08-05-2022, 05:41 PM
It would seem that the Harvest-time's prime catalyst for Choice-making is being mediated largely through the human being's stance vis a vis this very issue, for it is a master-stroke of Vantablack-dark Big Lie deception being suggestively one notch shy of outright coercion offered by STS in the full light of day for its free-will acceptance by those who will not wield the type of holistic nonlinear-systems counterintelligential thought required to descry its monstrously weird, improbable pattern dependent on the ancientest trade-freedom-for-security ploy -- and politely but firmly reject the offering.
Circa July, 2020:
I love my mask. It's a simple and effective way to display my righteousness. Am I concerned that two children in China died because they were forced to wear a mask in gym class? NOPE! I concerned that I’m contributing to an impending socialist technocracy that will enslave the global population? NO! Am I concerned that my mask is symbolic of my compliance to the social conditioning that will eventually lead to the forced vaccination of every man, woman, and child on planet earth? Not a chance!
Why am I not concerned you ask? Because I decided a long time ago that shallow insignificant gestures are a much easier way to showcase my morality than actually being moral. Because in order to be a really good person, I need to stand up to a really bad person, and I don’t like standing up to or for anything. It's much easier to trick my mind into thinking compliance is a virtue instead of what it really is, cowardice.