly. Exponentially. This demolishes the 3D Matrix from its original purpose. So those who are up in the 5D want to take care of their interests from their perspectives. Their interests from their perspectives are to maintain the place of "training" of "strong experiences" but with rewarding results. Unable to see what it is like to live within said Matrix, dramatic game, only seeing the tragedies that occur there as part of the very purpose of the existence of 3D. Always thinking that at the end of the day those people in 3D asked for it, they designed it that way.
So when so many wake up, the game is revealed. So they must try to correct the problem using mind control, and all those tricks that are well known to discredit the awakened and the starseeds. That there is no proof, that this is not scientifically validated, that this is imagination and it is not real. But even that fails. Because the starseeds and the awakened ones would die before conforming again to the accepted society. And yes, they die because they also lose the meaning of death itself. At least some.
The point comes where the Federation, who control the 3D Matrix from above, have no choice but to dissolve the entire game and start over. Because too many already realized that it is a game and that from the point of view of 3D it is horribly wrong, and this comes into direct conflict with the Federation regarding 3D as a necessary game for the expansion of souls and consciousnesses. That is why the Federation is perceived as antagonistic to the needs and interests of humans. It's just a mess of perspectives again, and the inability of both parties to understand each other.
This is cyclical. It has happened countless times before. It is recorded in virtually all ancient cultures whose writings survive to this day. They talk about 25000 year cycles, Mayan Calendar, Cali Yuga, whatever. No, it does not happen every few fixed years, but every time the number of awakened ones exceeds a limit. And that is happening today.
This is also reflected in the Old Testament with the stories of the flood, of the Tower of Babel, among others. Always separating humans, always erasing what was before. That is the famous planetary reset, about which some are already talking without knowing what it is. The Rapture too, people leaving en masse.
But it is reflected as they leave with everything and with their body and although this does happen, it is impossible for it to be always like that at the mass level. Which causes the need to create mass exits. Because the awakened ones and people refuse to cooperate with the Matrix, from the perspective of within it, although from the outside yes they agree. Those mass departures are those negative events. Like Agenda 21-30, world wars. Natural disasters. That is why they will always attack the places that are more peaceful, with a high cultural level. For example the invasion of emigrants to Europe.
This has been seen before.
The Earth is for something. To create a series of contextual frameworks in which consciousness, souls can have a specific class of experiences. But to achieve that you must maintain the illusion that the Earth is all there is, you must maintain the illusion of what we call the 3D Matrix. But if everything is too perfectly controlled by them, people will start and start to rebel.
So to contain these small rebellions of consciousness the controllers implant methods of controlled opposition. Martin Luther, New Age, Feminism, Ashtar... And that works for a while. But later that controlled opposition grows to such a degree that it becomes a problem for them, because it destabilizes the entire system, the entire Matrix. And it reaches a point where neither the Matrix nor the society nor the "Awakened" humans can continue to function and they must collapse the whole system and create a new one.
And they have done it many times before. 6 times they have destroyed the Earth civilization and the 3D Matrix before. The awakened ones think they are awake when they are only awake at the next step of control. They simply cannot see beyond the accepted parameters that they are part of the controlled opposition. Because they are still in the Matrix too, only subscribed to their New Ages, their socially accepted Ufologies. Alternative history and other things totally within the same control system. And it is impossible for them to see outside said control system.
That is why they do not validate us and they will never validate us in favor of absurd channelings that are socially accepted (therefore Matrix system of controlled opposition). Although it contradicts its own accepted science since there is neither proof nor credibility in anything channeled. Because everything is Matrix manipulation, controlled opposition. They think they are awake and they are not. They only destabilize the system to the degree that the controllers are left with no choice but to destroy the Matrix and build a new one with new ideas and parameters.
Because at the end of the day this is not, I repeat, it is NOT a planet of free will as it is painted. Only free will from the cosmological point of view because that is an inescapable truth, but at the cosmos level. On Earth everything is agitated, they must maintain an illusion of reality of how things should be or precisely because of cosmological free will that Matrix will tend to inexorably collapse as it is now.
So they must lead people to believe a series of things, laws and ideas and that is already collapsing in favor of their systems of controlled opposition. This is where you have that idea that if there is more than 51% awakened humans, a reaction is created where everything changes in their favor.
Yes, but in favor of what? In favor of false awakening, in favor of another Matrix belief system, such as New Age. Which is not real either. Which is what creates a disparity or a division within the Matrix between the "Awakened" on the one hand and the "Sleeping Matrixed" ones on the other. Destabilizing the system, destabilizing the entire Matrix.
So they have no choice but to implement extreme control measures while putting in place everything necessary to throw off, destroy, reset the Matrix. That is what you see today.
And Trump, Q anon and all of that is just a minor struggle for control at superficial levels of the Deep State that serves as another method of Controlled Opposition while they finish putting their pieces in order.
They already have the New Matrix ready. Ready cities in China, for example, for millions. They are new, gigantic, and high-tech. They are complete and there are many (I do not want to say how many but many). And they are not the only ones.
They are completely empty. They only have Chinese army guards there. Ready for its inhabitants who will be completely under the control of the Matrix, with a completely transhumanistic world. It will not be only for the "Chinese" there but it is for the people that the Cabal, the "Controllers" have chosen to continue populating the Earth, sample inhabitants from all over the world. This means that necessarily millions will die. And that's what the vaccine is for, that´s the danger here.
Robert: Thank you. Yazhí. Have you seen those civilizations disappear? Previous ones?